Case study
Class 1 week 7 Discussion march 2025
55-year-old female presents to your office with fatigue. She states she has felt tired for many months and thinks “something is wrong” with her. She denies any rectal bleeding, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain. What else do you need to ask her about?
PMH- HTN controlled on lisinopril 20mg PO QD
Family Hx- No family history known as she is adopted
VSS and Physical Exam is WNL
Hgb- 10.9g/dL (13-18)
RBC- 3.53 m/mm3 (4.3-6)
MCV- 76 fL (78-100)
MCH- 24 pg (27-34)
RDW 19% (12.1-18.2)
Serum ferritin- 16 ng/mL (18-370)
Serum iron- 23 ug/dL (40-190)
TIBC- 391ug/dL (250-400)
Vitamin B12- 450pg/mL (>200)
What is your Assessment and Plan? Please include specific instructions on any medication and education.
· Due: Tuesday, 11:59 pm
· Length: A minimum of 250 words, not including references
· Citations: At least one high-level scholarly reference in APA from within the last 5 years
· Please type on a regular note or in Microsoft Word format, avoid typing in APA format. And use lato if you can