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Module 3-The Challenging Child

Reflection-see attachment


2 or more double-spaced pages (12pt font), synthesize your learning by summarizing how your learning in this course has evolved your professional practice. 
To meet “A” criteria as outlined in the course rubric, your reflection should include:

· A comparison of your learning goals from your Statement of Intention and Awareness in Module 1 with your new learning, to assess how you’ve grown.

One key takeaway from your learning.

One future learning goal related to course content.

Three or more detailed connections to 
specific course applications, information from readings, and other completed course activities.

This class is about building positive momentum for positive behavior in young children/early childhood. This class talks about observing children for delays so that early intervention can be help the child. There was also a lot of information of Data Collection for behavior. The ABC’s of behavior (Antecedents, Behavior, Consequences). This is something I wrote in reference to the ABC’s of behavior.

”One of the strategies I think could have helped me this past year would have been to use a Table for Data Collection: Behavior, as used in Module 2. This data provides information necessary for monitoring the behavior and determining the function(s) of the behavior. The behaviors are always trying to tell us something. With this model in hand I could identify concrete descriptions of what triggers a problem behavior. This model would be helpful in developing interventions that change or modify the behavior so that it can be treated. This approach can assist me in understanding what children are trying to express. Maybe suggesting strategies such as the use of a calming corner, break, or use of sensory items. This is a simple framework that would make it easy to communicate behaviors to other professionals in the school. The approach can be helpful in whether a particular behavior may be increasing or decreasing the likelihood of it happening again.”

There is also a lot of information on developmental milestones.

This is from Module 1- a lot of my information in the read and respond section can be used and elaborated on.

Statement of Intention and Awareness

It seems as if every New Year of students come into my classroom, the behaviors are getting worse. When one child in the classroom is disruptive a domino effect occurs. This is frustrating and impedes learning. I believe prevention is the best way to address challenging behaviors in order to decrease their occurrence in the classroom.

I have tried numerous strategies for challenging children in my classroom such as: a token system, safe seat, behavior charts, buddy room, calming corner and probably many more that I am forgetting. The most successful strategy has been to respond calmly and redirect. My goals for this course is to learn other strategies for those children that still engage in behaviors that are not improving in response to planned use of specific strategies. Challenging behaviors such as aggression, withdrawal, lack of control of extreme emotions, focus and attention. Typically the use of planned strategies or interventions provide a positive outcome. I want to learn new ways to provide a learning environment that fosters positive classroom management. In addition, I want to learn how to build positive relationships with children who experience challenging behaviors, while using strategies that tame the behaviors.

Investigation: Read and Respond

a) Antecedents-are something that comes before a behavior and may trigger that behavior. They include specific times of day, settings, people and activities. Behaviors-are anything an individual does. When documenting behaviors it is imperative to describe in detail what the individual does. Be as specific as possible. Keep assumptions out of the description and describe an accurate picture of what the behavior looked like. Consequences-are events or contexts that occur immediately after the challenging behavior. Positive reinforcement can be a consequence.

b) Implementing SEL (Social Emotional Learning) and school wide PBIS (Positive Behavior Intervention Supports) help develop the social and emotional skills of self-discipline. It helps prevent and correct behavior problems, and to meet the academic and social emotional needs of all students. A goal of PBIS is to catch behavior problems before they become a serious issue. SEL can help do that. SEL sets the base for students to improve and build on positive behaviors through the PBIS system, so using them both equals a win-win.

c) Children receive negative attention when their efforts to get positive attention don’t work. They aren’t necessarily seeking the negative attention; they are having a hard time doing what they need to do to get the positive adult attention they are craving. Adults need to successfully address the underlying challenges and shift expectations and responses. They need to move away from managing how much attention to give and moving toward meeting the child’s needs. This means working on building children’s skills rather than withdrawing attention from a child who actually needs more, not less.

d) There are many different strategies teachers can use to ensure that students can behave appropriately in the classroom. Teachers should use positive behavior management strategies such as consistent reinforcement of rules and procedures. Use behavior-specific praise and supports during transitions rather than negative reprimands. By teaching socially and behaviorally appropriate skills will help to replace problem behaviors. Students then have new skills to help with behavior problems.

e) Shaming makes a child feel, as they are bad. I have witnessed shaming of children in several ways. Some of the impacts of shaming on children have created a low self-esteem in children. Children have shut down or became aggressive. The child no longer truss he teacher and becomes discouraged. I have seen shaming actually working, but it is a great risk of distancing students, keeping the problem concealed, and away from the supports a student needs to thrive.

f) “We get control by giving control” is a powerful thing. The more strategies we have in the classroom for students to function of their own, the more independence they have. You invite them into the learning process. We are handing back the learning process to the students. The more control we give back to students, the more ownership they take in their learning. They begin to stop creating problems and become problem solvers.

g) Reflecting with help you to understand how your students best learn and will allow you to be accountable for their progress. Benefits of reflecting teaching include greater student ownership of subject knowledge and more comprehension of content. Examples of reflective teaching are keeping a teaching diary, student evaluations, changing lesson plans based on previous experiences, and invite a peer to observe. Consider what could be done differently to improve student outcomes. Another benefit of reflection in school discipline is best supported by not telling students to do it but by showing them how to do it.

h) A student’s behavior is a key factor in creating a positive learning environment for all students. It is important for the teacher to evaluate student behavior in order to identify areas for improvement and implement effective interventions or strategies to use in the classroom. If you learn why a child is misbehaving it will give you new ways to try to prevent problem behaviors. It will better help us to respond in ways that meet children’s needs. Students may also display work avoidance because they feel unprepared to complete the task. They want to have had time to have their work reviewed by a friend, parent, or sibling.

i) Explicit Instruction is systematic design of instruction. Lessons are organized and focused. They begin with a statement of goals. They provide an interactive review of pre-skills and knowledge. Provides step-by-step demonstrations. They provide guided and supported practice and use of clear and concise language.

j) Setting clear expectations eliminates doubt and sets targets. Educators should model positive behaviors. Illustrate what the behavior looks and feels like. Maintain consistency so that students know what to expect with follow through. Positively acknowledge attempts that students make toward their target behaviors. Evaluate the merit of each strategy regularly that it is working the way it should be.

One last concept was the importance of building relationships with families.

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