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MGT430 Internship – Management


‫كلية العلوم اإلدارية والمالية‬
Collage of administrative and Finance Science
Program Courses Descriptions
Course Title
Course Code
Credit hours
Contact hours
Course Description
Academic Skills
The course aims to enable students develop their own selfmanagement and organize their competence and abilities to achieve
successful in both academic university years and professional life in
the future. The course focus in three main skills and knowledge:
learning teaching process, research and methods of research and
thinking skills.
Course Title
Course Code
Credit hours
Contact hours
Course Description
Communication Skills
This course deals with communication skills as a tool for achieving
personal psychological and social adaptability. It is one of the key skills
in the self-development department. Moreover, it focuses on the
methodology that enables students to be aware of conscious
communication and positive interaction with the society, to find a
balance and integration in the student’s personality aspects (Mentally,
Physically and emotionally) in order to accomplish this the course
learn the following: The definition of the nature of communication and
its elements, types and characteristics, objectives and efficient
communication and tools, the relationship between verbal and nonverbal communication, and self-concept, and disclosure of the self, the
skill of persuasion, personal interviews, personal abilities sought by
sectors, the skill of writing a resume, skill diction and effective
‫كلية العلوم اإلدارية والمالية‬
Collage of administrative and Finance Science
Course Title
Course Code
Credit hours
Contact hours
Course Description
Computer Essentials
This course is an essential guide to computing concepts. It provides
the learners with the most important, essential, and current concepts
of information technology. Learners also are given a streamlined,
concise, relevant approach to the fundamental issues surrounding the
world of computing through a balance between theory and applied
learning of these important topics.
Course Title
Course Code
Credit hours
Contact hours
Course Description
English Language Skills
English 001 is an intensive course of study in the fundamentals of
the English language. It is delivered using a blended model of
learning where students are exposed to face to face classes with
native English speakers, after which they compound their learning
by studying online where they perform a number of interactive
activities. Students are also given the opportunity to use their
language in online virtual classes every week.
The course aims to develop a competent use of English in the four
skills: reading, writing, listening, and speaking, as well as
communication in order to prepare them for their chosen Degree.
The passing of the course requires passing the STEP exam with a
minimum of 83 points.
‫كلية العلوم اإلدارية والمالية‬
Collage of administrative and Finance Science
Course Title
Course Code
Credit hours
Contact hours
Course Description
Fundamentals of Math
This course will address the outcomes of introductory and
intermediate algebra. Topics include: basic algebraic properties,
integers, simplifying and factoring polynomials, solving, and graphing
linear equations and inequalities, solving systems of equations in two
and three variables, functions, rational expressions, quadratic and
rational equations and inequalities, absolute value, graphing systems
of equations and inequalities, and other selected topics. Applications
will be emphasized, and numeric, algebraic, and graphical modes will
be used.
Course Title
Course Code
Credit hours
Contact hours
Course Description
Introduction to Islamic Culture
The Islamic Culture course is one of the university requirements for all
male and female students at the Saudi Electronic University. It is
studied at one of the student’s academic levels according to the vision
of the college to which the student is affiliated, and it is taught by a
member of the Islamic Studies Department Faculty.
Course Title
Course Code
Credit hours
Contact hours
Course Description
Professional Conduct & Ethics in Islam
The Professional Conduct & Ethics in Islam course is one of the
university requirements for all male and female students at the Saudi
Electronic University. It is studied at one of the student’s academic
levels according to the vision of the college to which the student is
affiliated, and it is taught by a member of the Islamic Studies
Department Faculty.
‫كلية العلوم اإلدارية والمالية‬
Collage of administrative and Finance Science
Course Title
Course Code
Credit hours
Contact hours
Course Description
Islamic Economic System
This course aims to introduce students to crucial economic issues and
the significance of studying them. Throughout the course, students
will learn about insurance, its pillars, and characteristics, the stock
exchange, its divisions, role, and legal rulings, as well as money
laundering and its concept, effects, characteristics, forms, objectives,
and controls. The course also delves into economic globalization, its
meaning, objectives, tools, and effects, as well as electronic banking
transactions, their benefits and risks. Lastly, the course covers inflation
and its economic impact. By the end of the course, students will have a
strong command of these essential economic concepts.
Course Title
Course Code
Credit hours
Contact hours
Course Description
Social System and Human Rights
The Social System and Human Rights course is one of the university
requirements for all male and female students at the Saudi Electronic
University. It is studied at one of the student’s academic levels
according to the vision of the college to which the student is affiliated,
and it is taught by a member of the Islamic Studies Department
‫كلية العلوم اإلدارية والمالية‬
Collage of administrative and Finance Science
Course Title
Course Code
Credit hours
Contact hours
Course Description
Principles of Management
Passing the first year
This course combines management theory and practices, placing
emphasis on the development and application of competencies
required for effective leadership, including planning, motivating,
organizational control, change management, and decision-making,
using current domestic and global business issues in the context of
ethical, team-centered organizations. The course includes practice in
conflict resolution and mediation, fostering the improvement of
working relationships, using activities that integrate emotional
intelligence and communication skills that help created a productive
work environment.
Course Title
Course Code
Credit hours
Contact hours
Course Description
Marketing Management
Marketing has emerged as a key function within successful
organizations. It is expected that the marketing professional be able to
analyze their market, craft the right message, and develop and
execute a plan that effectively reaches the target audience. Students
will explore how to manage the marketing function within an
organization, including market analysis, target marketing, branding,
advertising, and marketing mix manipulation.
‫كلية العلوم اإلدارية والمالية‬
Collage of administrative and Finance Science
Course Title
Course Code
Credit hours
Contact hours
Course Description
H.R Management
This course introduces the human resource function and related
elements and activities. The course outlines the roles and functions of
members of the human resources (HR) department as well as
educating others outside HR in how their roles include HR-related
activities. The student will learn about the evolution in human
resources management (HRM). Emphasis is placed on the modern- day
importance of HRM and the new corporate view of the function.
Additionally, the student will be exposed to the view of HRM from the
perception of both management and subordinate employees. The
importance of maintaining fair and equitable compensation and
benefit programs will be discussed. The student will be exposed to
practical situations and problem-solving regarding areas of employee
counseling, discipline, and termination. Equal Employment
Opportunity will be discussed for the student to understand its need,
importance, and the legal issues surrounding it. Other critical areas of
training and development, staffing, and strategy will also be explored.
Course Title
Course Code
Credit hours
Contact hours
Course Description
Organizational Behavior
Course Description This course focuses on the analysis of human work
behavior at the individual, interpersonal, team and organizational
levels. Emphasis is on the development of interpersonal competencies
to allow individuals to effectively work as managers or professionals in
the rapidly changing, team-oriented, culturally diverse, and
technologically integrated global climate facing modern organizations.
The roles of leaders, followers, and teams, and their influence on the
culture and performance of an organization are addressed through the
analysis of key organizational behavior concepts and related cases.
Face to Face (F2F) and Virtual (online) classes will each be held once
per week. Please refer to your class schedule for the days and times of
these classes. Your professor will provide instructions on how to
attend the virtual class. Participation in these classes is mandatory,
and to do well in this course, it is expected that you attend all sessions.
If there is some reason you cannot attend a class, please notify your
‫كلية العلوم اإلدارية والمالية‬
Collage of administrative and Finance Science
Course Title
Course Code
Credit hours
Contact hours
Course Description
Course Title
Course Code
Credit hours
Contact hours
Course Description
Intro to Operations Management
Operations Management is one of the three major functions of
business including; Marketing, Operations, and Finance/Accounting.
This introductory course introduces the student to Operations
Management; how products and services are created and delivered to
the customer. Concepts and applications of operations management
will be explored in a variety of business sectors. The course aims to
familiarize students with the issues and problems confronting the
company, especially the operations managers. It will also provide the
concepts, insights, and tools to deal with these issues for gaining
competitive advantages through managing and improving the
operational capabilities of the organization.
Decision Making and Problem Solving
This course focuses on the development of individual and team
decision-making and problem-solving skills. Real world domestic and
global issues will be analyzed, diagnosed, and evaluated through the
application of a variety of quantitative and qualitative tools and
techniques used to arrive at effective decisions and solutions.
‫كلية العلوم اإلدارية والمالية‬
Collage of administrative and Finance Science
Course Title
Course Code
Credit hours
Contact hours
Course Description
Intro to International Business
This course addresses the factors that affect international business
and business expansion. Discussion topics include demographic,
economic, political, natural resource, technology, and cultural
characteristics and the role they play in the advancement of
multinational enterprises. Challenging business and legal issues in
Asia, South and Central America, Europe, the Middle East, and North
America including the United States shall be covered in the content
presented to students. Face to Face (F2F) and Virtual (online) classes
will each be held once per week. Please refer to your class schedule
for the days and times of these classes. Your professor will provide
instructions on how to attend the virtual class. Participation in these
classes is mandatory, and to do well in this course, it is expected that
you attend all sessions. If there is some reason you cannot attend a
class, please notify your professor.
Course Title
Course Code
Credit hours
Contact hours
Course Description
Logistics Management
Course Description This course explores the transportation and
logistics concepts within supply chains. Topics covered will include
tools and techniques used in the design and operation of
transportation and logistics systems and global issues in transportation
and logistics management. In addition, “Quick Response” scenarios
used to handle transportation and logistics issues, in the event of
natural and non- natural disasters.
‫كلية العلوم اإلدارية والمالية‬
Collage of administrative and Finance Science
Course Title
Course Code
Credit hours
Contact hours
Course Description
Project Management
This course surveys the theory and practice of project management in
the context of technical and human resource constraints. Students
learn to apply the knowledge, skills, tools, and techniques for project
activities necessary to meet project requirements. Software is used for
the development and execution of project plans. Taking a systematic
approach, the course follows the main process areas in a project’s life
cycle, including approaches prescribed by PMI’s Project Management
Body of Knowledge.
Course Title
Course Code
Credit hours
Contact hours
Course Description
Public Management
This course introduces students to management principles and
practices, with a focus on public agency administration. We begin with
a discussion on the nature of public administration and move to
organization theory and the effect of structure on administrative
behavior. We will also examine the people side of government
organizations as well as management and leadership within
Course Title
Course Code
Credit hours
Contact hours
Course Description
Management of Technology
This course provides in-depth coverage of the role of information
systems in business organizations, with a focus on their applications
and current issues facing managers and users. Lectures, discussions,
presentations, and student project work will promote an
understanding of the strategic importance of information systems,
their impact on people and organizations, the many ways they can
improve work practices, and the ways they can improve products and
‫كلية العلوم اإلدارية والمالية‬
Collage of administrative and Finance Science
Course Title
Course Code
Credit hours
Contact hours
Course Description
Strategic Management
The course examines the processes of formulating and implementing
strategies, and the critical thinking behind the multifaceted role of
organizations in complex business environments. Focuses on strategy
issues in and between a range of commercial and public organizations,
from entrepreneurial firms to multinational corporations.
Course Title
Course Code
Credit hours
Contact hours
Course Description
This course helps students develop skills necessary to start and
operate a business. Students will develop an awareness of the
opportunities for business ownership and develop the planning skills
needed to start and grow a business. Students will explore the traits
and characteristics of successful entrepreneurs and develop necessary
skills in research, planning, operations, and regulations affecting
business. The capstone event for this course is the development and
presentation of a formal business plan suitable for submission to
potential backers.
Course Title
Course Code
Credit hours
Contact hours
Course Description
Knowledge Management
This course introduces student to understand the importance of
Knowledge for business and management. It presents key concepts
and processes of knowledge management and demonstrates them on
case studies to understand how knowledge could be maintained,
developed, and shared among company personnel. Focus will be on
models, processes and application of Knowledge Management and its
use to create the competitive advantage.
‫كلية العلوم اإلدارية والمالية‬
Collage of administrative and Finance Science
Course Title
Course Code
Credit hours
Contact hours
Course Description
Organization Design and Development
This course aims to highlight the organization design process and its
development. First, it focuses on developing an understanding about
the basics of organizational design, the organizational design principles
to manage change, keeping the design aligned with the needs of the
firm and the different forms of organizational structure. Second, the
course presents the different perspectives of an Organization
Development at the individual, group, and organizational levels of
analysis. Theoretical models will be considered, along with real-world
examples of organizations that have or have not benefited in the past,
or that might or might not benefit in the future, from Organization
Development interventions. Students will learn how to use theoretical
models to evaluate, and will learn, also, how to evaluate theoretical
models in terms of their research and work experience.
Course Title
Course Code
Credit hours
Contact hours
Course Description
Communication Management
Employers are demanding business school students with strong
communication skills. Covers the theory and process of
communication in today’s knowledge and information-intensive
organizations. Develops oral and written communication skills,
including professional presentations. Focuses on the role of
interpersonal and team-based communication in building more
effective business relationships.
‫كلية العلوم اإلدارية والمالية‬
Collage of administrative and Finance Science
Course Title
Course Code
Credit hours
Contact hours
Course Description
Business Ethics and Organization Social Responsibility
This course focuses on the application and evaluation of scholarly
articles, case studies, and real-life ethical dilemmas using an ethical
decision-making model. Students will evaluate personal value systems;
individual, leadership-driven, organizational, and community ethical
issues; and the social responsibilities of global organizations. The
course will culminate in an in-depth analysis of a real-life ethical
dilemma based on an authentic organization.
Course Title
Course Code
Credit hours
Contact hours
Course Description
Quality Management
This course provides students with understanding and knowledge of
the philosophies and methods used to improve effectiveness and
efficiency of organizational processes. Quality concepts from Juran and
Deming will be discussed along with more current quality concepts
such as six-sigma, black-belt quality associates, and total quality
management (TQM). In addition, issues applying quality concepts to
global companies will be explained.
Course Title
Course Code
Credit hours
Contact hours
Course Description
Spreadsheet Decision Modeling
This course provides an introduction to several quantitative methods
used to facilitate complex decision-making in business, with
applications in many different industries, at different levels in the
organization, and with different scopes of decisions. The power of the
methods covered in this class is further enhanced by implementing
them in spreadsheet software, which allows complex problems to be
approached and solved in a straightforward and understandable
‫كلية العلوم اإلدارية والمالية‬
Collage of administrative and Finance Science
Course Title
Course Code
Credit hours
Contact hours
Course Description
Complete 90 Hours
The internship provides qualified students with an opportunity to
receive professional training and experience in an actual work
environment. This Internship is an ongoing seminar between the
student, the faculty member and the employment supervisor. It
involves an Internship Application and Learning Agreement, periodic
meetings with the faculty representative, professional experience at a
level equivalent to other senior-level courses and submission of
material as established in the Internship Application.
Course Title
Course Code
Credit hours
Contact hours
Course Description
This course introduces the student to statistics with business
applications. The course covers both descriptive and inferential
statistics. Topics included are: measures of central tendency; measures
of dispersion; graphical displays of data; linear regression; basic
probability concepts; binomial and normal probability distributions;
confidence intervals; and hypothesis testing of mean, proportion for
one or two populations. The course also covers ANOVA and hypothesis
tests for Goodness of Fit. These topics will be covered using a basic
knowledge of algebra and Microsoft Excel.
Course Title
Course Code
Credit hours
Contact hours
Course Description
Legal Environment of Business
This is a survey course to address everyday legal problems
encountered in business with an emphasis on the areas of contracts,
agency, employment, property, business organizations, and cases
relating to these and other areas.
‫كلية العلوم اإلدارية والمالية‬
Collage of administrative and Finance Science
Course Title
Course Code
Credit hours
Contact hours
Course Description
Introduction to Microeconomics is an introduction to economic theory
involving the examination of how decision making by firms and
individuals is shaped by economic forces. Emphasis is placed on
demand, supply, market equilibrium analysis, and basic market
structure models. The invisible hand as the driving force for economic
decisions as well as market externalities are discussed. The class
concentrates on providing a balanced approach to studying economic
agents’ behavior and the global implications and outcomes.
Course Title
Course Code
Credit hours
Contact hours
Course Description
Electronic commerce is the exchange of information and transactions
between organizations via computers. While E-commerce has been
with us for a while, its more recent implementation via the Internet
has enormous implications for marketing and communication.
Students will evaluate the strategic implications of E-commerce as well
as issues of planning, developing, and implementing E-commerce
solutions for marketing.
Course Title
Course Code
Credit hours
Contact hours
Course Description
Quantitative Methods
This course addresses the importance of applying quantitative
methods and analysis to the solution of business problems using
structured problem solving and specialized data analysis software
tools. Some of the methodologies covered are linear programming,
PERT/CPM analysis, time series and decision tree analysis and data
‫كلية العلوم اإلدارية والمالية‬
Collage of administrative and Finance Science
Course Title
Course Code
Credit hours
Contact hours
Course Description
Introduction to E-Management
This course aims to introduce students to electronic management and
the effects that Information Communication Technologies (ICT) has on
the management process. The functions of virtual managers will be
highlighted in the context of managing virtual teams, resolving
conflicts, and leading from a distance. Students will also be introduced
to virtual communication and politics, in addition to the characteristics
of virtual management in leading teams in cases of High-Risk and
Catastrophic Events.
Course Title
Course Code
Credit hours
Contact hours
Course Description
This course will teach students the basic tools of macroeconomics and
how to apply them to real world economic policy. Emphasis is placed
on studying the economy as a whole. Issues of inflation,
unemployment, the role of fiscal and monetary policies in stabilizing
the economy, the role of government policy in promoting long-term
economic growth and growth are discussed in the context of the
global economic system. The course will be structured around the
tools (models) of macroeconomics using primarily graphs, and
occasionally equations. However, motivation for these tools and
examples of their use will always be taken from current and real-world
macroeconomics events and conditions.
‫كلية العلوم اإلدارية والمالية‬
Collage of administrative and Finance Science
Course Title
Course Code
Credit hours
Contact hours
Course Description
Management of Information Systems
This course provides an introduction to information systems for
business and management. It is designed to familiarize students with
organizational and managerial foundations of systems, the technical
foundation for understanding information systems, the role of
information systems in enhancing business processes and
management decision making across the enterprise, and the process
of building and managing systems in organizations. The course will
provide, also, students with information systems knowledge that is
essential for creating successful and competitive firms. Learning
activities include hands-on projects, application software exercises,
and a running case study. Face to Face (F2F) and Virtual (online)
classes will each be held once per week. Please refer to your class
schedule for the days and times of these classes. Your professor will
provide instructions on how to attend the virtual class. Participation in
these classes is mandatory, and to do well in this course, it is expected
that you attend all sessions. If there is some reason you cannot attend
a class, please notify your professor.
Course Title
Course Code
Credit hours
Contact hours
Course Description
Principles of Accounting
Passing the first year
This course is an introduction to accounting, emphasizing how generalpurpose financial statements communicate information about the
business corporation’s performance and position for users external to
management. Approximately one-third of the course emphasizes how
the accountant processes and presents the information and includes
exposure to recording transactions, adjusting balances, and preparing
financial statements for service and merchandise firms according to
established rules and procedures. Additionally, the course examines
major elements of financial statements such as cash, receivables,
inventory, long-lived assets, depreciation, payroll, bonds, and other
liabilities and stocks.
‫كلية العلوم اإلدارية والمالية‬
Collage of administrative and Finance Science
Course Title
Course Code
Credit hours
Contact hours
Course Description
Financial Accounting
Financial accounting is the basic means of recording and reporting
financial information in a business. After reviewing how accounting
functions as an information development and communication system
that supports economic decision-making and provides value to entities
and society, students will discover the uses and limitations of financial
statements and related information and apply analytical tools in
making both business and financial decisions. Topics examined include
those related to corporate financial position, operating results, cash
flows, and financial strength. Students will study the basic accounting
system and will be shown how the various accounting alternatives for
recording financial transactions impact on the usefulness of the
information provided for decision-making. During coverage of relevant
topics, reference will be made to recent lapses in ethical reporting and
the resulting impact on the financial markets and society.
Course Title
Course Code
Credit hours
Contact hours
Course Description
Cost Accounting
This course provides students with practical cost accounting
procedures with emphasis on job order process costs, standard cost
and profit planning including differential costs, internal profit and
price policies, and capital budgeting.
Course Title
Course Code
Introduction to Accounting Information Systems
This course creates a framework for accounting information systems
by combining knowledge about business as it relates to information
systems, information technology, and accounting. Students will
examine the REA enterprise ontology as it relates to databases that
can be used to store and retrieve information for decision-making
Credit hours
Contact hours
Course Description
‫كلية العلوم اإلدارية والمالية‬
Collage of administrative and Finance Science
within an organization. Students learn that in the competitive
organizations of today and tomorrow, accountants cannot simply
prepare and report information; they must take a more active role in
understanding and creating systems and processes that impact the
organization’s bottom line.
Course Title
Course Code
Credit hours
Contact hours
Course Description
Tax and Zakat Accounting
This course introduces the theoretical foundations and applications of
accounting in tax systems and the Zakat system. Particular emphasis is
placed upon the measurement of taxable income and funds subject to
Zakat, and the preparation of Tax and Zakat reports. Saudi Taxes Law is
presented in a way to assist students in understanding factors
affecting doing Business environment in Saudi Arabia. Moreover, Tax
inspection skills and techniques are presented in addition to
Accounting for Zakat within different legal entities and enterprises.
Course Title
Course Code
Credit hours
Contact hours
Course Description
Principles of Finance
This course is designed to survey the field of finance and provide the
foundation for more advanced finance coursework. Topics include
sources of business and financial information, financial statement
analysis, the time-value-of-money, the nature and measurement of
risk, financial institutions, investments, and corporate finance.
Course Title
Course Code
Credit hours
Contact hours
Course Description
Corporate Finance
This course provides an introduction to the theory, the methods, and
the concerns of corporate finance. The main topics include: 1) the time
value of money and capital budgeting techniques; 2) uncertainty and
the trade-off between risk and return; 3) security market efficiency; 4)
optimal capital structure, and 5) dividend policy decisions.
College of Administration and Finance Sciences
Form No 4- Internship Report Cover Page
Student`s name:
Student`s ID #:
Trainee Department: Program Development &
Training Organization: Saudi Aramco
Evaluation Division, specifically with the Job Skills
Testing Group in the Training & Development
Field Supervisor Name: Nouh A Abahussian
Field Supervisor Signature:
Course Title: MGT430
Internship Start Date: 06/23/2024
Internship End Date: 08/15/2024
Academic Year/Semester: Summer/2023-2024
For Instructor’s Use only
Instructor’s Name:
Students’ Grade: Marks Obtained
Total Training Hours /280
Level of Marks: High/Middle/Low
College of Administration and Finance Sciences
Academic Report Guideline(Co-op)
(please do not include this text in the final report, just follow its guidelines and
use the cover page above)
The report should be submitted within two weeks after you finish your Co-op training Program.
In addition, the report should be approximately 3000 – 4000, single –spaced and consider taking the
following format
General instructions for writing the final report:
The report must be written in English language.
The word limit is 3000-4000.
If the report word count is not within the required word limit, marks will be deducted.
The font size is 12, Times New Roman, justified, 1.5 space.
Main headings use font size of 16 and bold.
Add page numbers in the middle bottom of the page.
Plagiarism or copying from other sources will result in ZERO marks.
This report must be submitted on Blackboard (WORD format only) via the allocated folder.
Your work should be clearly and completely presented; marks may be reduced for poor presentation. This
includes filling your information on the cover page.
Assignment will be evaluated through BB Safe Assign tool. Late submission will result in ZERO marks
being awarded.
First Page
The first page should display the student’s full name, internship start and finish dates, working hours per
week, company/institution name, and the cover page.
The field instructor should sign on the first page.
A Brief Executive Summary of the Internship
A one-page summary of the company/institution and a short account of the major activities carried out
during the internship period.
To allow the student to express her/his thankful and gratitude to individuals (such as: field instructor,
academic supervisor, colleagues…etc.) who help them in carrying out and completing her/his training
journey. This part will aid the students to learn basic elements of academic writing. To express their
appreciation in a concise and professional manner.
Table of Contents
Contents of the report with page numbers, list of tables, and list of figures.
College of Administration and Finance Sciences
A brief of the report. The Aim of the report.
Chapter 1: Description of the company
This section should answer the following questions:
What is the full title of the company/institution?
Give a brief history of the company, full mailing address and relevant weblinks
What is the type of ownership of the company/institution?
State the main shareholders and their shares.
What is the sector that the company/institution operates in?
Specify the products and services produced and offered to its customers/clients.
Who are regarded as the customers/clients of your internship company (consider the end users, retailers,
other manufacturers, employees,etc.)?
Provide an organization chart of the company, along with information on the number of employees.
Provide a list of functions performed by different departments/divisions in the internship organization.
Provide an overview off the production system or service procedure (what are the resources, inputs,
outcomes, andconstraints?)
Provide a process chart of a major product and/or service.
The following questions can be classified as your major fit (Finance, Accounting, Ecommerce and
• What kind accounting/finance/IT//quality/marketing standards and principles are used in the
• Discuss telecommunication technologies (Database, Instant Messenger, Networking, Ecommerce tools)
used in the company.
• Describe the quality planning and control activities in the internship organization.
• Describe the quality control activities throughout the life cycle of the product/service groups
• What kind of financial analysis and decision-making methods are used by corporate treasurers and
financial managers in the internship organization?
• What types of marketing, selling, and human resources analysis are performed (cost system, evaluation
of consumers, needs, product strategy, distribution strategy, promotional strategy)?
Chapter 2: Internship activities
This is the main body of your report. During the internship period, the focus of the training may on the
following types of analysis and questions. You do not have to answer all the questions in the list: •
Describe your working conditions and functions, such as: Who is your supervisor (include his/her name
and his/her position); other team members or co-workers and what their functions are to complement
• Provide a detailed description about the department(s) that the trainee did her/his training with them.
Adding all sub-divisions for this department(s) if it is available. Student can add to this description a
supported chart.
• Detailed descriptions about all tasks and activities that the trainee did them during her/his training
• Gained skills and how they added value to your work
College of Administration and Finance Sciences
• Other tasks that are not related to the trainee’s major that done by her/him at the company should be
included in this chapter as well.
• What types of incentives did you get as a trainee to be more proactive and productive?
• Describe what kind of working documents and analysis you did there and what experiences you have
gained throughout your training. Provide examples of your work.
• A comparison between theory (things you have learned in the classroom) and practice (things you did or
observed at the company) must be made and highlighted. In this section the student can add a supported
table includes which academic course (s) (course title and code) helped to perform training tasks. For
example, two columns; the first one shows the course name and second column shows the tasks
performed and related to this course.
• Show some work samples that you have encountered/conducted at the company through graphs,
pictures, data, drawings, or design calculations and include them in your report.
• Lessons learnt (what the overall benefits gained from the training program)
Chapter 3: Recommendations
• Advantageous that helped the student in completing the training program.
• Disadvantageous and challenges that faced the student and how he/she did overcome them.
• Recommendations to improve training program in the college.
• Recommendation for the training company. Conclusion Sum up and summary of the training
experience. Reference If it is needed Appendix (option) This will help the instructor to have a background
about the trainee and his/her previous experiences. Also, it helps the students in writing their CVs for
future job application especially for fresh graduates who do not have previous practical experiences.
• Basic information (name, city, contact details…etc.).
• Job objectives.
• Academic qualifications.
• Practical experiences.
• Skills this will help the instructor to have a background about the trainee and his/her previous
College of Administration and Finance Sciences
Form Number 3
Internship Student Report | Month: Jul
Start Date: 23/06/2024
End Date: 15/08/2024
Student’s Name:
Student’s ID Number:
Training Organization: Saudi Aramco
Trainee Department: Training & Development
Trainee Supervisor Name:
Faculty Member:
Academic Year/Semester: Summer 2023-2024
➢ This report must be submitted on Blackboard (WORD format only) via the allocated folder.
➢ Email submission will not be accepted.
➢ Your work should be clearly and completely presented; marks may be reduced for poor
presentation. This includes filling your information on the cover page.
➢ Assignment will be evaluated through BB Safe Assign tool.
➢ Late submission will result in ZERO marks being awarded.
➢ This work should be your own, copying from students or other resources will result in ZERO
➢ Use Times New Roman font 12 for all your answers.
College of Administration and Finance Sciences
(Report Components)
What are the activities and tasks given to you during this
During my internship with the Program Development &
Evaluation Division, specifically with the Job Skills Testing
Group in the Training & Development Department, I had
various responsibilities. Here’s a detailed overview of my
experience and reflections on the tasks and skills developed
during this period:
New skill(s)
1. Prepare CSV Excel Sheet for Job Skills Tests:
– Collected and organized test data.
– Formatted data according to system requirements.
2. Import and Post the Test on the System:
– Uploaded test data into the online testing system.
– Ensured tests were correctly formatted and functional.
3. Score the Test on the System and the Excel Sheet:
– Used automated tools and manual verification to score
– Entered and verified scores in both the system and Excel
4. Send Test Report to Proposed Test Analyst:
– Compiled test results and generated reports.
– Communicated findings to the test analysts for review.
5. Online Monitor (Remotely):
– Supervised test takers remotely to ensure compliance.
– Provided support for any technical issues faced by test
What skills did you learn through the month?
– Technical Skills:
• Proficiency in Microsoft Excel for data management
and analysis.
• Experience with test administration software and
online monitoring tools.
– Analytical Skills:
• Enhanced ability to analyze test data and generate
College of Administration and Finance Sciences
Communication Skills:
• Improved written communication through reporting
and email correspondence.
– Problem-Solving Skills:
• Developed strategies to troubleshoot technical issues
How many meetings did you attend?
Attended 3 meetings this month, including team updates,
training sessions, and progress reviews.
What are the difficulties you had this month?
1. Technical Issues:
– Faced occasional software glitches during test uploads
and scoring.
2. Time Management:
– Balancing multiple tasks and meeting deadlines was
challenging at times.
Difficulty/ Challenge(s)
How did you overcome these difficulties?
1. Technical Issues:
– Worked closely with the IT support team to resolve
software glitches quickly.
– Followed a checklist to ensure all steps were correctly
followed during uploads.
2. Time Management:
– Prioritized tasks and used time management tools to
organize work.
– Set aside specific time blocks for each major task to
ensure timely completion.
What did you learn from completing the tasks
– Attention to Detail:
• Ensured accuracy in data preparation and scoring,
recognizing the importance of precision in job skills
– Efficiency in Work Processes:
College of Administration and Finance Sciences

Developed faster and more efficient methods for
preparing, posting, and scoring tests.
– Communication:
• Learned the importance of clear communication in
remote work settings, especially when coordinating
with team members and test takers.
What did you want to learn more?
– Advanced Data Analysis:
• Interested in learning more advanced Excel functions
and data analysis techniques to enhance reporting
– System Integration:
• Keen to understand more about how different testing
and scoring systems integrate with each other.
– Further Development in Remote Monitoring:
• Explore more sophisticated tools and techniques for
effective remote monitoring and support.
1. This report is a summary of the training activities performed.
2. You may attach additional pages if needed. And student can attach any extra note to this form.
College of Administration and Finance Sciences
Form Number 3
Internship Student Report | Month: Jul-Aug
Start Date: 23/06/2024
End Date: 15/08/2024
Student’s Name:
Student’s ID Number:
Training Organization: Saudi Aramco
Trainee Department: Training & Development
Trainee Supervisor Name:
Faculty Member:
Academic Year/Semester: Summer 2023-2024
➢ This report must be submitted on Blackboard (WORD format only) via the allocated folder.
➢ Email submission will not be accepted.
➢ Your work should be clearly and completely presented; marks may be reduced for poor
presentation. This includes filling your information on the cover page.
➢ Assignment will be evaluated through BB Safe Assign tool.
➢ Late submission will result in ZERO marks being awarded.
➢ This work should be your own, copying from students or other resources will result in ZERO
➢ Use Times New Roman font 12 for all your answers.
College of Administration and Finance Sciences
(Report Components)
What are the activities and tasks given to you during this
During my second month as an intern with the Program
Development & Evaluation Division, with the Job Skills
Testing Group in the Training & Development Department, I
continued to perform my initial tasks and took on additional
responsibilities. Here is an overview of my activities and
reflections on this month’s experiences:
– Site Visits for Online and Performance Tests:

Conducted site visits to oversee the administration of
online and performance tests.
Ensured that testing environments met required standards
and protocols.
– Preparing and Editing Forms and Templates:

Developed and updated forms and templates for various
testing processes.
Ensured that all documentation was clear, consistent, and
– Creating Reports:

Generated comprehensive reports on test performance
and other relevant metrics.
Analyzed data to provide actionable insights.
– Updating Weekly Overload for Online and Performance

Monitored and updated the schedule for online and
performance tests to manage workloads effectively.
College of Administration and Finance Sciences

Coordinated with team members to ensure smooth
execution of testing activities.
What skills did you learn through the month?
– Technical Skills:

Advanced Excel functions and data management.

Familiarity with on-site testing procedures and logistics.
– Organizational Skills:

Enhanced ability to prepare and edit professional
New skill(s)

Improved report creation and data presentation.
– Time Management and Coordination:

Efficiently managed and updated weekly workload

Coordinated site visits and remote monitoring activities.
How many meetings did you attend?
Attended approximately 2 to 3 meetings, including team
briefings, site visit planning sessions, progress updates, and
coordination meetings with test analysts and supervisors.
What are the difficulties you had this month?
– Technical and Logistical Challenges:

Dealing with unexpected technical issues during site
Difficulty/ Challenge(s)

Managing the logistics of coordinating on-site and remote
– Increased Workload:

Balancing additional tasks with ongoing responsibilities.
College of Administration and Finance Sciences
How did you overcome these difficulties?
– Technical and Logistical Challenges:

Worked closely with site coordinators and IT support to
resolve technical issues promptly.

Planned site visits in advance and communicated
effectively with team members.
– Increased Workload:

Prioritized tasks and utilized time management tools to
stay organized.

Sought guidance from supervisors and team members
when necessary.
What did you learn from completing the tasks
– Gained a deeper understanding of both remote and on-site
test administration.
– Learned the importance of flexibility and adaptability in
handling technical and logistical challenges.
– Recognized the significance of clear and effective
communication in coordinating tasks and managing
What did you want to learn more?
– Interested in learning more about advanced data analysis
and visualization techniques.
– Eager to explore the development and implementation of
performance tests.
– Impatient to understand the impact of test results on overall
training and development strategies.
College of Administration and Finance Sciences
1. This report is a summary of the training activities performed.
2. You may attach additional pages if needed. And student can attach any extra note to this form.

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