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  complete the “SPD-581 Differentiating Literacy Instruction” template. 

SPD-581 Differentiating Literacy Instruction

Part 1: Planning Differentiated Instruction: Complete each of the steps below to complete the chart.

· With your mentor, identify an upcoming lesson or activity in which you could work with the small group (3-5) of students.

· With your mentor, identify and unwrap at least one reading and one writing standard that will be the focus of the lesson. For each standard, identify the concepts that students need to know and the skills that student need to demonstrate.

· With your mentor, brainstorm research-based instructional strategies for differentiating the lesson content, process, and product to meet the needs of the students in the small group. With your mentor, select the instructional strategies you will employ and record them on the chart along with your rationale for using each strategy.

· With your mentor, discuss how you will assess the students and develop the assessment.

· With the guidance of your mentor, develop any materials that will be needed to support the lesson, including online tools/applications that can be used to enhance and practice literacy and creative arts skills.

· With your mentor playing the role of the students, practice presenting the lesson/activity you will do with the students to ensure you are you are correctly implementing each step of the activity and assessment.

NOTE: You will work with the small group of students to teach the lesson/activity in Part 2 of this assignment.

Grade Level: Lesson Topic/Title:

Small Group Description: Without using specific student names, describe the group of students and their literacy needs (reading, writing, speaking and listening) that the lesson is addressing.

Reading Standard(s): (List each standard in its entirety.)



Writing Standard(s): (List each standard in its entirety.)



Strategy and Rationale for Differentiating Lesson Content

(Name and describe the differentiation strategy in 1-2 sentences.

Write a 1-2 sentence rationale that supports the use of the strategy based upon the observation data and research-based best practices.)

Strategy and Rationale for Differentiating Lesson Process

(Name and describe the differentiation strategy in 1-2 sentences.

Write a 1-2 sentence rationale that supports the use of the strategy based upon the observation data and research-based best practices.)

Strategy and Rationale for Differentiating Lesson Product

(Name and describe the differentiation strategy in 1-2 sentences.

Write a 1-2 sentence rationale that supports the use of the strategy based upon the observation data and research-based best practices.)







Assessment: Summarize how you will assess student learning.

Support Materials: (List and describe any support materials that were sourced and/or developed for the lesson/activity and associated assessment. Include links when relevant.)

References: Cite 3-5 scholarly resources to support the chart content.

Part 2: Deliver Differentiated Instruction: Under the direction of your mentor, work with the small group of students you previously identified to implement the lesson/activity and assessment you designed in Part 1 of the assignment.

Part 3: Mentor Debriefing: After you implement the lesson/activity, meet with your mentor to debrief about the delivery of the lesson/activity. Record notes in the space below as you talk with your mentor about the following:

· What was your mentor’s feedback on the effectiveness of your implementation of the lesson/activity and record?

· Describe the students’ responses to the lesson/activities and what was effective in helping students practice their literacy skills. Include discussion of the student assessment results.

· Identify potential areas for change or improvement in the lesson/activity and/or assessment based upon the student response and outcomes and your mentor’s feedback.

Part 4: Reflection: In 250-500 words, address the following:

· Describe the results of implementing the lesson/activity with the students, including student assessment results. Discuss the long-term results you would expect to see if you differentiated the lesson content, process, and product with the students over an extended period of time.

· Discuss the difference between accommodations and modifications within the scope of content, process, and product. Using one of the strategies you have provided above, provide an example of an accommodation and a modification to illustrate your ideas.

· Consider the “Statement on the Integration of Faith and Work” topic Resource and explain how providing differentiated instruction can contribute to a safe, supportive classroom learning environment where students feel valued, dignified, and respected.

© 2022. Grand Canyon University. All Rights Reserved.


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