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Implementation Plan

Nurse practitioner APRN health related in primary care setting treating chronic diseases.


Now that you have an idea of the critical questions, the common barriers, and the important principles associated with implementing change, you should be able to strategize your implementation plan more savily.

There are four steps to the development of an effective plan for implementing change:

· Create awareness and interest

· Build knowledge and commitment

· Promote action and adoption

· Pursue integration and sustained use

Keeping these steps in mind, you will create an implementation plan for your proposed practice change or improvement project. 


Download the 
implementation plan template (Word)Links to an external site., make a copy with your name in the title, and complete the following steps.

Review the assigned reading by Cullen et al., 
Iowa Framework and StrategiesLinks to an external site.– Website:
Iowa Implementation for Sustainability Framework

1. See the following resources: I
mplementation Strategies (PDF)Links to an external site. and 
Implementation Framework (PDF)Links to an external site.. wEBSITE

2. Review a 
student example of an implementation plan (PDF)Links to an external site. -SCREENSHOTS BELOW OF STUDENT EXAMPLE

3. Review the grading rubric.

4. Complete all four sections of the plan:

a. Gaining support from front-line staff

b. Gaining support from key decision-makers and stakeholders

c. Building an effective team—think about who and what change theory concepts may apply

d. Developing strategies to maintain the change

5. Remember to fill out each column, including:

a. Rationale for the strategy—why are you using this strategy?

b. Resources needed—money, people, supplies

c. Time frames—estimate when you would do this step and over what time period (e.g., in the next 2–3 months)

d. Potential barriers—e.g., staff unable to attend meetings, lack of financial resources, etc.

6. If you have any questions, pl3eae ask me


Implementation Plan Rubric




Implementation strategies for use with front-line staff

8 to >7 pts

Meets Criterion

Describes four evidence-based implementation strategies for use with front-line staff (1 point each) Provides rationale, resources needed, time frame, and potential barriers for each (1 point each)

7 to >0 pts

Partially Meets Criterion

Does not describe four evidence-based implementation strategies for use with front-line staff (1 point each) Does not provide appropriate rationale, resources needed, time frame, and/or potential barriers for each (1 point each)

/ 8 pts

Strategies for use with key stakeholders/decision-makers, e.g., administrators

8 to >7 pts

Meets Criterion

Describes four implementation strategies for use with key stakeholders/decision-makers (1 point each) Provides rationale, resources needed, time frame, and potential barriers for each (1 point each)

7 to >0 pts

Partially Meets Criterion

Does not describe four key stakeholders/decision-makers (1 point each) Does not provide appropriate rationale, resources needed, time frame, and/or potential barriers for each (1 point each)

/ 8 pts

Strategies to create an effective team

8 to >7 pts

Meets Criterion

Describes four strategies to create an effective team (1 point each), using change theory to support and including specific team membership Provides rationale, resources needed, time frame, and potential barriers for each (1 point each)

7 to >0 pts

Partially Meets Criterion

Does not describe four strategies to create an effective team (1 point each) or does not use change theory or include specific team members Does not provide appropriate rationale, resources needed, time frame, and/or potential barriers for each (1 point each)

/ 8 pts

Implementation strategies for maintaining change

8 to >7 pts

Meets Criterion

Describes four evidence-based implementation strategies for maintaining change (1 point each) Provides rationale, resources needed, time frame, and potential barriers for each (1 point each)

7 to >0 pts

Partially Meets Criterion

Does not describe four evidence-based implementation strategies for maintaining change (1 point each) Does not provide appropriate rationale, resources needed, time frame, and/or potential barriers for each (1 point each)

/ 8 pts

Total Points: 0










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