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Management and Business Policy Discussion

Discussion/2 response


Prior to beginning work on this discussion forum,

● Review Chapter 11’s section on Diversified, Global, and Other Types of
Organizations from the text, Strategic Management for Organizations.

● Review How McDonald’s Conquered India
● Links to an external site.
● by Kannan.
● Review McDonald’s Settles Beef Over Fries
● Links to an external site.
● by McCann.

Discuss in a minimum post of at least 250 words. [Note: citations and direct quotations do not
count towards the minimum.]

When companies expand internationally, they do so either because their home market has
matured, or they identify real opportunities in the foreign market. Increasing the number of
strategic business units requires a more complex business strategy. Sometimes the road to
success in a foreign market can be bumpy. For insights into some of the more extreme cultural
challenges posed when entering foreign markets, as experienced by one of the United States’
largest fast-food chains, read Kannan (2014) and McCann (2002).

Discuss in a minimum post of at least 250 words and determine, [Note: citations and direct
quotations do not count towards the minimum]

● Does Beyond Meat Incoperate in an international marketplace? If your company is
not involved internationally, then choose a different company that operates

● Research the company’s international strategy and evaluate it in terms of
effectiveness regarding one of the following issues:

○ Cultural Barriers
○ Monetary Exchange Rates
○ Political Instability


● Assess how your chosen issue potentially affects the strategic considerations of your
organization involved in a global economic environment.

● Propose language to add to the organization’s strategic plan that addresses the
potential effects of the organization’s global strategy.

Guided Response: Review all your peer’s posts. In a minimum of 150 words, respond to at least
two of your fellow students’ posts substantively and provide information or concepts they may
not have considered. Support your position by using information from the week’s readings. You
are encouraged to post your required replies earlier in the week to promote more meaningful and
interactive discourse in this discussion forum. Monitor the discussion forum until 11:59 p.m.
(Pacific Time) on Day 7 and respond with robust dialogue to anyone who replies to your initial


1- Brady

Ford Motor Company operates in an international marketplace, with a presence in many
countries around the world. One of the key challenges Ford faces in its international strategy is
dealing with cultural barriers. Different countries have unique customs, values, and consumer
behaviors, which can impact how Ford’s products are received in those markets. For example, a
car model that is popular in the United States might not have the same appeal in Asia or Europe
due to different consumer preferences or cultural norms.

Ford has adapted its international strategy by focusing on understanding and respecting the
cultures of the countries where it operates. This includes modifying its marketing campaigns to
resonate with local audiences and adjusting product offerings to meet the specific needs of
different markets. For instance, in some regions, Ford offers vehicles with smaller engines and
more fuel efficiency, which aligns with local preferences and regulations.

Despite these efforts, cultural barriers can still pose significant challenges. Misunderstanding or
failing to account for these differences can lead to marketing failures, product rejection, or even
brand damage. Therefore, it is crucial for Ford to continue refining its approach to international
markets by investing in local market research and hiring culturally knowledgeable staff.

To address the potential effects of cultural barriers on Ford’s global strategy, the company should
consider adding the following language to its strategic plan: “Ford will continuously invest in
understanding the cultural nuances of the markets we serve. This includes adapting our products,
marketing strategies, and customer service to meet the unique needs and preferences of our
international customers. By prioritizing cultural awareness, Ford aims to strengthen its brand
presence and customer loyalty across all global markets.”

Ford Motor Company. (2023). Global operations. Ford Motor Company.

Ford Motor Company. (2023). Cultural understanding in global markets. Ford Motor Company.


Hello all,

Fox news is a conservative broadcast network that does offer its services in the international
marketplace. The company has been on the decline for years due to political backlash (Peters,
2024). The network runs put of America and the political atmosphere of the country impacts the
business ratings and profits. If the country is leaning more conservative, it has a better chance at
getting higher ratings and paid subscriptions for its many networks. The company is in a unique
position as it needs to remain loyal to its demographic of conservative viewers while at the same
time the company must find a way to appeal to all political viewpoints so it can continue to gain
an audience. The company needs to focus on how they can gain a competitive edge in the
marketplace globally and domestically. One way to combat this is to ensure they have employees
who the public likes at large and who offers commentary that is conservative yet appealing to all
political backgrounds. Currently, the United States political election is the main focus of the
company as it should be. However, after the election the company will need to find ways to
expand its political network to reach viewers on a global level. The company is finding other
ways to broadcast its networks other than traditional cable stations, and this is helping them
expand their services and reach people on a global level. The company might consider having
hosts on the show that can appeal to the international marketplace.


Peters, Justin. (2024) What happening at fox news is worse than you think. Retrieved from
Trump’s lead in Pennsylvania is gone. Vance’s solution: Just don’t believe it. No, really.

Links to an external site.

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