For the approved company and topic, Milestone 3 expands further into the elements of the internal and external analysis and factors facing the strategy. In addition, Milestone 3 outlines the various techniques and approach to fix the strategic issue.
What to deliver in Milestone 3:
- AIDA model: Using this link look up the AIDA model and describe how it could be used in your strategy.
- REAN framework: discusses this framework, Reach, Engage, Activate, Nurture. Conduct this type of analysis and include a chart with speaker notes identifying the key takeaways from this assessment.
- Analysis conclusion: Provide a slide with a final conclusion overview and forward-thinking approach on what lessons were learned from conducting bothtypes of analysis? What takeaways are needed for the digital marketing team to ensure that when building the strategic objectives and marketing tactics in the next milestone need to be considered?
This section should be 5-8 slides approximately. Each slide should have minimum 4-5 speaker notes at the bottom. References and sources should be properly cited where needed. Any power point template, font type is fine. The slides however need to be executive presentation format. Milestone 3 will be given feedback after it’s deadline and a grade. For the final project submission in the final week of the term, any Milestone 3 feedback from the instructor must be addressed and updated for the final submission.