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J. Moore Macroeconomics PowerPoint Topics

ECO231 Macroeconomics

Topics for PowerPoint Presentation

Macroeconomics is the study of an economy as a whole. For instance, when studying macroeconomics, researchers look at how certain factors affect the overall economy, especially when it comes to government influences. These factors can include everything from unemployment to interest rates to international trade. Because there are so many factors influencing the success and failure of an overall economy, there are plenty of topics to research and write about.

Choose one (1) topic from the following four (4) choices:

Macroeconomics vs. Microeconomics

Discuss the differences between macroeconomics and microeconomics. While macroeconomics looks at how an economy performs as a whole, microeconomics focuses on supply and demand when it comes to individual companies, industries and people. For this topic, outline all of the differences between the two and also describe how they complement each other.

Macroeconomics in Unemployment

Explore the facets of this issue, including the various types of unemployment, including real wage unemployment, frictional unemployment, cyclical unemployment, geographical unemployment, structural unemployment and casual unemployment. Research each type of unemployment and discuss what causes unemployment and government policies that affect unemployment.

Macroeconomic Equilibrium

Discuss Macroeconomic equilibrium. Macroeconomic equilibrium happens when aggregate demand intersects with aggregate supply. Research what aggregate demand and aggregate supply are and how they play a role in macroeconomic equilibrium. In addition, discover how this intersection affects economic growth in an economy.

Macroeconomics in International Trade

Because international trade is vital to the development of a country, this topic will help you discover what makes some countries thrive and others fail. Include information about “absolute advantage,” which refers to companies that can produce goods for lower costs than companies in other countries. Also include information about balance of payment, a type of transactions record in international trade.


1. Choose a topic

2. Research your chosen topic. Present your topic that exhibit you have full understanding and knowledge of your chosen topic. Your presentation should demonstrate that you have full knowledge and would feel comfortable talking about your chosen topic.

3. Use the PowerPoint 7 x 7 rule: 7 bullets per slide max: 7 words per bullet.

4. Incorporate speaker notes in the notes pane at the bottom of each slide. The speaker notes should further explain each bullet.

5. Incorporate appropriate animations, transitions, and graphics.

6. Be sure to include citations for quotations and paraphrases with references in APA format and style.

7. Length: 10 – 15 slides (with a separate reference slide and title slide)

8. Upload the completed assignment as you would other assignments.

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