Assignment 1
Deadline: Sunday 16/02/2025 @ 23:59
[Total Mark for this Assignment is 8]
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Restricted – مقيد
Question One
Pg. 01
Describe basic
and advanced
data structures
such as linked
lists, stacks, and
Restricted – مقيد
Question One
2 Marks
How does auto-boxing and unboxing simplify working with collections in Java,
and what potential issues can arise from using them?
Question Two
Pg. 02
solution with
appropriate data
structure and
algorithm for the
assigned problem
Restricted – مقيد
Question Two
1 Marks
How does average case analysis differ from worst case analysis in algorithm
complexity, and why is worst case analysis usually preferred?
Question Three
Pg. 03
Describe basic
and advanced
data structures
such as linked
lists, stacks, and
Question Three
Analyze the time complexity of the following operations in singly and doubly
linked list and discuss your findings:
1- Insertion at the beginning, middle, and end
2- Deletion from the beginning, middle and end
3- Searching for an element
Restricted – مقيد
3 Marks
Question Four
Pg. 04
Describe basic
and advanced
data structures
such as linked
lists, stacks, and
Restricted – مقيد
Question Four
2 Marks
Convert the following infix expression to postfix using a stack. Show all your
steps including stack operations and final postfix expression.
12 / ( 4 – 2 ) + 6 * 3 – 8
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