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Legal Reasearch W2

Legal Research and Writing – Week 2 Assignment

Secondary Authorities

Use your preferred web browser to respond to the following:


1.     Access the website for the law library for the 
University of Missouri Law Library. If you are attempting to find a case by topic, how do you start your research?

2.     Access the law library for Stanford Law School. Select “Research Guides,” “Using the West Key Number System,” and “Key Number System – A Digest.” How many subtopics are there in West’s Key Number System?

3.     Access the website for Harvard Law School Library. Select “Research Guides” and then “Secondary Sources.” What is A.L.R.?

4.     Access the website for the Thurgood Marshall School of Law Library. Select “Legal Research Guides-Pathfinders” and review the information on A.L.R. What is the first step to conduct research in A.L.R.?

5.     Access the website for 
Thomson Reuters.

a.     Search for “Words and Phrases.” Are definitions in this set classified to the Key Number System?

b.     Search for the most recent “Pacific Digest, 2d.” How is this set supplemented?

6.     Access the website of the 
Department of Justice Office of Legal Counsel.

a.     Which Memorandum Opinion was issued on July 27, 2018?

b.     Who requested the Opinion?

c.      What conclusion was reached?

7.     Access the 
North Carolina General Statutes

a.     Access Chapter 14 Criminal Law and then find Article 6-Homicide.  

b.     Locate and access the punishment for manslaughter below Article 6. 

c.      What Class of felony is voluntary manslaughter?

8.     Visit the 
Howard Law Journal site. Give the title and author of the Winter 2017 comment located at Volume 60 (Issue 2) of the Howard Law Journal.

9.     Locate 60 S.C. L. Rev. 617 (2009).

a.     What is the title of the article?

b.     Who is the author and with what school is he affiliated?

c.      What section is discussed on page 627 of the article?

10.  Access the website for Georgia State University Law Library. Select “Research Guides” and then “Introduction to Legal Research.” Why are secondary sources valuable?

11.  Access the Law Review Commons.

a.     Select the Chicago-Kent Law Review. Using the search boxes, locate an article published in 2016 by Raquel Aldana. Give the citation to the article.

b.     Using the general search boxes at the Law Review Commons site, locate a 2016 law review article written by an author whose last name is Abrams. Give its citation.

12.  Google “12 Nev. L.J.787 (2012)” to find this law journal article. Review page 789. To what does the term stare decisis refer?

13.  Use the Law Review Commons website. Locate a recent article in the Fordham Law Review related to “doxing” (the malicious online publication of one’s personal information). Give the title of the article, its citation, and its author.

14.  Access the website for Washington and Lee Law School Library. Locate “Law Journal Rankings.” Sort the table by “Journal Cites” and review the information for 2017.

a.     What were the three most frequently cited law reviews?

b.     What law review is listed tenth?

c.      How many times was the Texas Law Review cited?

15.  Access the website for the American Law Institute.

a.     Review the information relating to the Restatement (Third) of Agency. In which volume is termination of an agent’s power discussed?

b.     Selection “Publication FAQ.” How do Principles of the Law differ from Restatements of the Law?

16.  Access the website of the 
Department of Justice Office of Legal Counsel.

a.     Which Memorandum Opinion was issued on July 27, 2018?

b.     Who requested the Opinion?

c.      What conclusion was reached?

17.  Access 
Law.com’s legal dictionary. Give the definition of the term 

en banc

18.  Access the website 
Martindale.com. An attorney named Randall G. Walters is with the Dallas firm Walters, Balido & Crain. Where did Mr. Walters attend law school, and how many cases in Texas has he tried to jury verdict?

19.  Access the website for the Uniform Law Commission. Access the Uniform Probate Code.

a.     Is the Code enacted in Pennsylvania?

b.     Review Article 2. If there is no taker under the provisions of Article 2, to whom does the intestate estate pass?

20.  Access the website for the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit. Review the Pattern Jury Instructions for civil cases. What three elements must a plaintiff prove to prevail on a claim for false arrest?


View your assignment rubric.

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