see Attached
Read the following passages and answer the questions that follow the passages.
From Vine Deloria (1994):
“While it is comforting to see the nations of the world meet and begin to deal with our environmental catastrophe, we may even now be too late to change the conditions we have created. It is extremely disturbing to see so many Americans wanting to clear cut the ancient forests, overgraze the remaining grasslands, and use the precious water of the continents for frivolous, consumptive purposes . . . It remains for us to learn once again that we are part of nature, not a transcendent species with no responsibilities to the natural world.”
From Joseph Burgo (2015):
“Of course it’s important that parents continue to make their child feel she is loved unconditionally for who she is, but that doesn’t mean uncritical acceptance of everything she does. As they grow older, children need their parents to establish clear limits, standards, and expectations for their behavior. Just as joyful admiration helped them to thrive as infants, in later years parental approval and disapproval—lovingly but firmly expressed—enable them to mature and feel good about themselves…. Contrary to what the self-esteem movement has taught over the last thirty-odd years, children whose parents don’t establish objective standards for performance and who praise everything they do will not develop authentic feelings of self worth.”
For this journal assignment, address the following prompts:
· Locate and list any premise or conclusion “indicator” words in the passages you selected.
· Identify the conclusion of the argument in each passage you selected. Explain your answers.
· Identify the premises supporting the conclusion in each passage you selected. Explain your answers.
· Explain briefly your thoughts on the arguments made. Do the ideas from the passages you selected remind you of anything else you have read or heard about? Briefly explain your answer.
Submit your journal as a 1- to 2-page Microsoft Word document with double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, and one-inch margins. Sources should be cited according to APA style.