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Job Analysis Data Collection

Choose one of the following two options for this assignment.

· Option 1: Job Analysis Questionnaire and Analysis.

· Option 2: Job Observation and Analysis.

Both options will be graded on the same criteria. Select the best option for you to have access to the appropriate job experts. Collect data as soon as possible. You can build upon data collected during Week 3 or early in Week 4 for this assignment. The Additional Requirements are the same for each option.

Option 1: Job Analysis Questionnaire and Analysis

The purpose of a JAQ is to gather quantitative data from job experts to identify critical tasks and KSAOs for successful performance on the job.

Data Collection and Analysis/Interpretation

Complete the following:

· Create a JAQ, including the 10–15 tasks and 10–15 competencies or KSAOs from the Week 3 assignment.

· Administer the JAQ to 3–5 job expert incumbents in the job.

· Enter JAQ ratings into a spreadsheet such as Excel or statistical software such as SPSS, and compute the mean and standard deviation.

· Identify the critical tasks by applying a cutoff of “3 = important” for mean task importance ratings.

· Identify the critical competencies for selection purposes by applying a cutoff of “3 = important” and “2 = needed at entry.”

· A competency must meet both cutoffs to inform selection procedures.

· Create a linkage matrix to make judgments about which KSAOs are needed to perform each task based on your review of your job analysis results. You may also refer to your interview notes from the Week 3 assignment.

· Use the linkage matrix format provided in Resources.

· Tally the linkages to count the number of tasks to which each KSAO is linked.

· Use the worksheet and table template provided in the resources.

· Make a judgment of the most important KSAOs for selection based on:

· The number of tasks for which it is needed.

· The JAQ results (importance, needed at entry).

· Note if any tasks are linked to many KSAOs; those tasks may be considered to simulate in selection assessment procedures.


Write a 2–4 page job analysis report (plus an appendix). In your report, include:

· A brief summary of:

· The job that was analyzed as a foundation for selection procedures.

· The job expert’s qualifications.

· The job analysis data collection methodology used, including how the surveys were administered and under what conditions, such as email or on hard-copy mailing.

· How many JAQs were distributed and how many were received (response rate).

· A summary of the results of your analysis.

· You are required to administer 3–5 JAQs.

· You might not get a 100 percent response rate.

· Tips to increase response rate include sending a reminder if you are having difficulty getting at least three responses, trying to administer it in person if possible, or giving a short time frame to return the survey to you (48 hours).

· You may administer the survey early for the best likelihood of response in case you need to give them more time or if you need to distribute more JAQs.

· If you still do not get at least three participants after making additional effort, document the challenges, how you handled the challenges, and what you would have done differently, and report the results you were able to obtain.

· Citations for at least two scholarly sources that support the job analysis methodology you used, as well as at least one professional standard. For example, “Uniform Guidelines on Employee Selection Procedures” or SIOP “Principles for the Validation and Use of Selection Procedures”.

· Three tables within your document to summarize your results.

· A table with the full task list and the mean importance rating for each task. Make a notation for the critical tasks.

· A table that lists only the critical KSAOs that are also needed at entry.

· The detailed summary with the mean ratings for the two rating scales will be shown in the appendix. Refer to the description of Appendix A below.

· Remember the critical tasks or KSAOs are the most important tasks that meet your cutoff threshold. If all of your tasks and/or all of your KSAOs have a mean of “3 = important” or higher (which can happen in practice), make a notation in your tables to identify the most important tasks or KSAOs, such as those with a rating of “4 = very important or higher.”

· Describe the results in words to summarize the tables. For example, note any important KSAOs that are not needed at entry, and what that means for selection purposes.

· A KSAO linkage summary table.

· See the Example Linkage Table Report sheet in the Week 5 Templates, Worksheets, and Tutorials Excel workbook provided in the resources.

· Identify the KSAOs that were linked to the most tasks and note any tasks that were linked in many KSAOs.

· A concluding paragraph on how the job analysis methods and the results from your study can be applied to inform selection procedures. Recommend at least one type of selection assessment or procedure based on your job analysis results, for example, cognitive ability, biodata, structured interview, or situational judgment test.

Appendix A: Complete KSAO results with mean importance rating and mean needed at entry rating for each KSAO JAQ item.

Be sure to follow current APA style and formatting in your report. Make sure the information you present is organized, is professional, and provides appropriate context for a business leader or organizational decision maker.

Supporting Materials Needed for Option 1

Submit the Week 5 Templates, Worksheets, and Tutorials Excel workbook (linked in Resources) with the following worksheets completed:

· Option 1 – JAQ Template.

· Option 1 – Results for Report.

· Job Analysis Linkage Worksheet.

· Example Linkage Table Report.

Option 2 – Job Observation and Analysis

The purpose of a job observation is to gain first-hand knowledge of the job tasks, how they are performed, the KSAOs needed to perform the tasks, and the context in which work is performed. A job observation is particularly effective for jobs that involve observable behavior, such as physical tasks or interpersonal interactions, and is less informative for jobs that involve performing primarily cognitive activities such as emailing, writing, or programming. You may observe the same person you interviewed in the Week 3 assignment or select another person to observe in the same job.

Data Collection and Analysis/Interpretation

Complete the following:

· Conduct a 30-minute job observation of one incumbent job expert, with their consent, assurance of confidentiality, and ability to stop the observation at any time. It is also advisable to obtain permission from the supervisor to make sure it is acceptable to observe the employee and to ensure you are positioned in an area that will allow you to observe without disrupting the business.

· See the Option 2 – Observation Template sheet in Week 5 Templates, Worksheets, and Tutorials Excel workbook in the resources for an observation note-taking example.

· Take behavioral notes during the observation, objectively noting what the job expert is doing and other relevant information such as how often they do it. For example, how many customers they assist.

· Use quotations, if possible, instead of evaluative comments for any interactions made by the job expert.

· If the job expert allows, you may ask clarification questions after the observation if an action or purpose of an action was unclear, but this is not required.

· Summarize what you observed, after your observation is completed and you are in an area away from the job expert’s view:

· Describe briefly the work environment or working conditions.

· Count the frequency with which tasks were performed, such as the number of times the task was performed (a count) and/or duration (total number of minutes).

· Identify which KSAOs were demonstrated.

· Note any challenges the SME faced and how the SME handled it.

· Identify any new tasks or KSAOs that were not on your original task and KSAO list from the Week 3 assignment.

· Update your list of tasks and KSAOs from the Week 3 assignment based on your job observation. Include a notation for any additional tasks or KSAOs that you added based on the observation.

· Create a linkage matrix to make judgments about which KSAOs are needed to perform each task based on your review of your job observation notes.

· Use the Job Analysis Linkage Worksheet in the Week 5 Templates, Worksheets, and Tutorials Excel workbook provided in the resources.

· You may also refer to your interview notes from the Week 3 assignment.

· Tally the linkages to count the number of tasks to which each KSAO is linked.

· Refer to Option 2 – Task Tally for Report and Example Linkage Table Report sheets in the Week 5 Templates, Worksheets, and Tutorials Excel workbook provided in the resources.

· Make a judgment of the most important KSAOs for selection based on:

· The number of tasks for which it is needed.

· Your job observation results.

· Note if any tasks are linked to many KSAOs and the tasks that you observed in your job observation. Those tasks may be considered to simulate in selection assessment procedures.


Write a 2–4 page job analysis report (plus and appendix). In your report, include:

· A brief summary of:

· The job analyzed as a foundation for selection procedures.

· The job expert’s qualifications.

· The job analysis method you used, and what you observed.

· Your observation notes will be shown in the appendix. Refer to the description of Appendix A below.

· Include a brief description of the working conditions, such as the noise level, physical environment (for example, a lot of standing, sitting, or lifting boxes), interaction requirements, repetitive tasks, or work pace.

· Note any key observations or themes based on your observation, such as something you observed frequently or any challenging situations.

· Note any challenges you faced, how you handled it, and what you would have done differently.

· Citations for at least two scholarly sources that support the job analysis methods you used, as well as at least one professional standard. For example, “Uniform Guidelines on Employee Selection Procedures” or SIOP “Principles for the Validation and Use of Selection Procedures”.

· Three tables to summarize your results.

· A table that lists all of the final tasks in your task list with a notation for the most important task statements based on your observation.

· Include a column for the frequency/duration tally. For this assignment, the frequency/duration tally can inform your judgment on the most important tasks.

· A table that lists the KSAOs you observed.

· In your summary, briefly note the context in which you observed the most important KSAOS and indicate your justification for what you considered to be important.

· KSAO linkage summary table.

· Refer to the Example Linkage Table Report sheet in the Week 5 Templates, Worksheets, and Tutorials Excel workbook linked in Resources.

· Identify the KSAOs that were linked to the most tasks and note any tasks that were linked in many KSAOs.

· A concluding paragraph on how the job analysis methods you used and the results from your study can be applied to inform selection procedures. Recommend at least one type of selection assessment or procedure based on your job analysis results, for example, cognitive ability, biodata, structured interview, or situational judgment test.

Appendix A: Job observation notes. Do not include the employee’s name. This can either be an image of your handwritten notes pasted into the document or typed notes.

Be sure to follow current APA style and formatting in your report. Also, make sure the information you present is organized, is professional, and provides appropriate context for a business leader or organizational decision maker.

Supporting Materials Needed for Option 2

Submit the Week 5 Templates, Worksheets, and Tutorials Excel workbook (linked in Resources) with the following worksheets completed:

· Option 2 – Observation Template.

· Option 2 – Task Tally for Report.

· Job Analysis Linkage Worksheet.

· Example Linkage Table Report.

Refer to the Job Analysis Data Collection, Analysis, and Documentation rubric to examine the grading criteria on which your assignment will be evaluated.

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