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Information Systems Access Assignment

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IfSuccessful_Status GA_Status_Icon SAM_Logo
ID FirstName LastName AssignmentGUID UserID
false Zaire Haynes {64F49731-53E8-4AE6-8C0F-A0C17B86001A} {64F49731-53E8-4AE6-8C0F-A0C17B86001A}
ID FirstName LastName ProjectName SubmissionNum MaxScore Score EngineVersion
ID StepNumber Description IfSuccessful StepScore StepMaxScore ErrorText ActionName StepActionOrder
ClientID ClientName Employees ContractSigned ProjectStart ConsultantID
1 Biolane Products 5000 2021-07-08 2021-09-01 110345
2 Perosis Medical Supplies 2500 2021-07-08 2021-09-01 110347
3 Dynava Industries 1500 2021-07-09 2021-09-01 110467
4 Locenda Clothing 4500 2021-07-12 2021-10-01 110468
5 Scizu Manufacturing 4000 2021-07-15 2021-10-01 110479
6 Bellismova Corporation 2000 2021-07-16 2021-10-01 110481
7 Skante Corporation 2500 2021-07-23 2021-10-01 110345
8 Oyomm Company 3000 2021-07-30 2021-11-01 111222
9 Pyrolira Testing Services 1550 2021-08-03 2021-11-01 110481
10 Sucoid Corporation 2500 2021-08-05 2021-11-01 111767
11 Isoxo Industries 3000 2021-09-01 2021-11-01 111244
12 Protolane Energy 1000 2021-09-01 2021-11-01 111289
13 Divagen Chemicals 1600 2021-09-02 2022-01-01 111292
14 Trumba Automotive 1800 2021-09-02 2022-01-01 114234
15 Ainyx Steel 2200 2021-09-03 2022-01-01 111222
ComponentID ClientID SoftwareCode
1 1 HRIS
2 2 HRIS
3 3 HRIS
4 4 HRIS
5 5 HRIS
6 6 HRIS
7 7 HRIS
8 8 HRIS
9 9 HRIS
10 10 HRIS
11 1 EMPR
12 1 HRAN
13 1 ICOM
14 1 ONBD
15 2 PMGT
16 2 RECR
17 2 SCRE
18 2 TALM
19 2 EMPR
20 3 EMPR
21 3 HRAN
22 3 ICOM
23 4 ONBD
24 4 RECR
25 5 ONBD
26 5 RECR
27 6 EMPR
28 6 HRAN
30 6 ICOM
31 6 ONBD
32 6 PMGT
33 6 RECR
34 6 SCRE
35 6 TALM
36 7 ONBD
37 8 RECR
38 8 SCRE
39 8 ONBD
40 9 TALM
41 9 HRAN
42 10 SCRE
ConsultantID FirstName LastName StartDate Reside Salary
110345 Jenette Masterson USA 65000.0
110347 Victorina Hogg CAN 70000.0
110349 Marguerite Hathcock USA 62000.0
110351 Sidney Ortiz USA 60000.0
110352 Glenn Testani FRA 54000.0
110453 Bert Hobaugh USA 72000.0
110467 Melodie Trujillo ESP 73500.0
110468 Domingo Brisker USA 68345.0
110479 Sue Heywood USA 49950.0
110481 Tennille Steinmetz CAN 52750.0
111222 Rusty Horrocks ISL 58750.0
111244 Veola Calder USA 59650.0
111267 Norris Huddleston GBR 84500.0
111289 Teresa Ashalintubbi POL 76550.0
111292 Yuonne Keleher ISL 73500.0
111301 Norman Mccain USA 68750.0
111456 Dustin Nuss USA 79000.0
111478 Jeanne Guardiola ESP 75000.0
111499 Debbie Coyle USA 66550.0
111767 Talitha Pries DEU 68000.0
112111 Lorean Huie USA 59000.0
112139 Rozanne Pettit USA 51000.0
112368 Georgiann Mcgrane GBR 54000.0
112456 Brenda Gill USA 72000.0
112567 Elfrieda Ortez ESP 85000.0
112589 Kecia Talamantes POL 55000.0
112741 Laine Califano FRA 58000.0
112987 Taisha Stolle USA 71000.0
113123 Hettie Cho FRA 71000.0
113345 Ozell Moulden USA 75000.0
113456 Sharilyn Sipes USA 65000.0
113567 Danilo Cost CAN 80000.0
113678 Mathilda Bonner USA 54000.0
113789 Rolland Swinson USA 60000.0
113890 Kimiko Felten EST 70000.0
114123 Laticia Lewellen USA 73000.0
114234 Lexie Riner USA 67000.0
114345 Elizabeth Lavalle USA 62500.0
114567 Judyful Meininger USA 50000.0
CountryCode CountryName
BGR Bulgaria
BLR Belarus
CAN Canada
DEU Germany
ESP Spain
EST Estonia
FRA France
GBR United Kingdom
ISL Iceland
POL Poland
ROU Romania
SRB Serbia
USA United States
SoftwareCode ComponentName InstallationFee MonthlyFee
EMPR Employee Relations ¤ 2,500.00 ¤ 50.00
HRAN HR Analytics ¤ 8,000.00 ¤ 50.00
HRIS HR Information Software ¤ 50,000.00 ¤ 1,000.00
ICOM Time and Attendance ¤ 10,000.00 ¤ 200.00
ONBD Onboarding ¤ 1,000.00 ¤ 50.00
PMGT Performance Management ¤ 4,000.00 ¤ 50.00
RECR Recruiting ¤ 4,000.00 ¤ 50.00
SCRE Screening ¤ 3,000.00 ¤ 50.00
TALM Talent Management ¤ 2,000.00 ¤ 50.00
FROM Client;
FROM Consultant;
FROM Consultant;
FROM Country;
FROM Consultant;
FROM Country;
SELECT [FirstName] & ” ” & [LastName] AS StudentName, [_GradingReport].ProjectName, “Submission #” & [SubmissionNum] AS SubmissionCt, [_GradingReport].Score, [_GradingReport].MaxScore, “Score is: ” & [Score] & ” out of ” & [MaxScore] AS Grade, [_GradingReportSteps].[StepNumber] & “. ” & [Description] AS Step, [_GradingReportSteps].[StepScore] & “/” & [_GradingReportSteps].[StepMaxScore] AS StepGrade, [_GradingReportSteps].ActionName, IIf([ifsuccessful]=True,Null,[ErrorText]) AS Feedback, [_GradingReportSteps].IfSuccessful, [_GradingIcons].GA_Status_Icon, [_GradingReportSteps].StepNumber, [_GradingReportSteps].StepActionOrder, [_GradingReportSteps].ID, [_GradingIcons].SAM_Logo, [_GradingReportSteps].Description, [_GradingReport].EngineVersion
FROM _GradingReport, _GradingIcons INNER JOIN _GradingReportSteps ON [_GradingIcons].[IfSuccessful_Status] = [_GradingReportSteps].IfSuccessful;
SELECT SoftwareComponent.ComponentName, Client.ClientName, SoftwareComponent.InstallationFee, SoftwareComponent.Monthlyfee
FROM SoftwareComponent INNER JOIN (Client INNER JOIN ClientSoftware ON Client.ClientID = ClientSoftware.ClientID) ON SoftwareComponent.SoftwareCode = ClientSoftware.SoftwareCode;
SELECT Client.ClientName, ClientSoftware.SoftwareCode, SoftwareComponent.ComponentName
FROM SoftwareComponent INNER JOIN (Client INNER JOIN ClientSoftware ON Client.ClientID = ClientSoftware.ClientID) ON SoftwareComponent.SoftwareCode = ClientSoftware.SoftwareCode;

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