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IT Project Management

The instructions for the assignment are in the attached folder.

Work Breakdown Structure for a Wedding
(Individual project)

WBS for a Wedding Spring 2024 Page 1 of 2


The purpose of this Individual assignment is to develop a WBS (Work Breakdown Structure). NOTE: You
will need Microsoft Project for this assignment. Since this will be an introduction to Microsoft Project,
the scope of the WBS is relatively small.

Assignment for the Wedding WBS

The scenario is this – Your best friend asked you to help plan a wedding in another city. You have no
concern for schedule or budget at the moment, only defining the work that needs to be done for the
wedding to start on time and to be successful. There will be up to 100 guests.

As there are different ways to organize a WBS, you should choose one of the patterns below. This WBS
can be organized by functions or by physical locations, choose just one. Of course, there are other
patterns that could be used but these look like logical choices for this project.

WBS Organized by Location WBS Organized by Function

Level WBS Element

Level WBS Element

0 The wedding project 0 The wedding project

1 Airport arrangements 1 Event programming

1 Guest hotels 1 Guest arrangements

1 Church arrangements 1 Catering

1 Reception arrangements 1 Musical entertainment

1 Wedding outfits 1 Floral displays

1 Going away outfits 1 Wedding outfitting

1 Honeymoon arrangements 1 Transportation

Things to remember:

• First, change the MS-Project default configuration settings, see the Project Configuration
Settings section in “Project Tutorials” (Course Resources → Microsoft Project).

• Don’t go overboard on details, i.e., do not go deeper than Outline Level 3.

• Even though this is a small project, make sure you have enough details, i.e., enough sub-tasks to
show how you will complete the Summary Task deliverable.

• Do indent sub-tasks, see the Adding Tasks to the Schedule section in “Project Tutorials” (Course
Resources → Microsoft Project).

• Show the WBS column, see Show the Project WBS Numbers section in “Project Tutorials”
(Course Resources → Microsoft Project).

Work Breakdown Structure for a Wedding
(Individual project)

WBS for a Wedding Spring 2024 Page 2 of 2

• Follow task naming conventions, see the Week 1 Readings, “How to Build Work Breakdown
Structures”, and “What NOT to do in a WBS”.

o A sub-task should be named using verb, adjective and noun – there is action performed.

o A Summary task should be named using noun / adjective structure (NO VERBS) – it
describes what will be delivered instead of what work will be done.

• No blank rows, i.e.,

• Summary tasks and sub-tasks should address only one (not multiple) deliverable (or action).

• Never use full sentences in the Task Name column of the schedule.

IMPORTANT: Submit this file named as “[LastnameFirstname] [Deliverable] Week 1”
EXAMPLE: RowleyGarrett WBS Week 1

IMPORTANT – Use Your Name, but no Special Characters in the File Name

Grading Rubric


Far Above Standards


Above Standards


Meets Standards


Below Standards

< 60%

Well Below Standards


Configuration Settings

Needed for producing
consistent results in the
project schedule

12 Points

All configuration settings

10.7 Points

Missed 1-2 configuration

9.5 Points

Missed 3-4 configuration

8.3 Points

Missed 4-5 configuration

7.1 Points

Missed 5 or more
configuration settings


WBS Structure

Includes appropriate level of
decomposition, uses
Project’s WBS numbering,
requires indenting sub-tasks,
and continuous rows

12 Points

Correctly decomposed the
schedule to Outline Level 3;
Did not leave blank rows in
the schedule; Did not
manually enter WBS numbers

10.7 Points

Decomposed too little (to
Outline Level 2), or too much
(to Outline Level 4)

9.5 Points

Over-decomposition (to
Outline Level 5)

8.3 Points

Far too much decomposition,
beyond Outline Level 5

7.1 Points

No decomposition at all,
stopped at Outline Level 1;
Left blank rows in the
schedule; Manually entered
WBS numbers


Summary Tasks

Uses a specific naming
convention, refers to a single
deliverable, does not read like
a sentence

18 Points

All Summary Tasks follow the
correct naming structure;
Summary Tasks do not use
full sentences in the Task
Name column; Summary
Tasks do not encompass
multiple deliverables

16 Points

At least two sources are 1-2
Summary Tasks do not follow
correct naming structure; 1-2
Summary Tasks use full
sentences in the Task Name
column; 1-2 Summary Tasks
encompass multiple
deliverables (should only be

14.2 Points

3-4 Summary Tasks do not
follow correct naming
structure; 3-4 Summary
Tasks use full sentences in
the Task Name column; 3-4
Summary Tasks encompass
multiple deliverables (should
only be one)

12.4 Points

5-6 Summary Tasks do not
follow correct naming
structure; 5-6 Summary
Tasks use full sentences in
the Task Name column; 5-6
Summary Tasks encompass
multiple deliverables (should
only be one)

10.6 Points

7 or more Summary Tasks do
not follow correct naming
structure; 7 or more Summary
Tasks use full sentences in
the Task Name column; 7 or
more Summary Tasks
encompass multiple
deliverables (should only be



Uses a specific naming
convention, refers to a single
action, does not read like a

18 Points

All sub-tasks follow correct
naming structure; Sub-tasks
do not use full sentences in
the Task Name column; Sub-
tasks do not encompass
multiple actions

16 Points

1-2 sub-tasks do not follow
correct naming structure; 1-2
sub-tasks use full sentences
in the Task Name column; 1-2
sub-tasks encompass
multiple actions (should only
be one)

14.2 Points

3-4 sub-tasks do not follow
correct naming structure; 3-4
sub-tasks use full sentences
in the Task Name column; 3-4
sub-tasks encompass
multiple actions (should only
be one)

12.4 Points

5-6 sub-tasks do not follow
correct naming structure; 5-6
sub-tasks use full sentences
in the Task Name column; 5-6
sub-tasks encompass
multiple actions (should only
be one)

10.6 Points

7 or more sub-tasks do not
follow correct naming
structure; 7 or more sub-
tasks use full sentences in
the Task Name column; 7 or
more sub-tasks encompass
multiple actions (should only
be one)


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