INTERACTIVE ACTIVITY PLAN ASSIGNMENT INSTRUCTIONSOVERVIEWEffective teachers can integrate cross-curriculum to teach writing. In this assignment, you will select aPreK-8 grade level to design an interactive classroom activity that incorporates writing, reading,vocabulary, and another content area (such as science, social studies, math, or the arts). The goal is tocreate a learning experience that helps students connect multiple lesson components while engaging andmotivating them in an interactive way. You will use at least one scholarly or peer-reviewed article andthe Bible as support.INSTRUCTIONSRespond to each component below for the Interactive Activity Plan. You must submit using aMicrosoft Word document for all components, with the exception of the product. This must be a hands-on activity. Below are some ideas, but the list is not exhaustive, so please use your creativity and do notfeel restricted to the list. If you have any questions about whether your idea is plausible for theassignment, please email your instructor. You may not use someone else’s pre-made activity. This mustbe your original work.- Online escape room- Science experiment- Virtual field trip- Create an original board game- School or classroom scavenger hunt- Living museumA title page and reference page are required. The reference page must be formatted in current APA style.Cleary organizer your assignment with headings and subheadings. The following content must beaddressed in the assignment:• Learning Objectives:o Explicitly identify one PreK-8 grade level of focus.o Identify at least two standards relevant to the activity and grade-level selected. Onestandard must be a literacy standard, and the other must be for the content area that is notliteracy. Remember to include the full standard— origin (including content area),alphanumeric code, and description. You may only use VA SOLs or national standards.o Write at least 1 clear 3-part learning objective for the lesson. Ensure it entails writing,vocabulary, reading, and the integrated content area. Example: “Students will be able to write a short paragraph summarizing theirfindings in the science experiment, using five key vocabulary terms, and earn 85%out of 100% on a rubric.”o How will students demonstrate a Biblical worldview participating in this activity? Use aspecific Bible scripture and explain its relevance. This will likely tie into a character trait.EDLC 632Page 2 of 2• Activity Overview:o This section must be at least 500 words.o Name your activity, it should be explicitly identified on your title page and in thedescription of the activity.o Provide a description of the interactive activity you plan to implement.o Provide an explanation of how this activity supports writing, reading, vocabulary, andanother content area (outside of literacy). Remember to use scholarly support in yourexplanation. Writing: Describe the specific writing tasks students will complete. Reading: Explain how reading is incorporated into the activity (e.g., readingpassages, the use of a read-aloud, an online source, group reading). Vocabulary: Identify and define key vocabulary terms students will learn and useduring the activity. Integration of another content area: Explain how the activity integrates anothersubject area that is not literacy and supports learning in that discipline.o Explain how you will assess students’ learning. Provide the grading criteria for the activity.Be specific and ensure it aligns with the requirements of this assignment (writing, reading,vocabulary, and the other content area). You can either describe it or provide a detailedrubric.• Engagement and Motivation Strategies:o This section must be at least 300 words.o Engagement and motivation are two different concepts. Demonstrate your understanding ofboth by identifying at least one engagement strategy and one motivation strategy that youwill use in your activity. Explain how each strategy is implemented in your activity and useresearch to support the use of each strategy.• Directions & Materials Needed:o Provide the directions students will receive for the activity with enough detail that anotherteacher could implement the activity.o Provide a list of materials and/or resources required for the activity (e.g., books, writingsupplies, digital tools) with enough detail that another teacher could implement the activity.• Activity Components:o Provide the product. This will be the activity itself. An outline or description will not besufficient. For example, if you select a virtual field trip, then you must provide the entirevirtual field trip. If you select a living museum, you must provide a final product a studentwould create. If you have questions about the product for your activity, please email yourinstructor.o You may submit the product as a separate document, and the activity/product does not haveto utilize Microsoft Word. If you create an online activity, please make sure the link isaccessible to anyone.Before submitting your assignment, read through the document to ensure there are no spelling orgrammatical errors. Current APA formatting must be used for this assignment.Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via the Turnitin plagiarism tool
A Mission Statement serves as a guiding framework for your ethnographic/field notes study. It clarifies your research focus, defines the subculture and field site, and outlines your approach to data c
A Mission Statement serves as a guiding framework for your ethnographic/field notes study. It clarifies your research focus, defines the subculture and field site, and outlines your approach to data collection. Essentially, it answers what, why, and howyou are studying your chosen subculture. In 4-6 sentences, respond to the following Introduce your subculture