What went wrong? Cultural Sensitivity Versus Diversity and Inclusion in Marketing
Overview and Thoughts
Culture is a system of values and norms that are shared among a group of people and that when taken together constitute a design and a structure for style of living and methods of exchange. Culture is simply the way of life, including economic choices, social priorities, what society considers to be right and wrong, and also how to process feelings.
By now, many (if not all) successful businesses, both local and international, have realized that the world is more diverse culturally than we ever thought before, thanks to the ease of access to information and exposure nowadays. Also, many businesses realized that this diversity is an opportunity for making more profits as diversity means new markets.
So, more cultures out there means means more diversity, and more diversity means more opportunities, and more opportunities means more profits. Many businesses now strive to please and appeal to as many diverse groups as possible. For example, an American or European business featuring a dark female who is wearing Hijab in their advertisement captures four groups in one (female, dark, Muslim, and immigrants).
Sounding and appearing culturally diverse and inclusive is the way to do business right these days, especially when the world is mostly inhabited by young people who value diversity more than any other generation before them. As of 2020, there were 4.9 billion people who are 39 years of age or younger.
Check out
Visualizing the World’s Population by Age Group by copying and pasting the following link into a new web browser:
Now, what if a business could serve multiple cultures while including
all cultures? How cool is that?
Assignment Description
Meat & Livestock Australia is an independent company that regulates standards for meat and livestock management in Australian and international markets. The company has approached you to provide them with your professional insights regarding their new—and culturally sensitive—marketing approach to increase sales for lamb meat. Your job is to evaluate their international marketing approach, particularly their new
Lamb The Meat More People Can Eat You Never Lamb Alone (
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cI6Hxi6s-Aw) ad, and prepare a professional, organized, and detailed report with recommendations. The structure of the report is outlined in the following section.
The company’s marketing team that prepared the ad believes that the ad clearly and effectively delivers their message to their consumers, which is centered around diversity, inclusion, peace, unity, and respect for all cultures.
Writing Style (APA) and Page Number Requirements
· Font type: Times New Roman or Arial
· Font size: 12
· Spacing: Double
· Number of pages: Two to three pages, not counting the separate Title page and the separate References page
Content Structure and Requirements
· Title page
· Title of the paper (your choice)
· Name of the author (your name)
· Email address of the author
· Class name
· Professor’s name
· Date
· Content Structure
Introduction: Briefly state your understanding of the importance of cultural consideration in marketing approaches. State what aspects of culture multinational corporations must consider when attempting to communicate with consumers in a foreign market.
Advertisement (Ad) Analysis:
Strengths: State the strengths of the ad.
Weaknesses: State the weakness of the ad.
Opportunities: State the opportunities that this ad could open up to the company.
Risks: State the risks associated with the ad.
Recommendations: Provide your final assessment and evaluation, and state whether the ad is appropriate or not, and state the key reasons for your conclusion. Briefly provide an alternative approach, ad, or message that the company could use to reach and relate to the most consumers possible in the international market for their lamb meat.
Reference List
· Use two to three credible sources to support your argument.
· Cite any sources used. The references need to be in APA format.
Provides clear, structured, and data/facts driven explanation of the problem or questions on hand. Ideas are clear and consistent with the task explained in the introduction section.