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Literature Homework report

see docs below 


1. Download this word document, and erase the instructions. You only need to work with the questions listed below, and turn in your final product.  

2. This assignment needs to include a reference page and in-text citations in AMA format.


Include a reference list at the end of your report & in-text citations in AMA format.

Reference requirements (this includes a total of 6 references needed to write this report paper):


At least 2 peer reviewed journals

a. What is a Peer Review Article? 

a. Purdue Owl AMA References

1 federal government agency (e.g. CDC, NIH, census)

1 local government agency (regional, state, county, or city level) 

1 Community based organization website, report from community site, dataset or
interview (not KI interview given that this is primary data you collected; however, you can use information you learned in the interview and reference the interview in the writing of your report with in-text citation and include in reference list.)

1 news article (asses if article is from trusted source –  ask yourself where are they getting their information from, who did they interview)

Format: Your report must be written in 12pt Arial, single space.


If applicable, name and number each appendix. If you used a graph or table for information or questionnaire or survey to gather information, please include a copy in these in the appendix. 

0. Use the document, “
Understanding and Describing the Community” to help you in the writing of this report. Also, follow the
writing guidelines included in d2l

· Include headings with large fonts to help guide the reader. Remember, headings can be each of the components listed under “components and questions”

AVOID writing from your own perspective/ideas or first person. Remember, you are reporting what the secondary literature/information/data says about the specific nutrition/health issue you are focusing on for your experiential learning. You are simply reporting on information that is already available, and helping conclude the information. 

· Write succinctly. Make sure to clearly present what the evidence is saying, and what are the overall conclusions. 
  Do not only include text or content from your sources, but also help the reader understand what it’s being said. What are your own reflections of the content you are writing about? 

· Spell out acronyms, avoid jargon, and define “specialty” terms.

· Remain critical and reflective when presenting your evidence and conclusions.

· Include your name, and date at the top right corner of your report

Items to turn in for full points:


2-3 page report


Reference list (AMA 11th edition format).
In text citations must be included following AMA 11th format. 

Secondary Data Report

Components & Question

Background (2-3 paragraphs)

Demographics. Who makes up the community?
This can include but is not limited to Age, gender, race and ethnicity, marital status, education, number of people in household, first language, occupation, cultural practices and/or values — Describe what is the demographic profile of the population. Your demographics also include a short description of where the community lives. You may include: city, county, state, tribal land, landscape, etc.

Describe the existing health disparities specific to this community. 

What are typical nutrition concerns and health problems for your particular target group? Explain how these nutrition and health problems compare with other populations. Health disparities can be related to chronic disease, physical activity, health literacy, mental health and other physical conditions.  Are there any differences? Use at least 2 peer reviewed journals. See reference guidelines. 

Describe the most relevant social and structural determinants of health connected to the existing health disparities in the community. 

This component can include but is not limited to the built and natural  environment, housing infrastructure, education level, racism, immigration status, etc. This can also include  access to health care and food assistance.

Health Equity Considerations. Include information about historical events that have impacted the health and nutrition status of the community. Think about the systems of inequity that have been linked to poor health and nutrition outcomes. In addition,
explain what health equity frameworks have been implemented to address the health disparities discussed. 

Gaps in Research & Programming (1-2 paragraph)

1. What is the missing research about the health status and the risks connected to the health outcomes of the community?

2. What are nutrition and other health promotion programs/interventions/policies missing when it comes to serving this specific community?

Future Considerations in Program and/or Intervention Design (1 paragraph –  more if needed)

1. What kind of nutrition and health interventions have worked within this specific community and why? (include description of theoretical models and methodologies used, community engagement strategies and relationship building methods)

2. What future recommendations for programming/intervention/policy are there?

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