NUR 402 Leadership and Management in Nursing-2017
Rubric/Grade Allocation and Instructions for Assignment
This assignment has two sections, section A and section B. Both are to be turned in
together for grading. The assignment will be graded only once. So you must put in
your best effort while doing the assignment since you will not be able to
resubmit for a second grading. Additionally, follow the following directions
carefully to increase your chances of earning an A+ in this assignment.
Section A
Administer the leadership questionnaire posted on Populi to a Nurse
Leader/Manager at your place of work. If you do not work in a health care facility,
select one health care facility where you live and administer the questionnaire to a
nurse leader/manager at the facility.
Ask the responder to only circle the responses under the behavior that applies
to them, and then return the completed questionnaire to you for analysis.
You are required to submit the completed questionnaire for grading. Use the
guide and additional directions below to complete this assignment
A: Leadership Style Questionnaire and Analysis (Total points= 54)
1. Administer the questionnaire to your Nurse Leader (DON, Supervisor, and Unit
Manager), ask them to complete the questionnaire by only circling the responses
that apply to them for each leadership behavior category. The responder does not
need to write their name on the questionnaire. However, your Course Instructor may
call them after submission to verify that they completed the questionnaire (10
2. Follow the directions on the questionnaire on obtaining averages for each
leadership behavior and calculate the averages (5 points)
2. Draw a bar graph/histogram of the average responses and analyze the bar graph
by identifying the dominant leadership and least used leadership behaviors of the
respondent. The responses will be on the vertical axis and the leadership behaviors
will plot on the horizontal axis of the graph (15 points)
3. As a budding nurse leader, give one example of how you will apply each of the 8
leadership behaviors in the clinical setting (24 points)
B: Covey’s 7 Habits (Total points=34)
4. Read the handout posted on Populi on Covey’s 7 habits and briefly discuss the
seven habits (14 points)
5. Select any four of Covey’s 7 habits that you find most appealing as a nursing
student. Give rationales for your choices (4 points)
6. Give one specific example/situation of how you will apply in the practice setting
each of the four habits that appeal to you most. (16 points)
Mechanics (Total points -12)
Paper must be 3-6 pages long. Credit will be given for organization of content, APA
format, double-spacing, correct spelling and grammar, correct citations and