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Literature Search Review

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Literature Search Review

Submission Type: 6-to-8-page paper

Details: This Literature Search Review should be 6-8 pages (not including the title or references pages)

Part 1

Review the systematic search strategies and examples in Chapter 3 before completing this assignment.

Part 2

Choose one PICOT question from the Week 2 Assignment. Complete the tasks below to address this question with the following components:

Title Page: Use APA style

Introduction: Summarize the primary intent of your paper

· Key Words: Identify five to seven keywords from your PICOT Question.

Databases: Determine at least three appropriate databases you plan to search and explain why they are applicable.

Synonyms: Identify at least two synonyms for each PICOT component.

Screen Shots: Conduct your search using the identified keywords and synonyms from identified databases. Include screenshots of the process.

Subject Headings: Identify at least two subject headings for each PICOT component from the initial hits in databases. 

Total Yield per Database: The total yield for each combined keyword, synonym, and subject heading across all PICOT terms combined using the Boolean connector AND and OR.  

Limiters: Define and apply at least three appropriate limiters (e.g., age, language, human, etc.). I

Inclusion/Exclusion Criteria: Define and apply your inclusion/exclusion criteria to further narrow results. Final Yield: Identify the final yield for all the PICOT terms across all databases.

Final Yield: Identify the final yield for all the PICOT terms across all databases.

Document: Using APA format, organize and list ten or more studies (at least 10) related to this question.

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