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Management Question


Assignment Title:

Reflective Journal Assignment

Grade: 10 marks


The purpose of this assignment is to enhance your critical thinking and self-reflection skills. You are required to write three reflective journals during the semester, each approximately 300 words. Each journal should reflect your personal experience or understanding of a specific topic related to the course, your academic life, or your professional journey.

Assignment Details:



For each reflective journal, choose one of the following topics:

  • Reflection on a topic discussed in the lecture.
  • Reflection on a practical experience (project, group activity, or training).
  • Reflection on a challenge you faced in the course and how you solved it or plan to solve it.
  • 2.Structure:

    Use Gibbs’ Reflective Cycle or any other reflective framework. Follow these steps:

  • Description: What happened?
  • Feelings: How did you feel?
  • Evaluation: What was good and what was bad?
  • Analysis: Why did it happen?
  • Conclusion: What did you learn?
  • Action Plan: How would you deal with a similar situation in the future?
  • 3.Deadlines: 06/Apr/2025


  • Each journal must be 300 words.
  • Use clear academic language.
  • Format: Times New Roman, font size 12, double-spaced.
  • 5.Evaluation Criteria: Your journals will be evaluated based on:

  • Depth of reflection and critical thinking.
  • Organization and clarity in writing.
  • Connection between personal experience and academic concepts.
  • Tips for Success:

  • Be honest in your reflections; there are no “right” or “wrong” answers.
  • Use real-life examples to illustrate your points.
  • Link your reflections to the course content for added value.
  • Example:

    This week’s topics were broad dealing with areas of privacy and the nature of capitalism. In class we spent time discussing the meaning of privacy and how it is protected and exploitedin different contexts such as by the government and in the workplace. One of the parts of the in-class discussion that was most memorable for me was the focus on social media and specifically providing personal information to Facebook. Since arriving in Australia, I have learnt about Facebook, started my own account, have uploaded digital photographs, and posted statuses about my recent activities. However, the interesting part for me has been the extent that friends of mine from Saudi Arabia, other international students, trust or do not trust, Facebook.

    I have noticed that although I use Facebook regularly and I have upload some personal information, other students from Saudi use the platform quite differently. For example, I believe that there are five different ways that my friends use Facebook. Firstly, there are students who not concerned at all about their privacy. These people use their real or similar names and pictures and have no problem with posting up embarrassing photos and impolite language. The next group may use a fake name and post up limited photos and information to protect their privacy. Another group does the same but controls the settings on their Facebook and only adds friends who they are completely sure.The fourth group uses only information which is completely unidentifiable, and the fifth group does not use Facebook at all. Privacy is a central concern for these students. However, it is interesting how different students take a more or less cautious approach to Facebook because of the risk of people knowing who they are or using their personal information against them.

    Another one of the topics in class discussed was the use of surveillance devices such as CCTV and how this is affecting privacy. The students had different opinions about where surveillance cameras should be allowed to be placed and where they should be illegal. I was shocked to hear that some nightclubs in Perth have security cameras in the bathrooms. For me, I think surveillance can offer advantages such as providing evidence and helping people to feel safe but I think there is a risk that the recording will be used for the wrong purpose.

    The slides for the week focused on the nature of capitalism. We looked at the differences between capitalism and socialism/communism. A lot of the lecture was related to the advantages of capitalism such as the effect of the invisible hand of the market and providing incentives for people to work, and respective disadvantages such as oligopolies being formed that can set prices and operate monopolies and so on. One part of the lecture that I knew about before was the different approaches that religions take to lending money. For example, in Islam it is forbidden to charge interest when lending money. However, I have heard that Christianity and Judaism encourage the payment of interest to encourage diligence.

    Assignment Title:
    Reflective Journal Assignment
    Grade: 10 marks
    The purpose of this assignment is to enhance your critical thinking and self-reflection skills. You
    are required to write three reflective journals during the semester, each approximately 300
    words. Each journal should reflect your personal experience or understanding of a specific topic
    related to the course, your academic life, or your professional journey.

    Assignment Details:



    For each reflective journal, choose one of the following topics:

    Reflection on a topic discussed in the lecture.

    Reflection on a practical experience (project, group activity, or training).

    to solve it.

    Reflection on a challenge you faced in the course and how you solved it or plan

    Use Gibbs’ Reflective Cycle or any other reflective framework. Follow these steps:

    Description: What happened?

    Feelings: How did you feel?

    Evaluation: What was good and what was bad?

    Analysis: Why did it happen?

    Conclusion: What did you learn?

    Action Plan: How would you deal with a similar situation in the future?


    Deadlines: 06/Apr/2025



    Each journal must be 300 words.

    Use clear academic language.

    Format: Times New Roman, font size 12, double-spaced.


    Evaluation Criteria: Your journals will be evaluated based on:

    Depth of reflection and critical thinking.

    Organization and clarity in writing.

    Connection between personal experience and academic concepts.

    Tips for Success:

    Be honest in your reflections; there are no “right” or “wrong” answers.

    Use real-life examples to illustrate your points.

    Link your reflections to the course content for added value.

    This week’s topics were broad dealing with areas of privacy and the nature of capitalism. In class
    we spent time discussing the meaning of privacy and how it is protected and exploited in
    different contexts such as by the government and in the workplace. One of the parts of the inclass discussion that was most memorable for me was the focus on social media and specifically
    providing personal information to Facebook. Since arriving in Australia, I have learnt about
    Facebook, started my own account, have uploaded digital photographs, and posted statuses about
    my recent activities. However, the interesting part for me has been the extent that friends of mine
    from Saudi Arabia, other international students, trust or do not trust, Facebook.
    I have noticed that although I use Facebook regularly and I have upload some personal
    information, other students from Saudi use the platform quite differently. For example, I believe
    that there are five different ways that my friends use Facebook. Firstly, there are students who
    not concerned at all about their privacy. These people use their real or similar names and pictures
    and have no problem with posting up embarrassing photos and impolite language. The next
    group may use a fake name and post up limited photos and information to protect their privacy.
    Another group does the same but controls the settings on their Facebook and only adds friends

    who they are completely sure. The fourth group uses only information which is completely
    unidentifiable, and the fifth group does not use Facebook at all. Privacy is a central concern for
    these students. However, it is interesting how different students take a more or less cautious
    approach to Facebook because of the risk of people knowing who they are or using their personal
    information against them.
    Another one of the topics in class discussed was the use of surveillance devices such as CCTV
    and how this is affecting privacy. The students had different opinions about where surveillance
    cameras should be allowed to be placed and where they should be illegal. I was shocked to hear
    that some nightclubs in Perth have security cameras in the bathrooms. For me, I think
    surveillance can offer advantages such as providing evidence and helping people to feel safe but
    I think there is a risk that the recording will be used for the wrong purpose.
    The slides for the week focused on the nature of capitalism. We looked at the differences
    between capitalism and socialism/communism. A lot of the lecture was related to the advantages
    of capitalism such as the effect of the invisible hand of the market and providing incentives for
    people to work, and respective disadvantages such as oligopolies being formed that can set prices
    and operate monopolies and so on. One part of the lecture that I knew about before was the
    different approaches that religions take to lending money. For example, in Islam it is forbidden to
    charge interest when lending money. However, I have heard that Christianity and Judaism
    encourage the payment of interest to encourage diligence.

    Purchase answer to see full

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