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Learning Theories Comparison

Use the Learning Theories Comparison [DOCX] Download Learning Theories Comparison [DOCX]worksheet to complete your assignment. In this assignment, you will consider five broad learning theories and their value in education. Read about these theories in Chapter Two of your Adult Learning: Linking Theory and Practice textbook and other professional sources of your choosing, and cite your sources in the chart. Provide full references at the end of the chart under References.

You may recognize some of these learning theories as overlapping with human developmental theories. In the context of this course, we will consider how they apply in education and other forms of learning. Many subtheories have emerged from these broad theories, and we delve into some of those later in the course.

Each theory has its strengths and limitations in understanding learning processes. Often, education is delivered via a combination or integration of the theories. It is first important to learn their distinctions before we can intentionally integrate them.

You will rank the following learning theories in the order that you prefer them. Challenge yourself to think beyond what you know and really consider how the theories work when they are applied.




Social cognitive.


Use your textbook and other resources to inform yourself about the theories as well as their strengths and limitations and to identify examples of them. Make sure to cite your sources with in-text citations as you go, and provide the full references for them following the chart.

First, rank the theories according to how they resonate with you, or how you see their value in learning. Do this by placing the name of the theory in rank order of your preference in the 1) Name of Theory column.

Summarize each of the ranked theories. Make sure you paraphrase, not copy and paste information from your sources. Cite your sources; but avoid quoting, so you can demonstrate your understanding of the theory. Summarize each theory in at least two well-developed paragraphs.

Explain the strengths of each of the five theories.

Explain the limitations of each of the five theories.

Provide examples of each of the five theories in action in learning. You can use personal or professional examples of your own, pull examples from resources, or use a combination of examples of your own and those from sources. If you use examples from sources, make sure to cite them in the box and provide the full references at the end of the document.

Describe thoughts that you have about the theory. What is your reaction to the theory? What did you learn about the theory or about how the theory applies?

Part 2: Self-Evaluation

Conduct a self-evaluation using the eight established scoring criteria and identifying the proficiency level for each criterion. The distinguished levels of the criteria are listed in the chart.

Identify the level of your performance as either:





Provide a description of your reason for each score that you gave yourself. In this description, you can use first person since you are reflecting on your own performance.

Additional Requirements

Your assignment should also meet the following requirements:

Written communication: Written communication is free of errors that detract from the overall message.

Resources: Support your work with at least three professional sources, such as a textbook, other course resources, or peer-reviewed scholarly resources, which are articles from professional journals.

APA formatting: Resources and citations are formatted according to APA style and formatting guidelines. Refer to Evidence and APALinks to an external site. page on Campus for guidance.

Template: Use the Learning Theories Comparison [DOCX] Download Learning Theories Comparison [DOCX]worksheet to complete the assignment.

Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12 point.

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