Welcome to your first posting assignment. Though you may already know a little bit about one another, please use this discussion assignment to introduce yourself to the instructor and your classmates. Please post at least the following information:
· What is your name?
Laura Dominguez
I’m from Cuba, emigate 12 years ago
· What previous experiences do you bring to this course (degrees, work experience, etc.)?
I work now in Azura vascular with a vascular surgeon
I worked in cath lab in Mercy Hospital
Home Health
· What do you hope to get out of this course?
Learn more about my specialty, be a psychiatric nurse
1. Compose your introduction in a Word document.
2. Check for spelling and grammar, copy the text from your Word document, and click on the topic name
Introductions Discussion to enter the discussion and post the response that you copied from Word.
3. Enter your full name as the subject in the subject line.
4. When satisfied, click Post.
This an example from one of my classmate
Hello, everyone!
My name is Dayana Gonzalez Palenzuela, and I am originally from Cuba. I moved to the United States 10 years ago, driven by a desire for freedom and the opportunity to pursue my professional dreams in healthcare. Since then, I have built a career in nursing, and I am currently working as an admission nurse for a hospice company, where I provide compassionate care and support to patients and their families during difficult times.
I have been a nurse for several years, and I am now pursuing my goal of becoming a psychiatric nurse practitioner. This course is an exciting step in my journey, as I have always had a strong interest in mental health and am eager to expand my knowledge in this field. I bring with me a background in nursing as well as direct experience in hospice care, where I’ve developed skills in providing holistic and emotional support to patients.
Through this course, I hope to deepen my understanding of psychiatric disorders, treatment options, and evidence-based practice. My goal is to gain the skills and knowledge necessary to provide high-quality care to individuals struggling with mental health challenges, particularly in underserved communities. I look forward to collaborating with all of you, learning from your experiences, and applying what I learn to my future practice as a Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner.
I am excited to be part of this program and look forward to the opportunity to learn and grow with all of you.
Best regards,