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After receiving the Litigation Hold Notice, your next task is to do the
1. Prepare a summary of all your findings in a Microsoft Word document
(Font: Arial, 10; Line Spacing: Double).

Case Study Schedule:
Week 4: Document retention policy due
Week 5: Litigation Hold Notice due
Week 6: Checklist of procedures due
Week 7: Summary Paper (Papers must not exceed a 30 per cent Turnitin
score to be graded)

Details of Summary Paper (21%): Prepare a 8-10 page summary paper in
Microsoft Word (counts as 21% of the final grade) in APA format with 5-10
references (see writing expectations in the Policies section) (250 words per
page). This paper must include the week 4, 5 and 6 assignments as sections
of document for grading. Your summary should refer to the prior
assignments within the document.

Submission Instructions:

Grading: The Appendix A – Grading Rubric will be used to evaluate your
paper along with the APA manual

NOTE: Your assignment is automatically submitted to TurnItIn with your
submission (no need to, in fact, DO NOT submit the paper separately to

APA Tips

1. Paragraphs average 3-5 sentences in length
2. Reference all statements of fact
3. At least 1 reference per paragraph as a rule of thumb
4. Font size and style consistent
5. No first person (I, we, us, etc.)
6. Past tense only
7. Double spaced
8. First line of paragraph indented

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