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****learning material https://www.edutopia.org/article/8-strategies-improve-participation-your-virtual-classroom https://edtech4beginners.com/2017/08/03/10-top-cooperative-learning-strategies-and-some

****learning material


10 Top Cooperative Learning Strategies (and some tech tools that could come in handy)


Anticipation Guides


13 Student Engagement Strategies That Work

Be sure to review instructions : 

***Midterm Disciplinary Literacy Toolkit Checklist:

1) You will only complete the midterm sections of the toolkit which includes:

2 Engager strategies:(Such as Anticipation Guide or KWL or Brainstorming Activity)

2 reading/writing to learn strategies(1 Think Aloud and 1 other strategy of choice)

2 ESL or ELL strategies

2 cooperative learning strategies

Midterm Lesson Plan for TC Candidates ONLY – See format , instructions , and example in Midterm Module

2) Review the rubric for the toolkit in the module carefully 

3) Look over each example ….They are all different and have different qualities you should notice. In example 2 by Stephanie Hoke pay close attention to the format . 

4) Make sure you write out a full description of the strategy in the left hand column with steps – See example 2 

5) Make sure you provide a content specific example of how to use the strategy in your content field in the right side column – see example 2 

6) Add links to videos and websites where you can find examples and downloads to go with the strategy  ….make sure the link enhances the information you are already providing in your written description and example. 

7) Add visuals from internet images or from classroom examples. However, do not just use examples from your classroom   This project should extend what you know and use …..not just be a visual of what you already do. 

8) Be sure every strategy and resource is cited

9) You can also add comments in the right side column about the benefits of the strategy

There is no required reflection until finals. 

****Upload Midterm Toolkit . Be sure to add detailed descriptions, links to videos and resources, and add visuals to help enhance and create visual interest. 

Reflection is due at Finals 

Remember if you are a also a teacher certification candidate , you also add your midterm example of a T-TESS lesson . 

The instructions and an example lesson plan are provided . 

Check out examples in the Course Information Module 

******an example and the toolkit I’ve been working on are in the file. You can change it completely or add to it. An example is high school is available. I’m in elementary special ed, so it doesn’t have to be high school.

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