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Organisational Performance and Culture in Practice


Level 5 Associate Diploma in

  • People Management

  • Organisational Learning and DevelopmentTask

    – Questions

    To complete the task, you should provide a written response to each of questions below, making

    appropriate use of academic theory and practical examples to expand your response and

    illustrate key points.

    1. Evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of both a divisional structure and a matrix

    structure. Within the evaluation, you should include the reasons underpinning each

    structure. (AC 1.1)

    2. Analyse the extent to which the organisational strategy in your organisation (or an

    organisation with which you are familiar) helps to ensure products or services meet

    customers’ needs. (AC 1.2)

    3. Analyse the current impact of interest rates, inflation and one other external factor on

    your organisation (or one with which you are familiar). Identify organisational priorities

    arising from your analysis. (AC 1.3)

    4. In February 2024, Peter Cheese, current CEO of CIPD stated, “AI is transforming jobs,

    careers and workplaces. People professionals have a key role to play in encouraging safe

    experimentation and rapid learning, so that we can reap the benefits and mitigate the

    risks.” Assess the extent that AI is, or could be, used in your organisation (or an

    organisation with which you are familiar) and assess how AI impacts work. (AC 1.4)

    5. Explain Charles Handy’s model of organisational culture and explain David Rock’s SCARF

    theory. (AC 2.1)

    6. Assess how employee selection or employee development impacts organisational culture

    and behaviour in your organisation (or one with which you are familiar). (AC 2.2)

    7. An organisation is planning a change relating to hybrid working. Many employees moved

    to home working during the Covid-19 pandemic. Whilst this approach worked well at the

    time, the organisation now wants all employees to work at least two days a week on site.

    Explain how Kotter’s approach to managing change could be used to successfully

    implement this change. (AC 2.3)

    8. Using the Kubler-Ross change curve, discuss how change is experienced. (AC 2.4)

    9. The CIPD’s Health and wellbeing at work survey 2023 found the percentage of

    organisations that have a standalone wellbeing strategy has risen from 40% in 2018 to 53%

    in 2023. Although the percentage has increased, this means that 47% of organisations do

    not have a standalone wellbeing strategy. Assess the importance of wellbeing at work

    and assess how good work could impact wellbeing. (AC 2.5)

    10. Provide a brief overview of the employee lifecycle and discuss people practice roles at

    the recruitment, development and separation stages of the lifecycle. (AC 3.1)Level 5 Associate Diploma

  • Version 1 – Released June 2024
  • Expires June 2025
  • Study Centre information only: Last moderation window is September 2025
  • 11. Analyse how people practice supports organisational strategy through vertical integration

    and how people practice supports wider people strategies through horizontal integration.

    (AC 3.2)

    12. An organisation is planning to introduce a four-day working week. Discuss the processes

    the people function could use to consult and engage with managers and employees to

    understand their needs when moving from a five-day to four-day working week. (AC 3.3)

    Font and format

    Your assessment should always be clear and easy to read. Always select a readable font – some of our favourites are Arial, Calibri and Century Gothic. Use size 12 font along with 1.5 line spacing so that it can be read online more easily.

    sing headings effectively

    When used properly, headings are a great tool for keeping track of your progress and ensuring you have included all the required elements. They also provide an excellent signpost for the marker/reader to check you have addressed all requirements. Try to utilise headings throughout your assessment. For example, have your tasks as main headings and then use subheadings for assessment criteria or specific questions.

    Meeting the academic standard 

    During your qualification, you’ll need to demonstrate the relevant academic level within your assessments. This could include referencing models, theories and frameworks, or evidencing your responses with citations and quotes.

    Font and format

    Your assessment should always be clear and easy to read. Always select a readable font – some of our favourites are Arial, Calibri and Century Gothic. Use size 12 font along with 1.5 line spacing so that it can be read online more easily.

    Appendices – how and when?

    An appendix should only be used for supportive information, unless a particular assessment says otherwise.

    Top Tip: If the information is required to satisfy the requirements of the assessment criteria, it must be in the main body of the submission.


    Any models, theories or citations from external sources that are used within your work MUST be referenced, as you are acknowledging that these are not your original ideas.

    Use Harvard referencing, as this is the preferred referencing method of CIPD. You can find further guidance and information on Harvard referencing in your Get Started area.

    Top Tip: Remember, referencing is a method of ‘underpinning’ or evidencing your narrative, it should never be used to replace your own words but just as a support tool. You need to demonstrate YOUR knowledge and understanding within your responses.

    Word count

    Many learners find sticking to the word count for assessments quite a challenge. However, looking at the word count is an excellent way to gauge the amount of detail required for the different parts of your assessment. Make sure to stick to the stated word counts on the assessment brief to achieve the required grade for your work.

    Top tip: Take a quick note of the word count but work through the assessment with a focus on covering the required content. Once you have completed your first draft, review your work to tweak and remove words if needed. It’s also a good idea to ask someone else to have a read through your work to ensure you haven’t repeated yourself.

    Organisational performance and
    culture in practice
    Learner Assessment Brief
    Assessment ID / CIPD_5CO01_24_01

    Level 5 Associate Diploma in

    People Management
    • Organisational Learning and Development

    Version 1 – Released June 2024

    Expires June 2025

    Study Centre information only: Last moderation window is September 2025

    Level 5 Associate Diploma

    Organisational performance and
    culture in practice
    This unit assessment examines the connections between organisational structure and the wider
    world of work in a business context. It highlights the factors and trends, including the digital
    environment, that impact on business strategy and workforce planning, recognising the influence
    of culture, employee wellbeing and behaviour in delivering change and organisational

    CIPD’s insight
    Organisational climate and culture (October 2023)
    Organisational culture is an important aspect of organisational life and a term that has become a
    mainstay among business leaders. The work of HR, L&D and OD influences and is influenced by
    organisational culture because every organisation is made up of human relationships and human
    Despite its dominance, the language of culture is often unclear and difficult to define, meaning
    it is also hard to measure. Consequently, real culture change is near-impossible if we can’t
    actually pin down what we’re looking to change. Rather than culture, focusing on organisational
    climate – the meaning and behaviour attached to policies, practices and procedures employees
    experience – is a much more specific, tangible way to positively influence the workplace.
    This factsheet explores why organisational culture is a popular but limited construct, and why
    shifting to organisational climate is much more effective for employers.
    Explore our viewpoint on organisational culture in more detail, along with actions for
    government and recommendations for employers.

    Organisation development (May 2023)
    In an ever-evolving world of work, it’s important that organisations adapt to ensure businesses
    performance. This factsheet explains what organisation development (ODV) is, what areas of
    focus and expertise it involves, and explores what ODV looks like in practice.
    There are many ways to describe organisation development (ODV), all of which share common
    features despite their varied meanings. In this factsheet we will use the abbreviation ODV rather
    than OD to distinguish organisation development from organisation design.

    Version 1 – Released June 2024

    Expires June 2025

    Study Centre information only: Last moderation window is September 2025

    Level 5 Associate Diploma
    Please note that the purpose of this insight is to link you to CIPD’s research and evidence within the subject
    area, so that you can engage with the latest thinking. It is not provided to replace the study required as
    part of the learning or as formative assessment material.

    Preparation for the Tasks:

    At the start of your assessment, you are encouraged to plan your work with your assessor
    and where appropriate agree milestones so that they can help you monitor your progress.

    Refer to the indicative content in the unit to guide and support your evidence.

    Pay attention to how your evidence is presented.

    Ensure that the evidence generated for this assessment remains your own work.

    You will also benefit from:

    Completing and acting on formative feedback from your assessor.

    Reflecting on your own experiences of learning opportunities and continuous professional

    Reading the CIPD Insight, Fact Sheets and related online material
    on these topics as well as key research authors on the subject.

    Version 1 – Released June 2024

    Expires June 2025

    Study Centre information only: Last moderation window is September 2025

    Level 5 Associate Diploma

    Task – Questions
    To complete the task, you should provide a written response to each of questions below, making
    appropriate use of academic theory and practical examples to expand your response and
    illustrate key points.

    1. Evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of both a divisional structure and a matrix
    structure. Within the evaluation, you should include the reasons underpinning each
    structure. (AC 1.1)
    2. Analyse the extent to which the organisational strategy in your organisation (or an
    organisation with which you are familiar) helps to ensure products or services meet
    customers’ needs. (AC 1.2)
    3. Analyse the current impact of interest rates, inflation and one other external factor on
    your organisation (or one with which you are familiar). Identify organisational priorities
    arising from your analysis. (AC 1.3)
    4. In February 2024, Peter Cheese, current CEO of CIPD stated, “AI is transforming jobs,
    careers and workplaces. People professionals have a key role to play in encouraging safe
    experimentation and rapid learning, so that we can reap the benefits and mitigate the
    risks.” Assess the extent that AI is, or could be, used in your organisation (or an
    organisation with which you are familiar) and assess how AI impacts work. (AC 1.4)
    5. Explain Charles Handy’s model of organisational culture and explain David Rock’s SCARF
    theory. (AC 2.1)
    6. Assess how employee selection or employee development impacts organisational culture
    and behaviour in your organisation (or one with which you are familiar). (AC 2.2)
    7. An organisation is planning a change relating to hybrid working. Many employees moved
    to home working during the Covid-19 pandemic. Whilst this approach worked well at the
    time, the organisation now wants all employees to work at least two days a week on site.
    Explain how Kotter’s approach to managing change could be used to successfully
    implement this change. (AC 2.3)
    8. Using the Kubler-Ross change curve, discuss how change is experienced. (AC 2.4)
    9. The CIPD’s Health and wellbeing at work survey 2023 found the percentage of
    organisations that have a standalone wellbeing strategy has risen from 40% in 2018 to 53%
    in 2023. Although the percentage has increased, this means that 47% of organisations do
    not have a standalone wellbeing strategy. Assess the importance of wellbeing at work
    and assess how good work could impact wellbeing. (AC 2.5)
    10. Provide a brief overview of the employee lifecycle and discuss people practice roles at
    the recruitment, development and separation stages of the lifecycle. (AC 3.1)

    Version 1 – Released June 2024

    Expires June 2025

    Study Centre information only: Last moderation window is September 2025

    Level 5 Associate Diploma

    11. Analyse how people practice supports organisational strategy through vertical integration
    and how people practice supports wider people strategies through horizontal integration.
    (AC 3.2)
    12. An organisation is planning to introduce a four-day working week. Discuss the processes
    the people function could use to consult and engage with managers and employees to
    understand their needs when moving from a five-day to four-day working week. (AC 3.3)

    Your evidence must consist of:
    Written answers to the assessment questions (approximately 4550 words, refer to CIPD word
    count policy).

    Version 1 – Released June 2024

    Expires June 2025

    Study Centre information only: Last moderation window is September 2025

    Level 5 Associate Diploma

    Assessment Criteria Evidence Checklist
    You may find the following checklist helpful to make sure that you have included the required
    evidence to meet the task. This is not a mandatory requirement as long as it is clear in your
    submission where the assessment criteria have been met.
    Assessment criteria


    Evidence reference

    1.1 Evaluate the advantages and
    disadvantages of different types of
    organisation structures, including the
    reasons underpinning them.
    1.2 Analyse connections between
    organisational strategy, products,
    services and customers.
    1.3 Analyse external factors and trends
    impacting organisations to identify
    current organisational priorities.
    1.4 Assess the scale of technology within
    organisations and how it impacts work.
    2.1 Explain theories and models which
    examine organisational culture and
    human behaviour.
    2.2 Assess how people practices impact on
    organisational culture and behaviour.
    2.3 Explain different approaches to
    managing change.
    2.4 Discuss models to show how change is
    2.5 Assess the importance of wellbeing at
    work and the different factors which
    impact wellbeing.
    3.1 Discuss the links between the employee
    lifecycle and different people practice
    3.2 Analyse how people practice connects
    with other areas of an organisation and
    supports wider people and
    organisational strategies.

    Version 1 – Released June 2024

    Expires June 2025

    Study Centre information only: Last moderation window is September 2025

    Level 5 Associate Diploma
    Assessment criteria


    Evidence reference

    3.3 Discuss processes for consulting and
    engaging with internal customers to
    understand their needs.

    Version 1 – Released June 2024

    Expires June 2025

    Study Centre information only: Last moderation window is September 2025

    Level 5 Associate Diploma

    Organisational performance
    and culture in practice
    Assessment Criteria marking descriptors.
    Assessors will mark in line with the following assessment criteria (AC) marking descriptors, and
    will indicate where the learner sits within the marking band range for each AC.
    Assessors must provide a mark from 1 to 4 for each assessment criteria within the unit. Assessors
    should use the mark descriptor grid as guidance so they can provide comprehensive feedback that
    is developmental for learners. Please be aware that not all the mark descriptors will be present in
    every assessment criterion, so assessors must use their discretion in making grading decisions.
    The grid below shows the range for each unit assessment result based on total number of marks
    awarded across all assessment criteria.
    To pass the unit assessment learners must achieve a 2 (Low Pass) or above for each of the
    assessment criteria.
    The overall result achieved will dictate the outcome the learner receives for the unit, provided
    NONE of the assessment criteria have been failed or referred.
    Please note that learners will receive a Pass or Fail result from the CIPD at unit level. Referral
    grades can be used internally by the centre.

    Overall mark

    Unit result

    0 to 23


    24 to 30

    Low Pass

    31 to 39


    40 to 48

    High Pass

    Version 1 – Released June 2024

    Expires June 2025

    Study Centre information only: Last moderation window is September 2025

    Level 5 Associate Diploma

    Marking Descriptors
    Mark Range




    The response DOES NOT demonstrate sufficient knowledge,
    understanding or skill (as appropriate) to meet the AC.
    Insufficient examples included where required to support answer.
    Insufficient or no evidence of the use of wider reading to help
    inform answer.
    Presentation or structure of response is not appropriate and does
    not meet the requirement of the question/assessment brief.


    Low Pass

    The response demonstrates an acceptable level of knowledge,
    understanding or skill (as appropriate) to meet the AC.
    Sufficient acceptable examples included where required to support
    * Sufficient evidence of appropriate wider reading to help inform
    answer. Satisfactory in-text referencing.
    Answer is acceptable but could be clearer in responding to the
    question/task and presented in a more coherent way.
    Required format adopted but some improvement required to the
    structure and presentation of the response.



    The response demonstrates a good level of knowledge,
    understanding or skill (as appropriate) to meet the AC.
    Includes confident use of examples, where required to support the
    * Good evidence of appropriate wider reading to help inform
    answer. A good standard of in-text referencing.
    Answer responds clearly to the question/task and is well expressed.
    Presentation and structure of response is appropriate for the


    High Pass

    The response demonstrates a wide and confident level of
    knowledge, understanding or skill (as appropriate) to meet the AC.
    Includes strong examples that illustrate the points being made and
    support the answer.
    * Considerable evidence of appropriate wider reading to inform
    answer. An excellent standard of in-text referencing.
    Answer responds clearly to the question/task and is particularly well
    expressed or argued.
    Presentation and structure of response is clear, coherent, and
    responds directly to the requirements of the question/task.

    Version 1 – Released June 2024

    Expires June 2025

    Study Centre information only: Last moderation window is September 2025

    Purchase answer to see full

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