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Law SSGS500 Assignment 2

Please read attachments for assignment instructions. 

Overall Feedback

Hi Cristian, 

You did good work on this initial proposal of your topic. Your topic and research question are clearly identified. However, there are rather broad, and you might be posing the wrong question. I’m not sure. You ask “how” strategic foresight tools can help. First, you need to identify what that means. After you identify the meaning of this, can we ask anything specific? Like what kind of tools?

Your hypothesis and variables reflect the generality of your question. The IV and DV variables correspond to your question. But, many of the measurements strike me as variables. I think what I’m getting at is: Isn’t it common sense that foresight strategies will helpful in reducing risks? So, is that really the question? Or, is the kind of foresight?

Also, some literature knowledge would help you situate your question and hypothesis? What are others saying? Where do you fit in? Your later paragraph needs to come sooner and it needs source support. 

Since these elements will need to be address for the final proposal, I recommend that you email me before the next assignment with the following in list form to ensure a successful final research proposal: 

· Restate your research question.

· Restate your purpose.

· Restate your hypothesis.

· Restate your variables (even if they are the same).

Overall, Cristian, this is a good start. See my in-text comments, and please do let me know if you have questions. 


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