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new week 10

Instructions attached 

Feedback from last year attached 

Project plan attached

Your project framework should be clearly defined and include population, foundations,

phenomena, and variables. The framework consists of three elements:

● Methodological Approach.

○ Describe the proposedmethodological framework that aligns the

topic, problem, gap, and project questions.

● Population and Sample (including site if necessary).

○ Describe the proposed target population as it aligns with the topic,

purpose, and questions.

● Foundations, Phenomena, Variables.

○ Present evidence and explanation for the final choice of framework.

Data Collection

● Describe the proposed data collection procedures and potential ethical

considerations associated with your data collection. Data collection begins

once informed consent is confirmed. Describe where your respondents or data

are, and how youwill gather information from those individuals or sites.

Indicate the steps necessary to gather and secure data.

Ethical Considerations

● Explain potential risks to study participants and how each risk will bemitigated

to reduce ethical conflicts. Describe any ethical considerations that should be in

place to address the sample, the population overall, the data, and the topic.

Fully explain how you plan to protect your human participants along with any

data collected through other providers. Support identified ethical,

confidentiality, privacy, security, anonymity, and credibility issues and

mitigation strategies with scholarly references. Be sure to cite literature

associated with ethical responsibilities, including The Belmont Report (U.S.

Department of Health andHuman Services, 1979).

Include in-text citations and a references section at the end of your assignment.

Additional Requirements
● Written communication:Written communication is free of errors that detract

from the overall message.

○ Continue to use your Project Plan Template to structure your paper.
Refer to theVirtual Residency

○ Links to an external site.

○ Campus page for your PhD or Professional Doctorate program’s

Project Plan Guide.

● Resources: 6 scholarly references including seminal works. Include in

Reference section at the end of the paper.

● APA guidelines:Double-spaced paragraph formatting in the body of the paper.

When appropriate, use APA-formatted headings. Resources and citations are

formatted according to current APA style and format. Refer toAcademic


● Links to an external site.

● as needed.

● Font and font size: Times NewRoman, 12 points.

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