due by Sunday
Since we will be surveying and studying a great amount of foundational research that will serve you well in other courses related to leadership, this assignment is intended to help you develop your own method for organizing and retrieving important and relevant models and theories. You will create a comprehensive theory matrix for organizing pertinent information on each model/theory. After completing each module, you will submit your theory matrix over the notes and readings. Organizing the notes will include at a minimum:
· Foundations: What is the vital info of this theory?
· Scholars: Who are the major researchers?
· Research: Reference list of some of the articles and publications related to this model/theory
· Notes: Reflections or thoughts as desired
Check out this document I created for you to help you with these assignments. I left it in a Word format so you can download it, and add your notes, research, thoughts, etc. I would consider saving all of your work from this class in this document and it could be something you save and refer back to moving forward in other classes and your work.