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HCM 700 Module Ten Journal Guidelines and Rubric
The journal ac�vi�es in this course are private between you and your instructor. Journal ac�vi�es are designed to help you make meaningful connec�ons between the course content and
the course larger goals.
This journal will encourage you to reflect upon your experience in this capstone course. As you approach the assignment, reflect on your overall experience in your graduate degree program.
A�er reviewing the module resources, please address the following:
Ini�al Belief: Explain your ini�al belief about your role in healthcare administra�on. What did you think about your role before taking this program?
Evolved Belief: Analyze how your understanding of your role in healthcare administra�on has changed. In other words, how have your specific beliefs, expecta�ons, or percep�ons
changed about your role compared to your pre-program understanding?
Personal and Professional Goals: Explain how your evolu�on in thinking has or has not impacted your personal and professional goals for the future. If your goals have changed, why? If
not, why not?
Future Applica�on: How can you apply what you know now to enhance the future state of healthcare administra�on?
What to Submit
Your journal must be submi�ed as a Microso� Word document with double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, and one-inch margins.
Module Ten Journal Rubric
Criteria Exemplary (100%) Proficient (90%) Needs Improvement (70%) Not Evident (0%) Value
Ini�al Belief Meets “Proficient” criteria and
provides insigh�ul explana�on
about the ini�al belief about
the role in healthcare
Explains the ini�al belief about
the role within healthcare
Explains the ini�al belief about
the role in healthcare
administra�on but does not
include adequate depth of
detail or insight
Does not explain the ini�al
belief about the role in
healthcare administra�on
Criteria Exemplary (100%) Proficient (90%) Needs Improvement (70%) Not Evident (0%) Value
Evolved Belief Meets “Proficient” criteria and
provides insigh�ul analysis of
how an understanding of the
role in healthcare
administra�on has changed
Analyzes how an
understanding of the role in
healthcare administra�on has
Analyzes how an
understanding of the role in
healthcare administra�on has
changed but the analysis lacks
sufficient insight
Does not analyze how an
understanding of the role in
healthcare administra�on has
Personal and Professional
Meets “Proficient” criteria and
provides insigh�ul explana�on
about the evolu�on in thinking
Explains how the evolu�on in
thinking has or has not
impacted personal and
professional goals in the future
Explains how the evolu�on in
thinking has or has not
impacted personal and
professional goals in the future
but does not include adequate
depth of explana�on
Does not explain how the
evolu�on in thinking has or has
not impacted personal and
professional goals in the future
Future Applica�on Meets “Proficient” criteria and
demonstrates strong
understanding of how to u�lize
exis�ng knowledge in future
career endeavors
Considers how to apply what
was learned on this project in
current or future career
Considers how to apply what
was learned on this project in
current or future career
endeavors but reflec�on lacks
sufficient insight
Does not consider how to
apply what was learned on this
project in current or future
career endeavors
Ar�cula�on of Response Journal assignment is free of
errors in organiza�on and
Journal assignment is mostly
free of errors of organiza�on
and grammar; errors are
marginal and rarely interrupt
the flow
Journal assignment contains
errors of organiza�on and
grammar, but errors are limited
enough so that assignment can
be understood
Journal assignment contains
errors of organiza�on and
grammar making the
assignment difficult to
Total: 100%