See Attachments
Assignment: Annotations of Beowulf
Read Beowulf on pages 13-77 of the attachment and complete the 6 annotations listed below.
Annotations should be phrased in complete sentences but do not have to be strictly formal in tone.
Note: You are only looking at Parts XXIII and XXIV for this assignment. You do NOT need to annotate Part XXV. There will a total of SIX (6) annotations for this assignment.
Questions: Ask two questions about the work. Both questions could focus on either Part XXIII only or on Part XXIV only; alternatively, you could create one question in each part. These questions should be more than reading comprehension or definition questions.
Comments: Post two comments about the work. Both comments could focus on either Part XXIII only or on Part XXIV only; alternatively, you could create one comment in each part. Comments should focus on your response to the passage. What does the passage make you think or feel?
Clarifications: Identify two confusing words or phrases in the work and create clarifications of that language/those passages in the work. Both clarifications could focus on either Part XXIII only or on Part XXIV only; alternatively, you could create one clarification in each part. Don’t just repeat the dictionary definition for the language. Discuss what you think the author wants us think or feel based on the language being used. You want to focus on connotation as well as denotation here.