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EEC 3403


Purpose: The purpose of this assignment is to examine facilitators, barriers, and possible solutions to issues of implementing cultural competence in the classroom. 

Directions: Given the information, you have gained from the course content: 

· List and describe 5 facilitators of cultural competence in the classroom. 

· List and describe 5 possible barriers to cultural competence in the classroom.

· Provide 5 possible solutions to the barriers you have listed.


Purpose: Parents of children with disabilities typically experience more stress than families who do not have children with disabilities. The purpose of this assignment is to analyze how some of these perceptions and barriers affect family involvement.


1. Visit the following website: 

IRIS Website (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

2. Go through the module.

3. On a word document, complete the following questions: (If you experience difficulty, go back and review the Perspectives and Resources pages in the Module).

1. What is a secondary transition?

2. Why is it important for school personnel to help students plan for post-school transitions?

3. List and describe the five components of the Taxonomy for Transition Programming.

4. Explain why self-determination is important for students with disabilities.

5.  Read:
Jessica is a rising ninth-grade student who has a physical and intellectual disability and uses a wheelchair. Imagine you are Jessica’s general education teacher and a member of her IEP team. As part of her annual review meeting, Jessica and her team discuss her post-secondary plans. Following is some of the information the team learns during the meeting. 

· Strengths:

· Capable student who works hard to get passing grades

· Loves the computer and catches on quickly to games and computer programs 

· Short-term goals:

· Ride the school bus to and from school (currently, parents transport her)   

· Spend more time with friends

· Post-school goals:

· Get a job in a hospital or somewhere she can help sick people (as long as she doesn’t have to read much)

· Live on her own or with a roommate   

· Areas of need:   

· Doesn’t like to read and often doesn’t remember things she does read   

Additional information: Her parents state that she has never talked with them about her post-school goals, and they always assumed she would live with them. 

6. For each of the components of the Taxonomy for Transition Programming, recommend one or two actions you as the teacher can take to help Jessica reach her goals. Explain your responses.

    Components of Taxonomy for Transition Programming

    Actions and Explanations

Program Structure


Student-Focused Planning


Student Development


Family Involvement


Interagency Collaboration



Purpose: The purpose of this assignment is to display and describe effective processes of creating IEP meetings with families and developing strategies to include students in the IEP process.


Watch both videos provided and fill out the video observation form for each.

Video observation guide IEP.docx


Create an instructional manual designed for teachers and parents explaining key components of the IEP. Be sure to include the following:

1. Definition of IEP
b. Overview of what the IEP entails
c. Brief description of each component
d. Examples of services (at least 10) outlined in the IEP

Watch two videos (below) of mock IEP meetings. Complete the video observation (attached) form for each IEP video.

Example of a successful IEP meetingLinks to an external site.

 (IEP meeting video)

A non-collaborative IEP meetingLinks to an external site.

 (IEP meeting video)

Submit your assignment through the appropriate Assignment Dropbox.

Attach your video observations to this dropbox submission as well. Make sure the whole assignment is submitted together.


Purpose: The purpose of this assignment is to reflect on and analyze ethical considerations when working with families of children with special needs.


1. Using the course content and the 

Steps to Ethical Problem Solving,Links to an external site.
 complete a problem-solving approach to two of the case studies. 

2. Then, read and select 
two of the following case studies:

Case Study #1: The IEP deadline for Gerald is on Monday and his parents are not free to meet until the following Friday.  You’ve tried contacting them by phone for two weeks and planned to meet on Monday without them.  They have a desire to attend the meeting but had some problems with their phone.  They are just now calling you at the end of the day on Friday.  What should you do?

Case Study #2: The IEP team at your school decided that Sally would be best suited in a self-contained classroom.  After you share your recommendation with the parents, her mother expresses her relief to find that there are solutions to help her daughter.  However, Sally’s father becomes irate and yells at the mother for producing an idiot child.  He said that no daughter of his will go to the “dumb class” and then he storms out.  What should you do? 

Case Study #3: Juan has been referred for special education and you need to administer an achievement test in order for your team to come to a decision regarding his classification.  Reading is very difficult for Juan and as you are administering the test you can tell that he is becoming more and more frustrated with his own reading abilities as you continue with the test.  Finally, he falls into a heap on the floor and sobs.  Juan begs you to please not make him read any more and that he just can’t do it.  You haven’t reached any point in the test where you have gained any useful information.  What should you do?

Case Study #4: During a team meeting, your principal and school psychologist state that they believe that Beverly has an anxiety disorder.  You feel very strongly that Beverly does not have an anxiety disorder, and in fact, have evidence that Beverly actually has ADHD.  The team conversation has moved on to deciding on interventions for Beverly but you haven’t yet had a chance to voice your opinion.  What should you do?

3. Then, analyze this ethical dilemma and attempt to find a resolution for each. 

4. Write a reflection based on your analysis and solution to each ethical dilemma. Make sure to include what was violated and suggestions and strategies to ensure ethical practice when working with families. Revise and edit your work before submitting it.

ENC 3354

Discussion 16 – Dirty computer


1. Watch 

Janelle Monáe – Dirty Computer [Emotion Picture].Links to an external site.

2. Write a 500+ word response that includes the following: 
(8 Points)

1. A brief summary on the overall message/purpose of this piece.

2. How does an “Emotion Picture” differ from a traditional music video?

3. What are your thoughts on this emerging genre and its ability to promote social justice?

4. Identify at least three different moments analyzing rhetorical devices/strategies used in the emotion picture. I’m asking you to highlight 3-5 key moments that stood out and explain why they were effective. You can consider the content overall, the visual rhetoric in the cinematography, the music, and what specific appeals (logos, ethos, &/or pathos) were used.

5. Feel free to include any additional comments or reflections. 

Discussion 17- violence against women


1. Please read the following:


Violence against women as a barrier to the realisation of human rights and the exercise of citizenship


Sexual assault as trauma: a Foucauldian examination of knowledge practices in the field of sexual assault service provision

2. Respond to the following in 500+ words: 
(8 Points)

1. What did you find most interesting from each article? Why? (give a specific reference to a section of text)

2. What similarities, if any, did you note from the articles?

3. Having read these articles, how have your thoughts on feminism been affected? (expanded, reaffirmed, perspective shift, etc.)

4. How does rhetoric affect social change? (You may go beyond the articles here as you explore your ideas on rhetoric and persuasion. I’m not looking for a “right” answer. I’m interested in seeing your thoughts regarding how rhetoric can be used to make positive contributions in our society.)

Music discussion 3 – LGBTQ + WOMEN & GENDER


1. Watch the following videos:


“This Stupid Stuff” by Giant KittyLinks to an external site.

· Video not closed captioned. Reference 

Lyrics for “This Stupid Stuff”
 as needed. 

2. Contains strong content: 

Amanda Palmer reveals powerful video for ‘Mr. Weinstein Will See You Now’ on anniversary of #MeTooLinks to an external site.


“You Need to Calm Down” by Taylor SwiftLinks to an external site.


“Chow Down” by DwvLinks to an external site.

· Video not closed captioned. Reference 

Lyrics for “Chow Down”
 as needed. 

2. Write a 250+ word reflection on how rhetoric is used in these videos to promote social justice. You can comment on the lyrics, images, music and overall thoughts. If you have another recommendation of a song that fits, please feel free to share it on this discussion board. 
(8 Points)

WST 3106

Discussion 3 – class/wealth/poverty refelctions


For this discussion, students will read two classism chapters, watch Juno’s video, and read her chapter on 
The Laws That Sex Works Really Want
 ( p.218), 
and answer a question on class categories.  After reading the two chapters and watching the one video, write a 
one-paragraph summary for each chapter and video (
totaling three paragraphs). 
A paragraph consists of at least 5-7 complete sentences. Be very descriptive with your answers for questions 4 and 5 for each chapter/video. 


[Insert Chapter Title]

1. What is this chapter/video’s general story, message, or theme? What are the authors saying overall in this piece of writing/video?

2. Briefly summarize some key points or sub-themes that the authors use to illuminate their general message.

3. Describe three specific details or examples in this chapter/video that link to the general message.

4. What did you learn that was new after reading this chapter and watching the video? Choose one or two examples of what you had not known or thought about before.  Be specific about what was new, using examples and evidence from the chapter/video.

5. What did you feel you knew before that was confirmed after reading this chapter and watching the video? Be specific about your prior knowledge and state examples and evidence to explain.


[Insert Chapter Title]

1. What is this chapter/video’s general story, message, or theme? What are the authors saying overall in this piece of writing/video?

2. Briefly summarize some key points or sub-themes that the authors use to illuminate their general message.

3. Describe three specific details or examples in this chapter/video that link to the general message.

4. What did you learn that was new after reading this chapter and watching the video? Choose one or two examples of what you had not known or thought about before.  Be specific about what was new, using examples and evidence from the chapter/video.

5. What did you feel you knew before that was confirmed after reading this chapter and watching the video? Be specific about your prior knowledge and state examples and evidence to explain.


Juno Mac Chapter & Video:  
The Laws That Sex Works Really Want (p.218) and TED Talk

Juno Mac, one of the textbook authors ( p.218), gave a TED talk on  
The Laws That Sex Works Really Want.  In addition to reading Juno’s chapter 
The Laws That Sex Workers Really Want(p.218), watch her TEDX Talk: Click on the 

Link to video.Links to an external site.

1. How are you affected by viewing and hearing her presentation? How is this similar or different from the ways you’ve been accustomed to thinking about sex work?

2. What did you learn that was new after reading this chapter and watching the video? Choose one or two examples of what you had not known or thought about before.  Be specific about what was new, using examples and evidence from the chapter/video.

3. What issues are illuminated differently by looking at sex work through the lens of labor ( as a real  “paying job”)?


Class Categories

Reflect on the following questions in one paragraph:

1. Are you in the U.S. middle class? Check out the survey link and calculator:  

Are you in the US Middle Class?Links to an external site.

2. What does being in an upper, middle, or lower category in the U.S. mean to you?

3. Based on your country’s research project- switerzland  (
GGP2: Class, Wealth, and Poverty), how would you be categorized in that country, using their class categories? Explain. 

SSE 4380


1. Consider the impact of economic insecurity on democratic systems. Reflecting on the evidence provided in the readings, how might economic instability affect democratic participation and trust in democratic institutions? In your response, discuss how economic insecurity could influence individuals’ engagement in democratic processes and their perceptions of fairness and representation. Use specific examples and evidence from the readings to support your analysis.


1. Reflecting on ‘The 6 Biggest Challenges Facing Children in 2022’ and the ‘Children’s Climate Risk Index,’ think about how these challenges specifically affect children in your own community. Identify at least two specific examples from the readings and explain how they connect to local issues you have observed or experienced. In your response, discuss your personal thoughts on the impact of climate change on children’s rights and well-being. How might local actions or initiatives address these compounded issues effectively? Your entry should include personal observations and insights that demonstrate your engagement with both the global and local aspects of the problem.


1. Reflect on the key lessons learned from past pandemics. How have these pandemics highlighted vulnerabilities and shaped our understanding of global health security? Considering current factors that contribute to spillover outbreaks and their potential to escalate into pandemics, what specific strategies or measures should nation-states adopt to enhance their preparedness and prevention efforts? Use evidence from the readings to support your analysis of these impacts and the effectiveness of proposed strategies.


1. Based on insights from the two readings, how can a reimagined approach to globalization effectively address its current challenges, criticisms, and the issue of economic inequality? Be specific in detailing proposed strategies and include citations from both readings to support your analysis.

Please remember: This section uses 

Habits of Mind. 
As you engage in the course readings and assignments, please incorporate these habits into your thinking strategies and indicate which habits of mind were helpful to you on the modules’ readings. 
Please use the following questions as a guideline for reflective writing in your weekly assignments and discussions:

1. As you recall the habits of mind (HoM), which ones do you think you use most?

2. Was this a new habit of mind? Or was it one you have already mastered?


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