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MATH Lesson Plan Assignment Instructions Overview Lesson planning is a key aspect of effective instruction. Lesson planning ranges from long-term planning (such as yearly or unit planning) to short-te

MATH Lesson Plan Assignment Instructions


Lesson planning is a key aspect of effective instruction. Lesson planning ranges from long-term planning (such as yearly or unit planning) to short-term planning (such as weekly or daily planning).

For this assignment, you will develop a three-lesson learning segment using the provided Lesson Plan Template. All three lesson plans should be written for the entire group you will be instructing, including any modifications or accommodations to meet individual focus learner needs. For all three lessons, you will use the same focus learner you identified in your Context for Learning Assignment. Each lesson should build on the previous one to increase student independence with the central focus.

Note: In Module 4: Week 4, you will combine all SPE edTPA Task 1 assignments (i.e., Context for Learning, Lesson Plans, and Planning Commentary) into one document and submit it to the edTPA Task 1 Assignment in CORE (Comp MS).






When you are ready to write your three lesson plans, use the provided Lesson Plan Template. The following details the information needed in each section of the template. Lesson Plan Examples have also been provided for your reference.

Preliminary Information

Candidate Name: Your name

Grade Level: Grade level for the lesson

Candidate’s Endorsement: Your endorsement area

Central Focus: A description of the important understandings and core concepts you want students to develop within the learning segment. The central focus should go beyond a list of facts and skills, align with content standards and learning objectives, and address the subject-specific components in the learning segment. An overarching, big idea for student learning in the subject area (e.g., equivalent fractions, persuasive writing)

Subject: Subject area for the lesson

Learning Segment Theme: A learning segment is a set of 3–5 lessons that build one upon another toward a central focus, with a clearly defined beginning and end. You need to list the specific skill you are teaching that falls under the central focus. This should be specific for this plan (e.g., Central Focus: retelling/ Learning Segment: summarizing a story).

Where in the learning segment does this lesson occur? Choose where this lesson falls in the learning segment (beginning, middle, or end).

Lesson Structure of Grouping: Choose which type of grouping you will use for this lesson (whole class, small group, other)

Student Assets

Complete this section if you are in a practicum setting. If you are not in a practicum setting, please list N/A.

Personal: Refers to specific background information students bring to the learning environment. Students may bring interests, knowledge, everyday experiences, family backgrounds, and so on, which a teacher can draw upon to support learning. Provide specifics about the students in your classroom.

Cultural: Refers to the cultural backgrounds and practices that students bring to the learning environment, such as traditions, languages and dialects, worldviews, literature, art, and so on, that a teacher can draw upon to support learning. Provide specifics about the students in your classroom.

Community: Refers to common backgrounds and experiences that students bring from the community where they live, such as resources, local landmarks, community events and practices, and so on, that a teacher can draw upon to support learning. Provide specifics about the students in your classroom.

Developmental: Refers to the cognitive, physical, social, and emotional needs students display that can impact the classroom environment. Provide specifics about the students in your classroom.

Content Standards

State Standard(s): Choose and write the specific state standard that your lesson is based on, including the number, letter, and description. Links to the Virginia Standards of Learning and Common Core Standards have been provided with this assignment. Only Virginia Standards of Learning or Common Core Standards may be used for this assignment.

An example of a correctly written state standard is: VA English SOL 2.7 The student will read and demonstrate comprehension of fictional texts (f) identify the problem and solution.

National Standard(s): Choose and write the specific national standard that your lesson is based on, including the number, letter, and description. Links to the National Standards approved for you to use have been provided with this assignment.

An example of a correctly written national standard is: D2.His.1.9-12. Evaluate how historical events and developments were shaped by unique circumstances of time and place as well as broader historical contexts.

InTASC Standard(s): Choose and write the specific InTASC standard that your lesson is based on, including the number, letter, and description. A link to the InTASC Model Core Teaching Standards has been provided with this assignment. Write a sentence to show how the InTASC standard(s) applies to your specific lesson.

An example of a correctly written InTASC standard is: Standard #4: Content Knowledge. The teacher understands the central concepts, tools of inquiry, and structures of the discipline(s) he or she teaches and creates learning experiences that make these aspects of the discipline accessible and meaningful for learners to assure mastery of the content.

Learning Objective(s)

Objective: Write an objective based on your chosen state standard. The objective should be succinct and contain a clear Condition, Performance, and Criterion. Here is an objective example with each part color-coded (Condition, Performance, Criterion): After reading three fictional short stories, the student will correctly identify each story’s main conflict and resolution from a list of choices with 4/6 identified correctly.


Launch/Hook/Anticipatory Set: Describe how you will open the lesson. This should capture students’ attention and narrow their focus for the instruction ahead. Ideas for this include telling an interesting story, asking a thought-provoking question, sharing a fun fact, singing a song, or anything else that will meaningfully connect to the instruction.

Instruction/Modeling: This will be one of the most detailed parts of the lesson. Explain very clearly how you will teach the skill/content of the chosen state standard and the objective. To do this, provide a step-by-step description of what you will do (as the teacher) and what students will do. You are encouraged to use numbers or bullet points.

Guided Practice: Describe how students will practice the skill/content taught during Direct Instruction/Modeling. This includes teacher monitoring, support, and feedback. Guided practice is intended to help students form their learning in a meaningful way, enhancing their understanding and/or accuracy of the skill/content. Guided Practice can also be known as “Supervised Practice”.

Independent Practice: Describe how students will continue practicing the skill/content taught during Direct Instruction/Modeling. This includes less teacher support than Guided practice. Instead, this practice gives students a chance to develop fluency and/or accuracy with the skill/content. This may include an opportunity for the application of the skill/content. Independent Practice can also be known as “Extended Practice”.

Closure: Describe how you will close the lesson. This should tie the lesson together in a meaningful way.

Evidence and Assessment of Student Learning

Diagnostic/Pre-assessment(s): Diagnostic or pre-assessments may be done at the beginning of a lesson or completed prior to the lesson being taught (pre-test, checklist, diagnostic testing). Describe how you will assess prior learning before the lesson.

Formative Assessments/Feedback to Learners: Formative assessments often take place during the lesson and should provide feedback to learners. Often formative assessments take place during your Guided and Independent Practice. Describe how you will assess student learning during the lesson.

Summative Assessment: Summative assessment is the evaluation of the Objective. Describe how you will assess student learning after the instruction has occurred. This could be in the form of a quiz, test, set of questions, recitation, project, or something else; be certain that this relates directly to the Objective. Note that there may be formative assessments embedded within the instruction areas as students are forming their learning, but the Summative Assessment is the final assessment and link back to the Objective. 

Academic Language Demands

Important Note: Detailed information about these areas is found in the edTPA Handbook. Please consult this for important information about each area.

Language Demands: Describe how students use academic language to participate in the learning tasks of the lesson to demonstrate their understanding.

Language Supports: Describe the support(s) that will be in place to help students understand the language demands.    

Essential Vocabulary: List vocabulary terms that are essential for students to understand during the lesson.

Luo Soe-Specific Lesson Requirements

Character Education: Describe how you will connect to a character quality or life skill in the lesson (e.g., Group work will involve student cooperation and kindness.).

Materials: List all materials that would be necessary to teach the lesson. For example, tangible items, links to planned technology, handouts, manipulatives, or any other item that would be used to carry out the plan as it is written.

Technology Connection: Describe the specific instance(s) where technology is meaningfully integrated into the lesson. Note that technology should be integrated at least once within an instructional area of the plan (in the Opening, Direct Instruction/Modeling, Guided Practice, Independent Practice, and/or Closure).

Supports: Differentiation/ Extension

Planned Supports: How will you support students to meet your goals? Explicitly describe what you will do. List planned supports (instructional strategies, learning tasks and materials, and other resources deliberately designed to facilitate student learning of the central focus).

Exceptionalities (special needs-IEPs/504 plans, gifted and talented, accommodations, etc.): Describe how the lesson will include specific planning, modifications, and/or accommodations for students with special needs. Areas to consider would be students with learning disabilities, physical impairments, and gifted and talented.         

ELL (English Language Learners): Describe how the lesson will include specific planning, modifications, and/or accommodations for English Language Learners

Learning Styles/Student Engagement: Describe how the plan supports student learning. Include how the plan addresses different learning styles (modalities). Also, describe how the plan includes elements that are engaging/motivating as well as elements that support student-teacher interaction.

Extension: Describe how the learning can be extended for students who have already mastered the skill/content. How can these students be challenged while still focusing on the skill/content of the lesson?


Resources: Cite all resources that were used in the creation of the plan. For example, if you used the course textbook to get ideas for activities to include in the guided practice, you would cite it here. For each citation, describe how the source was used in the plan creation.

Research to Support Instructional Design: Cite all research that supports the instructional design, including URLs. At least one research-based source should be included.

Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via the Turnitin plagiarism tool.

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