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Mobile application development


should add my name to the code and the output.

College of Computing and Informatics

Assignment 1
Deadline: Day 18/02/2025 @ 23:59
[Total Mark for this Assignment is 8]
Student Details:
Name: Abdulrhman Mulla



• You must submit two separate copies (one Word file and one PDF file) using the Assignment Template on
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• It is your responsibility to check and make sure that you have uploaded both the correct files.
• Zero mark will be given if you try to bypass the SafeAssign (e.g. misspell words, remove spaces between
words, hide characters, use different character sets, convert text into image or languages other than English
or any kind of manipulation).

• Email submission will not be accepted.
• You are advised to make your work clear and well-presented. This includes filling your information on the cover

• You must use this template, failing which will result in zero mark.
• You MUST show all your work, and text must not be converted into an image, unless specified otherwise by
the question.

• Late submission will result in ZERO mark.
• The work should be your own, copying from students or other resources will result in ZERO mark.
• Use Times New Roman font for all your answers.

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Question One

Pg. 01

Question One

Explain mobile

Define Android and discuss its significance in the mobile development

computing and

landscape. Include key features that differentiate Android from other

classify types of

mobile platforms.

2 Marks

mobile devices.

Definition of Android
Android is an open-source mobile operating system developed by Google and based on
the Linux kernel. It is designed primarily for touchscreen mobile devices such as
smartphones and tablets but is also used in smart TVs, wearables, and embedded
systems. Android supports a wide range of applications through its Google Play Store,
making it one of the most versatile and widely used mobile platforms in the world.

Significance in the Mobile Development Landscape
Android has played a crucial role in shaping modern mobile development due to
several factors:
1. Market Dominance: With over 70% of the global smartphone market share,
Android is the most widely used mobile OS.
2. Open-Source Nature: Developers and manufacturers can modify the OS to suit
specific needs, leading to a diverse range of devices.
3. Developer-Friendly Ecosystem: Android provides a robust Software
Development Kit (SDK), supporting multiple programming languages like
Java, Kotlin, and Flutter (Dart).
4. Diverse Hardware Support: Unlike proprietary platforms like iOS, Android
runs on devices from various manufacturers, from budget to flagship models.
5. Rich App Ecosystem: Google Play Store offers millions of applications across
different categories, fostering innovation in mobile app development.

Key Features that Differentiate Android from Other Mobile Platforms
1. Open-Source & Customizability – Unlike iOS, Android allows manufacturers
and developers to customize the OS, leading to unique UI/UX experiences.

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Pg. 02

Question One
2. Wide Device Compatibility – Android runs on a variety of hardware, from
entry-level phones to high-end flagship devices.
3. Multiple App Stores – In addition to Google Play, users can install apps from
third-party stores or sideload APK files, offering greater flexibility.
4. Multitasking & Split-Screen Support – Android supports true multitasking,
allowing users to run multiple apps simultaneously.
5. Expandable Storage & File Management – Many Android devices support
microSD cards and provide direct file system access, unlike iOS’s closed
6. Diverse Hardware Integration – Supports a broad range of sensors, foldable
displays, and device categories such as smartwatches, TVs, and IoT devices.
7. Strong Developer Community – Google provides extensive documentation,
Android Studio IDE, and regular updates, making development more

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Question Two

Pg. 03

Question Two

2 Marks

Using XML, design a simple user interface for a fictional app. Your UI

Develop mobile

should include at least three different UI components (e.g., TextView,

applications for

Button, EditText). Explain the purpose of each component in your

multiple platforms.

design-you need to add screenshots of your work with your name as
part of the code to appear on the interface-.
Screenshot is needed.

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Pg. 04

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Question Two

Question Two

Pg. 05
Develop mobile
applications for
multiple platforms.

Question Three

3 Marks

According to the below screenshot of an app, build an Android App that
has a set of java files that implement an adapter with RecyclerView. The
details of the java files you need to create are described below.

1. The first java file should contain a data field which is in this case:
Movie_name, Director_name, Production_year.
2. The second java file contains MovieViewHolder.
3. The third java file contains the MovieAdapter which is act as a
bridge between the data items and the View inside of
4. The Mainactivity java file will contain some samples data to display.

HINT: Include the screenshot of your App, after you run the app, as a part
of your answer. In addition, copy and paste the code into this file. Otherwise,
you will be marked zero for this question.

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Pg. 06

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Question Two

Question Two

Pg. 07
Develop mobile
applications for
multiple platforms.

Question Four

2 Marks

rite the XML file and the code of the MainActivity.java of an android app
to display lifecycle of android app.
1. For XML file, you must use one TextView to display message “I am
XYZ” and in place of XYZ you must write your name.
2. In the MainActivity.java file, override onCreate method to display
Toast message “onCreate by XYZ” and in place of XYZ, in
TextView, the app must write your name as well. Similarly, coding
all other app lifecycle’s methods; onStop, onStart, onPause,
OnResume, On Restart, onDestroy
The Following Screenshot shows a sample of how the app may looks like.

HINT: Include the screenshot of the layout’s output for each state/phase
of your app, after you run the app, as a part of your answer. Otherwise,
you will be marked zero for this question.

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