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Law – Criminal Assignment 1

3 Page paper with references/intext citations Due 7/12/2024

The assignments in this course build on one another to culminate in your Program Evaluation Plan.  In order to plan a program evaluation, we must first understand the program and the needs of the population served.  You may use the elements in bold below as headings in your paper. For this assignment, you will compose a 
3 page paper (paper MUST be in APA) with the following components:

· Identify and describe a criminal justice program in your community (you may use the program described in Discussion Post #2 see below). 

· What is the 
mission of the program and the 
specific population served

· What 
services does this program provide?

· In what way does this particular program address a significant 
need in the community? Make sure to cite the relevant information source to support the need for the program. 

· In what way(s) would the program 
benefit from an evaluation?

· What are some 
ethical considerations in the planning and implementation of this program evaluation?

· If you were hired as an external evaluator to evaluate this program, what are some 
initial steps you would take to plan this evaluation?

A criminal justice program in my community is the Community-Based Correctional Program (CBCP). This is an effort aimed at offering a reformative penalty to persons who have committed non-violent crimes by placing them on supervision all the while they receive/readvance, and engage in community activities (Medina et al., 2024). The CBCP aims to lower the reoffending rate as it is primarily based on the recognition of the reasons clients tend to commit a crime, such as drug and alcohol dependencies, illiteracy, and no job (Medina et al., 2024). Some of the services it provides include counselling services, vocational training, educational services, substance abuse treatment services among others with an overall view of assisting participant’s re-entry and successful reintegration into the society.

CBCP works in tandem with local police, other social service providers, and community groups to make sure the offender gets all the help they need (Medina et al., 2024). Through the participation of community members in the correctiveness of the program, they assume the responsibility of protecting the public and offenders’ reforming. Thus serving the dual purpose of helping the participants to be self-reliant and productive members of the society while at the same time, reducing the dangers posed by reformed but still dangerous criminals in the society.

The purpose of the Community-Based Correctional Program (CBCP) is to offer efficient non-custodial measures that allow offenders to work on their personal transformation and help prevent criminal behaviour among them. The goal of the program is to help non-violent criminals reintegrate into society and turn their lives around for the better by addressing the factors that led to criminal activities (Latessa & Lovins, 2019). The CBCP’s objectives encompass the thoughts that by participating in the programme, people will find better educational employment opportunities, get efficient substance use treatment, and reintegrate into the community effectively (Latessa & Lovins, 2019). Thus, the program aims at decreasing the general rate of crime and take off the pressure from the conventional correctional fa

The correctional centres mainly focus on the non-violent offenders who have been convicted of least serious offences and who have low potential of repeating their offences (Latessa & Lovins, 2019). Such a population is made of persons who use some illicit substances, have psychological disorders, or are from a low standard of living to engage in criminal activities. In this regard, the CBCP can ensure that the approaches used to take them through the program are responsive to the needs of this particular group so as to enhance the chances of transforming them and making them productive members of the society without the possibility of repeating the same crime aga

In order to determine the effectiveness of the CBCP, it is crucial to establish and monitor specific objectives that are connected to the program’s goals and tasks. One of the major impacts include the reduction in the rates of recidivism among the participants of the program. This can be done by assessing the rate of recidivism whereby the number of participants who are arrested or charge with new crimes within a given time frame after the completion of the program (Medina et al., 2024). A lower recidivism would mean that the program has been successful in the reduction of crime and improvement of the convict’s behaviour in the society.

Another crucial effect to consider is the change in the employment and educational level of the participants. This kind of outcome can be assessed based on the number of participants who either find decent jobs or finish their schooling / training while in and or after the CBCP (Medina et al., 2024). Higher rates of employment and education are important measures of the program’s effectiveness in helping participants gain the skills and resources to be successful and law-abiding members.

A third outcome that has been identified is the enhancement of substance abuse and mental health status among the participants. This can be done by assessing how many people who have gone through the substance abuse treatment and have not relapsed and also how many people have improved in their mental health status due to counselling and support services (Medina et al., 2024). Health is an important factor that affects criminal tendencies and participants’ well-being as they reintegrate into the community.

Latessa, E. J., & Lovins, B. (2019). Corrections in the community. Routledge.

Medina, J. C., Lopez-Medina, J., & Eidson, J. (2024). Perspectives on Community-Based Corrections. Oxford University Press.

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