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MGT 407 mod 2 case

3/13/24, 3:34 PM Case – MGT407 Principles of Human Resource Management (2024MAR04FT-1)


Module 2 – Case


Signature Assignment: Information Literacy, Introduced level

In this assignment, your information literacy skills will be assessed
at the “introduced” level. The information literacy rubric will be
useful for this purpose. In MGT411, they will be assessed at the
“reinforced” level. Finally, in MGT491, your information literacy skills
will be assessed at the “mastered” level. The grading rubric for
information literacy at the undergraduate level has been developed
to measure student success in meeting the MGT407 Case 2
expectations. Rubrics for the other two courses are included in their
respective assignments.

Assignment Overview

Taking a strategic approach to HR, managers anticipate the future
supply of and demand for employees and the nature of workforce
issues, including the retention of employees. These factors are
considered when recruiting applicants for job openings and making
the best selection decisions possible.

Being able to recruit and retain the “best” employees has been a
challenging task for HR managers. The “best” employees are not
necessarily the most qualified individuals (e.g., those with the most
education or work experience); they are the individuals who provide
value to an organization, complement the organization, understand
and embrace the organization’s mission, help build an inclusive
workforce, and fit the culture of the organization. This quandary is a
result of a number of different variables such as job satisfaction,


3/13/24, 3:34 PM Case – MGT407 Principles of Human Resource Management (2024MAR04FT-1)


organizational commitment, job performance, motivation, and
workplace compatibility.

Furthermore, contemporary HR managers are also tasked with
contributing to peak performance initiatives because of escalated
global demands and competition.

Another important function related to staffing that should also be
considered is building a diverse, inclusive, and equitable workforce.

Case Assignment

In this assignment, assume you work for a consulting firm and have
been tasked to help fill a position for a client company. The
company is a private-sector business located in your home state.
(You may choose a position that is most interesting to you to write

Seek out the latest edition of the Occupational Outlook Handbook
( ) or Indeed.com and research your
chosen position. Assume that this is the position you need to fill for
this assignment.

After you have identified a position of your choice, review each of
the sources listed below:

Roberts, M. (2020). How to post a great job listing. The Balance

Rozsa, Z., & Machova, V. (2020). Factors affecting job
announcement competitiveness on job listing websites. Journal of
Competitiveness, 12(4), 109-126.

Also review parts 2.3, 2.4, and the Conclusion regarding the
content of job announcements and the job pursuit intentions of
candidates. Available in the Trident Online Library.

3/13/24, 3:34 PM Case – MGT407 Principles of Human Resource Management (2024MAR04FT-1)


Create a one-page recruitment flier to announce the industry-
specific opening for the position you are examining. The recruitment
flier you prepare should be high quality with zero errors. Creatively
match the flier design to the client’s industry (include color and
graphics for a visual appeal).

You will also be preparing a 3- to 4-page essay, not counting the
cover page, references page, or fliers in the appendices.

Appendix A: Provide your newly created recruitment flier as
Appendix A in your essay and give your appendix a customized
title. Cite its reference information on the same page. Appendices
should follow the references page.

Include the following sections in your essay:

Introduction: Provide a good introduction of what your paper will
cover. Include an assignment title at the top of the page (as well as
the same title placed on the cover page). However, do not include a
heading for the introduction section.

Comparing Recruitment Fliers: (provide a heading of your

Next, after you have created your own job flier, go to the latest
edition of the Occupational Outlook Handbook
( ) or the Indeed website and research the
same or a very similar position. Note in a compare and contrast
fashion the differences and similarities of the two job
announcements/recruitment fliers in your paper. Use a table
created in Word for your compare and contrast section. Refer to the
table discussing the contents.

Identify characteristics of each:

Critique how diversity, equity, and inclusion is addressed in your
own recruitment flier as compared to the job announcement you
found. Should diversity, equity, and inclusion be built into a
recruitment flier? If so, how?

3/13/24, 3:34 PM Case – MGT407 Principles of Human Resource Management (2024MAR04FT-1)


What other characteristics are in the announcement you created,
but not in the one you found?

What other characteristics are in the one you found but not in the
one you created?

Would you change your own announcement to incorporate any of
the differences? Why or why not? Be specific.

Appendix B: Submit a copy of the job announcement you found
(from either OOH or Indeed) as the second appendix of your essay.
Give your appendix a customized title and cite its reference
information on the same page. Appendices should follow the
references page.

Recruiting Strategy: (provide heading of your choice).

Explain what recruiting strategies you would employ to find
candidates qualified for this opening for your client company.

If your recruiting flier failed to turn up an acceptable number of
qualified candidates for your client, would you implement an
additional recruitment strategy to accompany your recruitment flier?
Explain in detail what you would do to improve the number of
qualified candidates who expressed interest.

Selection Characteristics: (provide heading of your choice).

Describe the three most important characteristics an individual must
have in order to be hired for this job. Explain why.

Conclusion: Wrap up your essay with a few summary statements
of findings you discovered while completing this assignment.

Support your work by using at least two high-quality references
from the Trident Online Library not listed in this course.


3/13/24, 3:34 PM Case – MGT407 Principles of Human Resource Management (2024MAR04FT-1)


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The grading rubric for information literacy at the undergraduate
level assesses student success in meeting the MGT407 Case 2
expectations related to information literacy.

Visit Trident’s Introduction to APA 7th Edition for instruction on
writing papers, citing sources, and proper referencing.

Submit your 3- to 4-page essay in the drop box by the Module 2
due date. (This page count does not include the cover page,
reference page, or fliers in the appendices.)

Assignment Expectations

Your submission will be assessed on how well you:

Determine the extent of information needed

Access the needed information

Evaluate information and its sources critically

Use information effectively to accomplish a specific purpose

Access and use information ethically and legally


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