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Operational Excellence Project Part B: Kaizen or Work-Out Proposal Detailed Agenda

JWI 550: Operational Excellence
Assignment 2

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550 Assignment 2 (1244) Page 1 of 4

Operational Excellence Project Part B: Kaizen or Work-Out Proposal Detailed Agenda
Due: Monday, 9:00 am (eastern), Week 7 (20% of course grade)


Kaizen events or Work-Outs are one- to five-day rapid improvement events widely used in the
deployment of Lean and Operational Excellence. Jack was a huge fan of Work-Outs, which were so
named because the focus was on getting the unnecessary work out of the system. These events were
NOT just brainstorming sessions but were well-planned and highly structured events that had:

 A well-defined process and set of expectations going in
 Sufficient time and freedom from distraction so participants could focus on the issues being

 Participation by key stakeholders all the way from line workers to senior management
 Clearly defined requirements for decision and action

In Part B of your Course Project, you will construct a detailed agenda for such an event. The agenda
must demonstrate how you will get input from key stakeholders involved with the selected process, use
the correct Lean tools, and conclude the event with actionable improvement outcomes.


Use your work from Part A of your Course Project to identify improvement opportunities in the process
you mapped that are suitable for Kaizen events or Work-Outs.

1. Identify and describe at least three potential Kaizen or Work-Out events.

2. Select one event to be deployed and justify your selection of this event over your other options.

3. Define the Kaizen objective and scope for the selected event.

4. Develop a detailed agenda for your selected event. Use a tabular format, showing:

• Days and Times
• Session Topics and Objectives
• Lean tools to be Used
• Outputs or Deliverables

Day Time Session Topic/Objective Lean Tools Output/Deliverables

JWI 550: Operational Excellence
Assignment 2

© Strayer University. All Rights Reserved. This document contains Strayer University confidential and proprietary information and may not be
copied, further distributed, or otherwise disclosed, in whole or in part, without the expressed written permission of Strayer University. This
document is subject to change based on the needs of the class.

550 Assignment 2 (1244) Page 2 of 4

5. Explain how your agenda supports the Kaizen objective and scope for the event. In your
explanation, include your rationale for:

 Duration of sessions (granular enough to be effective)

 Number of days and sequence for session topics

 Lean tools to be used and outputs from each session.

Your explanation must be specific to your processes and organization/department/function so that
all stakeholders in your organization can relate to the agenda.

Submission Requirements

Your work is to be submitted in Word. Total length should be 3 to 4 pages, including the actual agenda.

You are free to organize your submission in whatever way you feel best presents the material and makes
it easy to understand. Typically, this will mean presenting each day’s tabular agenda in granular detail
(15-minute to 2-hour timeslots with details for each session) and then providing supporting pages with
additional explanations.

As guidance, design this as a document you would share with your team and/or your supervisor. It should
be detailed enough to clearly explain how the event will be structured and why but concise enough that it
will get read.

Note: A generic agenda for a Kaizen event or a generic Lean discussion is not acceptable.

JWI 550: Operational Excellence
Assignment 2

© Strayer University. All Rights Reserved. This document contains Strayer University confidential and proprietary information and may not be
copied, further distributed, or otherwise disclosed, in whole or in part, without the expressed written permission of Strayer University. This
document is subject to change based on the needs of the class.

550 Assignment 2 (1244) Page 3 of 4

RUBRIC: Course Project Part B

CRITERIA Honors High Pass Pass Low Pass Unsatisfactory

1. Identify and describe
at least three potential
Kaizen or Work-Out

Weight: 15%

Three or more
potential Kaizen
events are
included with
descriptions of

Three or more
potential Kaizen
events are
included with
very good
descriptions of

Two potential
Kaizen events
are included with
good summary
descriptions of

Two potential
Kaizen events
are included;
may include
basic or unclear
descriptions of
one or more of
the events.

One or no
potential Kaizen
events identified
inaccurately or

2. Select one event to
be deployed and
justify your selection
of this event over your
other options.

Weight: 10%

Selection of
event is clear
and specific;
understanding of
challenges and
opportunities of
each option and
presents a
rationale for
selecting this
event over other

Selection of
event is clear
and specific;
demonstrates a
understanding of
challenges and
opportunities of
each option and
presents a
sound rationale
for selecting this
event over other

Selection of
event is clear;
good insight into
the challenges
opportunities of
each option;
presents a
reasonable but
general rationale
for selecting one
event over other

Selection of
event is clear;
basic insight into
the challenges
opportunities of
each option;
presents a
vague rationale
for selecting one
event over other

Selection of
event is missing
or unclear;
little insight into
the challenges
opportunities of
each option;
lacks a coherent
rationale for
selecting one
event over other

3. Define the Kaizen
objective and scope
for the selected event.

Weight: 10%

Objective and
scope for the
selected event
are clearly
excellent insight
into the
between a
realistic scope
and available

Objective and
scope for the
selected event
are clearly
defined and
very good
insight into the
between a
realistic scope
and available

Objective and
scope for the
selected event
are good but
may would
benefit from
further detail;
good insight into
the relationship
between a
realistic scope
and available

Objective and
scope for the
selected event
meet minimum
basic insight into
the relationship
between a
realistic scope
and available

Objective and
scope for the
selected event
are missing,
unclear or off-
minimal insight
into the
between a
realistic scope
and available

4. Develop a detailed
agenda for your
selected Kaizen event
using a tabular

Weight: 35%

Detailed agenda
with all columns
correctly; easy
to read and
provides clear
information on
how each event
is organized and
extra attention to
visual appealing
and overall

Detailed agenda
with all columns
correctly; tabular
format.is easy to
read and
provides clear
but concise
information on
how each event
is organized and

Detailed agenda
with correct
sequence of
topics; well-
organized and
easy to read but
provides only
information on
how each event
is organized and

Agenda showing
mostly complete
sequence of
topics; use of
tabular format
meets minimum
may lack
sufficient and/or
explanation of
how each event
is organized and

No agenda
included or
agenda is
incomplete or is
lacks clear
explanation of
how each event
is organized and

JWI 550: Operational Excellence
Assignment 2

© Strayer University. All Rights Reserved. This document contains Strayer University confidential and proprietary information and may not be
copied, further distributed, or otherwise disclosed, in whole or in part, without the expressed written permission of Strayer University. This
document is subject to change based on the needs of the class.

550 Assignment 2 (1244) Page 4 of 4

CRITERIA Honors High Pass Pass Low Pass Unsatisfactory

5. Explain how your
agenda supports the
Kaizen objective and
scope for the event.

Weight: 30%

explanation of
choices and
application of
Lean tools;
explanation of
how the agenda
supports the
Kaizen objective
and scope for
each event;
clear indication
of specific
connections to
stream and

explanation of
choices and
application of
Lean tools; clear
explanation of
how the agenda
supports the
Kaizen objective
and scope for
each event.

explanation of
choices and
application of
Lean tools but
may include
vague or
explanation of
how the agenda
supports the
Kaizen objective
and scope for
each event.

Basic, but
explanation of
choices and
application of
Lean tools;
rationale for how
the agenda
supports the
Kaizen objective
and scope for
each event. is

missing, or
explanation of
choices and
application of
Lean tools;
rationale for how
the agenda
supports the
Kaizen objective
and scope for
each event. is
missing or

  • Instructions
  • Use your work from Part A of your Course Project to identify improvement opportunities in the process you mapped that are suitable for Kaizen events or Work-Outs.
  • Submission Requirements

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