In this assignment, you will design a research study that incorporates anti-oppressive principles and methods. You will demonstrate understanding of how research can be conducted in a way that challenges inherent biases, promotes anti-racist and anti-oppressive strategies, and advances social work purposes. The assignment should include the sections listed below.
Research Proposal
Using the issue from the previous assignment:
- Identify a specific research question related to the marginalized community or population that experiences oppression or social, economic, cultural, or environmental injustice. (C4.GP.A)
- Support your ideas with relevant academic and professional research.
- Discuss how the proposed research project aims to actively involve the selected community or population in the research process and how their voices and perspectives will be prioritized. (C4.GP.B)
- Identify specific participants, stakeholders, community partners, et cetera, that will be involved.
Methodological Approach
- Select and justify the use of a research methodology (quantitative, qualitative, mixed methods, or other research design) that aligns with anti-oppressive principles. (C4.GP.A)
- Be sure to support your ideas with relevant academic or professional research.
- Discuss how the selected approach will enable exploration of the research question while challenging biases and promoting anti-oppressive strategies. (C4.GP.B)
- Support your ideas with relevant academic or professional research.
Data Collection
- Analyze a proposed data collection strategy using an anti-oppressive research lens, including how it will address intersectionality. (C4.GP.A)
- Support your strategy with relevant academic or professional knowledge.
Ethical Considerations
- Outline the ethical considerations to be addressed in the research, including informed consent, confidentiality, protection of participants from harm, and data protection and storage. (C4.GP.A)
- Support your ideas with relevant academic or professional knowledge.
- Discuss considerations for power dynamics and researcher positionality and bias. (C4.GP.B)
- Support your ideas with relevant academic or professional knowledge.
Data Analysis and Dissemination
- Discuss how to interpret and disseminate the findings in a way that contributes to anti-oppressive social work practice, policy, or programs, including considerations for technology and how to ensure that the research findings are accessible and actionable. (C4.GP.A)
- Support your ideas with relevant academic and professional literature.