INTRO TO ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY ASSIGNMENT INSTRUCTIONSOVERVIEWFor this assignment, you are going to work on creating an annotation for two journal articles. Forthe purpose of this assignment, pretend your topic is discussing the relationship between LMXand Transformational Leadership.The first article is:Coleman, R. & Donoher, W. (2022). Looking beyond the dyad: How transformationalleadership affects leader-member exchange quality and outcomes. Journal ofLeadership Studies, 15(4), 6-17. second article is:Liao, H. & Chuang, A. (2007). Transforming service employees and climate: Amultilevel, multisource examination of transformational leadership in buildinglong-term service relationships. Journal of Applied Psychology, 92(4), 1006-1019. will include an APA 7th edition-formatted citation for each of these journal articles. Beaware of commonly missed citation rules:• Be sure to italicize the title of the journal and the volume numbers.• You only capitalize the first word of the title of an article and any word in an article thatoccurs after a punctuation mark.• Include the DOI number. Do not include the link from the top of your browser. This isinaccessible outside of the Liberty network.INSTRUCTIONSYou will submit your assignment in the following format:• Page 1: Bullet point outline for Coleman & Donoher (2022) article• Page 2: Paragraph-form annotation for Coleman & Donoher (2022) article• Page 3: Bullet point outline for Liao & Chuang (2007) article• Page 4: Paragraph-form annotation for Liao & Chuang (2007) articleThe bullet point outline for each of these articles will include a full APA citation and answer thefollowing questions. Use headers to distinguish your sections.Full CitationInclude an APA-formatted citation underneath this header.BUSI 701Page 2 of 2Summarize• What is the main topic the researcher(s) are discussing?• What are the main arguments?• What are the main findings of the research?Assess• Is this source useful in your topic?• How does it compare to other sources?Reflect• How does this source fit into your writing specifically?• How do you plan to use it?The paragraph-form annotation will begin with the APA-formatted citation and include aparagraph underneath that takes your bulleted information above and summarizes it.For this assignment, you have only been provided one additional source. In your Assess section,you will want to find something in the other source that either supports or refutes the findingsand conclusions of the other source.In your discussion of how the source is useful, you will need to be specific on why it is importantto use and exactly how you will use it in your writing to shape your arguments. If you wereactually writing a small paper, which we will do in the Discussion Thread: Marketing, how doyou think this topic would be helpful as it relates to the relationship between LMX andTransformational Leadership?Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via the Turnitin plagiarism tool
The next step in the Capstone Project process is to create an outline and description of the business proposal or business plan you will submit for your final project. It must expand on the Capstone P
The next step in the Capstone Project process is to create an outline and description of the business proposal or business plan you will submit for your final project. It must expand on the Capstone Project Proposal completed in Unit 1. Instructions: Please follow the following outline. Your Topic Statement