i need halp
Friedel 1
Friedel Mischler
Professor Bates
29 August 2024
Annotated Bibliography
Mahtta, R., Fragkias, M., Güneralp, B., Mahendra, A., Reba, M., Wentz, E. A., & Seto,
K. C. (2022). Urban land expansion: the role of population and economic growth
for 300+ cities. Npj Urban Sustainability, 2(1), 5.
This article focuses on population density and its impact on the development and
sustainability of America by weighing the options of economic expansion against
environmental conservation (Mahtta, et al., 2022). According to Mahtta et al., although
population increases lead to economic development, the stress on the environment and
natural resources also escalates in the same proportion. It also provides a clear
comprehension of policy changes, which can potentially assist in managing population
growth much better, for example, through the reforms in urban planning and the exploitation
of renewable energy. From the bigger perspective of the issue, this source helps paint a
picture of the effects of population growth on the country’s environment. It provides
information on sustainable ways of addressing the problem.
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Budolfson, M., & Spears, D. (2021). Population ethics and the prospects for fertility
policy as climate mitigation policy. The journal of development studies, 57(9),
In this article, Budolfson & Spears explore the fallout on ethical issues of population
control policies as well as provide for practical measures in tackling problems arising out of
population issues (Budolfson & Spears, 2021). To this effect, the authors detail the pros and
cons of coercive policies compared to voluntary ones insofar as family planning. On the one
hand, the advocates of controlling population growth assert that the countries may require
restrictive measures to achieve sustainable development. On the other side, the opponents
claim that respecting human rights and people’s freedoms is crucial. Budolfson & Spears’s
method is rather sophisticated since they use examples of how various countries deal with
such moral dilemmas and in what socio-economic and cultural context. By analyzing the two
methods, this article provides vital information for the global debate on population control.
This source is of paramount importance for such considerations. It complements the book by
presenting ethical and pragmatic concerns of one of the most significant topics in current
development and human rights policy debates.
Cooper, M., & Pugh, A. J. (2020). Families across the income spectrum: A decade in
review. Journal of Marriage and Family, 82(1), 272-299.
According to Cooper & Pugh, population growth is likely to deepen income inequality in
American society, especially for low-income families. (Cooper & Pugh, 2020). With
statistical evidence, he shows how as population density increases significantly in urban
regions, income inequality rises because some population members lack access to necessities
such as education, health facilities, and employment. This inequality poses a threat to what
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little income the low-income earners have by mitigating their plight. Cooper & Pugh also
present a scathing description of the government’s current measures, noting that these
policies do not singly or redress this contradiction. According to the authors, social policies,
intervention approaches, and education changes are essential to address such gaps. The role
of population growth’s effect on income distribution is explored in the article, which also
contributes to current debates over the appropriate ways of addressing the social and
economic consequences of population growth at the state level. From Cooper & Pugh’s work,
it is clear that new policies should be thoroughly designed to foster fair welfare in societal
Kwilinski, A., Lyulyov, O., Pimonenko, T., Dzwigol, H., Abazov, R., & Pudryk, D.
(2022). International migration drivers: Economic, environmental, social, and
political effects. Sustainability, 14(11), 6413.
This article is specifically concerned with the effect of immigration on population
growth in the U. S. and the impact of this on the economy (Kwilinski, et al., 2022). The
authors claim that immigration positively correlates with population growth, which changes
labor demand, wages, and economic growth. The authors have called for a reform of
immigration policies to appeal to economic development using the boost from population
growth while covering worries about the use of resources and provision of services. This
source builds on this subject by addressing the concept of immigration as a significant factor
in population increase and exploring the positive and negative effects of integrating
immigrants into national development plans.
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Budolfson, M., & Spears, D. (2021). Population ethics and the prospects for fertility policy as
climate mitigation policy. The journal of development studies, 1499-1510.
Cooper, M., & Pugh, A. J. (2020). Families across the income spectrum: A decade in review.
Journal of Marriage and Family, 272-299.
Kwilinski, A., Lyulyov, O., Pimonenko, T., Dzwigol, H., Abazov, R., & Pudryk, D. (2022).
International migration drivers: Economic, environmental, social, and political effects.
Sustainability, 6413.
Mahtta, R., Fragkias, M., Güneralp, B., Mahendra, A., Reba, M., Wentz, E. A., & Seto, K. C.
(2022). Urban land expansion: the role of population and economic growth for 300+
cities. Npj Urban Sustainability, 5.