In class, we discussed the difficulties associated with efforts at rehabilitation of offenders. Discuss your own opinion of such efforts, including whether we ought to devote more funds and resources to rehabilitation programs (and if so, how would that be managed?). Be sure to address the difficulties mentioned in class, and use outside sources (appropriately cited and referenced) in a 2-3 page paper. Include information derived from the following source and others you can find:
Rubric for Research Paper 30% of Final Grade Out of 40 Points Formatting Guidelines Length: 5-pages, double-spaced Format: APA-style References: At least 5 empirical articles are required. Content
Rubric for Research Paper 30% of Final Grade Out of 40 Points Formatting Guidelines Length: 5-pages, double-spaced Format: APA-style References: At least 5 empirical articles are required. Content Guidelines / Grading Rubric 1. Title Page [5 points] 2. State a research issue/aim that interests you. Why is it important to