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LDR 180


Please review the handout entitled “Leadership, Power, Influence, Relationships & Communication…Tied Together” and then describe an experience from your personal or professional life where you were led by another person. Most importantly, the leader must have effectively used their leadership, power, influence, relationships, and communication for the betterment of a group, organization, or a cause. Please be specific and let us exactly how each part of the model (influence, power, relationships, and communication) positively affected the ability of the leader.

Please also discuss how your role as a follower influenced the leadership process and then connect this experience to material from the course discussing how followers influence the leadership process.

Lastly, please briefly explain what role social responsibility played in the leadership process you described.

This exercise helps one to connect the content to one’s personal/professional experience, which makes the content that much more tangible.


· 1st post: approx. 200-250 words


· Students will be graded based on the following rubric:


Above Average (8-11 pts)

Average                  (4-7 pts)

Below Average            (0-3 pts)

Points Earned


Very clearly and thoroughly answers all questions and provides specific examples relating to material.

Provides somewhat clear answers to most of the questions and provides a few examples relating to the material (some clarity of examples may be missing).

Provides vague answers to most of the questions. Some questions may not be answered. Few (if any) examples provided relating to the material.


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