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JOURNAL ARTICLE CRITIQUE ASSIGNMENT INSTRUCTIONS OVERVIEW For this assignment, you will select one journal article that focuses on one of the following topics: the importance of reading, reading com


OVERVIEWFor this assignment, you will select one journal article that focuses on one of the following topics:the importance of reading, reading comprehension strategies for fiction or nonfiction text, theimportance of teaching writing, or literacy issues in elementary or middle school grades.INSTRUCTIONS1. Choose one journal articles from professional journals of education (scholarly and/or peer-reviewed articles only). You must choose an article that focuses on one of the following topicsin PreK-12 education: the importance of reading, reading comprehension strategies for fictionor nonfiction text, the importance of teaching writing, or literacy issues in elementary or middleschool grades. This topic must be clearly included in your title on the title page. The articlemust have been published within the last five years and must be at least three full pages.2. Your review must be written in your own words and include scholarly citations in current APAformat for each paragraph, with the exception of the reflection section. The citations shouldcome from the article, as that is your primary source for a critique, in addition to the Bible inthe reflection section. A citation is different than a direct quote. An in-text citation’s purposeis to cite where the information being summarized and/or paraphrased. Please do not overusequotes from the article. In fact, it would be unlikely that you would use a direct quote for thisassignment. Quotes are to be used for profound statements or ones that are so short you cannotrephrase them.3. The assignment must be submitted as a Microsoft Word document. In addition to the content,the assignment must include a title page and reference page. The reference page must beformatted in the most current APA edition. The content of the paper, excluding the title pageand reference page, must be at least 3-4 pages.4. Organize and format the critique with the headings outlined below. If your critique hassubheadings, do not write the questions as the sub-headings. Instead, change the sub-headingsto align with the content of the article. You must write your critique with well-formedparagraphs that flow logically from one section to the next.5. Format the paper in current APA, which means it should be written in third-person language.However, in the reflection section you may include first-person language (e.g., I, me, my, etc.). 

The paper must include a discussion of the following: 

Introductiono Provide an overview of the article. Discuss the purpose of the study or review, its scope,and the primary research question or hypothesis.o Briefly explain why the article is relevant to the field of education.Summary of the Articleo Summarize the key points, which must include: What is the central issue addressed? This would be the research problem or focus. Describe the research design, participants, data collection methods, and analysis(methodology). Summarize the main results or conclusions (findings). Discuss how the findings contribute to the field of education (implications).

Analysis of the Articleo Evaluate the article’s strengths and weaknesses, with a focus on: Is the article’s purpose clear? Why or why not? Were there any limitations or biases in the research? If so, what were they? Is the evidence used to support the argument strong and reliable? If so, how? If not,what is missing or what needs more support? Are there clear implications or recommendations for practice, policy, or furtherresearch? If so, what are they? If not, what recommendations do you have?Conclusiono Summarize the main points of the critique and discuss the article’s significance andpotential contributions to the field of education.Personal Reflectiono Reflect on how the article connects to your own experiences, beliefs, or currentunderstanding of educational theories or practices.o Discuss how the article might impact your teaching, learning, or research. If it won’timpact your teaching, learning, or research, discuss what parts of the article did notresonate with you and why.o Summarize how a biblical worldview provides additional insights or critiques of thejournal’s findings. At least one specific scripture with an explanation of it’s connection tothe content is required to support the summary.Be sure to review the criteria on the Journal Article Critique Grading Rubric before beginningthis assignment.

Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via the Turnitin plagiarism tool.Your assignment must be written at or above a masters level and adhere to the current APA guidelines.

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