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Leadership week 2 outline

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Week 5 you will have the following assignment due [read below for instructions]- this week you will submit your OUTLINE for this assignment, to include at least 5 references. You will be required to visit the library. This outline should include at least 1-2 concise paragraphs for each of the sections.

If you are unsure how to write an outline follow the 5 simple steps below and visit the link provided:

How to write an outline in 5 steps

Want to know how to create an outline for an essay, academic paper, or even a piece of creative writing? Here’s how to make an outline in five simple, easy-to-follow steps. 

Research and gather sources

The first step in any 

writing process
 is preparation. For 

academic writing
, that involves researching and collecting evidence to back up your thesis. For 

creative writing
, that means brainstorming and coming up with ideas. 

Once you know what you want to write about, you can start to plan your outline. You can always add new content later if inspiration strikes you, but generally the more content you prepare at the beginning, the smoother the rest of the writing process will go. 

Make a list of the topics you want to cover

When you know what you want to write, whether it’s a researched argument or creative content, the next step is to organize it. The most common and effective way to organize topics is by paragraph. 

Take all your research or creative ideas and group them into separate topics. Remember that each paragraph should deal with only one main topic, so be sure to group everything with their related themes. Don’t forget to connect details like statistical data to their most relevant paragraph topic. 

Consider the best order to discuss the topics

By now you should have a scattered list of topics, ideally divided by paragraph. Your next step is to decide the optimal order the paragraphs should go in. 

Consider whether a topic requires some background information or if the reader will understand it right away. Some topics should be discussed early to prepare the reader for more advanced topics later on. If you’re having trouble deciding, chronological order also works fine. 

Make the backbone of your outline by putting the topics in the order you think will work best. Think of this as the first draft of your outline—you’ll be able to move things around later if you don’t like how it’s organized. 

Fill in the details

When you’re satisfied with the structure of your paragraphs, you can start filling in supporting details like quotes and references to sources. As you may have noticed from the standard outline format example above, it’s helpful to include direct quotes and source material links directly in the outline. This makes it easier to find the source material when you’re writing the first draft—and gives you one less thing to worry about. 


After you create a working outline, you can review it for areas to improve. Sometimes, when you see your topics listed out, you recognize problematic areas. Maybe you don’t have enough evidence for certain points, or maybe your writing would flow better if the paragraph order was rearranged. 

It can be helpful to have someone else review the outline to notice things you haven’t, although that’s not always necessary. Sleeping on it, or taking a fresh look at your outline after a rest, can also help you notice problems you missed before. 


Assignment Instructions:

Leadership in QI Paper Assignment Content

Data to support patient care comes from a variety of sources that contain differing data types. Key activities to use clinical data include identifying the sources of data, understanding the data types and associated methods to work with the data, and identifying the necessary resources to complete your IT project.

The scope of your IT project will determine the level of data access required and the associated data storage needs. Data used in multisite projects will require IRB oversight and often require the execution of a DUA if transferring data outside of the institution or receiving data from another institution.

Identifying and assembling an adequate project team is based on the needs of the project. At a minimum, you will need to include frontline staff that will use the product, a data analyst capable of completing the ETL process on the data, and potentially statisticians to conduct appropriate model building and outcomes analyses.

There are multiple approaches to analyzing data. AI is the latest advance in machine learning approaches that include supervised, in which data is labeled and the algorithm is guided with statistical considerations, and unsupervised, in which unlabeled data is used to infer meaning. While robust, machine learning approaches require interdisciplinary teams and large resource dedication to complete.

All projects require review and potential revision over time. Follow-up and review of implemented programs should be included in the initial planning stages and resource allocation decisions at project inception.

Let us consider the following for the quality improvement project:

You are a new manager on your Heart Failure/Cardiac step-down unit and have high hopes for your floor.

Identify several IT projects that you as the nurse manager of a nursing unit could develop to support the operations of the nursing floor to promote compliance with daily weights for your HF patients.

As you do your RCA analysis you realize that compliance to many of the issues causing experiences on your floor is due to the poor health data literacy within your nursing staff. 
Why is it important for nurse leaders to develop health data literacy?

As you begin to form your team for your IT projects you question yourself as to who will comprise the team.

Who are the various team members to consider adding to the team? Identify their roles and contributions to the project.

Please review the rubric prior to submitting this assignment in week 5, it will account for 15% of your grade. Therefore, your outline submission will allow you to receive feedback on your work prior to the final submission. 

This assignment is to be submitted as an essay- with an introduction, questions developed at the graduate level, and a conclusion to summarize and synthesize key points. APA must be strictly followed. Minimum 5 references should be utilized to validate answers. This paper when submitted in week 5, should be minimally 7-9 pages not counting references and a cover page.

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