Instructions below:
Sacks, & Peca, E. (2020). Confronting the culture of care: A call to end
disrespect, discrimination, and detainment of women and newborns in health
facilities everywhereLinks to an external site.. BMC Pregnancy and
Childbirth, 20(1), 249–249.
B. Include the following sections (detailed criteria listed below and in
the Grading Rubric):
I. Application of Course Knowledge:
a. Identify and describe three actions you can take as an NP to
mitigate the social impacts on marginalized women and/or
b. Discuss the role of federal, state(California), and local health
policy in the marginalization of women, children, and childbearing
c. Identify one policy that impacts marginalized groups (include
whether the policy is at the federal, state(California), or local
d. Discuss how the selected policy impacts marginalized groups
either positively or negatively.
II. Cite a scholarly source in the initial post.
Include a minimum of two diTerent scholarly sources. Cite all references and
provide references for all citations. Please write each question out and answer
the questions underneath. It should be easy to read and you should’nt have to
search for the answers. APA references should be within 5 years.
Scholarly references guide:
Peer-reviewed – How do I find peer-reviewed articles?
• Journal article requirements:
o Applicable to the population under discussion.
o Published within the last 5 years.
• Current Clinical Practice Guidelines (CPG)- Finding Clinical Practice Guidelines – may be
older than 5
years, depending on the last review.
• Intended for clinicians (Nurse Practitioners, Physicians, Physician’s Assistants)
• Directly related to the situation that you are researching (Ex: Sources for treatment of
strep pharyngitis
in cancer patients should not be used as rationale for treatment decisions if your patient
does not have
• Studies should be based on human research.
Sources to AVOID using:
• Nursing and Allied Health Journals: For the purposes of this program, the information in
reviewed nursing journals is correct but not suRiciently detailed; Clinician-level journals
appropriate for graduate-level education.
• Summary Websites: Do not use disease-specific websites and clinician sources such as
MayoClinic, Up-to-Date, CDC,, WebMD, hospital websites, etc. The information
from these
sources may not be current or is provided as a quick reference summary. As a graduate NP
you need to understand the science behind the practice. EXCEPTION: ICD-10 and CPT
codes may be
researched and cited from Internet sources.
• General Healthcare Websites: Websites that provide the layperson with information but
are not
meant for professionals. These could include .org or .edu websites, blogs, or commercial
• Evidence Summaries within Databases: Health sciences databases often provide access
to evidence
summaries to support evidence-based practice. While the evidence summaries you find
are a useful
starting point for your research, you will want to use and cite the original publications that
summaries are based on. To assist you with finding original publications see the
Chamberlain Library
FAQ What is an original research or single study article, and how do I find it in the library
• Textbooks: Textbooks provide an overview of key information, but, again, are not suRicient
facilitate scholarly discussion. This includes e-books.