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Organizational culture

Project 2: Organizing

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BMGT 364 Project 2 (Week 4) – Organizational Culture and Structure

Project 2 is due at the end of Week 4 by Tuesday at 11:59 p.m. eastern time.


This project will view a video and discuss the assigned organization’s organizational culture and organizational structure.   

Outcome Met by Completing This Assignment

· Organize human, physical, and financial resources for the effective and efficient attainment of company’s goals.

How to Set Up the Paper

Create a Word or Rich Text Format (RTF) document that is double-spaced using 12-point font. The final product will be 
5-6 pages in length, excluding the title and reference pages. Write clearly and concisely. 

Provide a title page with a title, date, your name, course, and section number, and the instructor’s name.


You have been hired as an associate for a software company, Dysfunctional Software. Dysfunctional Software offers support solutions to a wide range of software issues and business needs. Dysfunctional’s client list exceeds 500 businesses in the United States and 200 businesses in other countries. The company has recently started to experience significant and rapid growth. As a result of the recent growth, Dysfunctional Software realizes it must respond to client and market demands more rapidly. Dysfunctional Software knows that it needs to attract and retain the highest quality employees in the market to develop a sustained competitive advantage. Accordingly, Dysfunctional Software desires to establish an organizational culture and climate that maximizes individual efficiency, productivity, and job satisfaction.   

Your manager, Harry Harried, has asked you to help create a recruiting video for Dysfunctional Software that will entice potential new employees to work there and provide ideas management can pursue to explore to ensure a positive work culture is developed that maximizes efficiency and productivity at the corporate and individual level. He wants to portray Dysfunctional as a company with a deep commitment to its employees, a positive corporate culture, and employees embracing its core values and enjoying coming to work. As background for the task of developing the video, Mr. Harried provides you with a recruiting video for Spotify, acknowledged as a world-class employer by its 30-country global workforce. Mr. Harried believes that Spotify is an exceptional company in terms of its approach to employees, its hiring practices, its organizational culture, and its organizational structure.   

You are requested to view the video on Spotify:

  (You may need to right-click on the link and open it in a new window.) Mr. Harried also requires you to read the material he has assigned (i.e., your course material for this project).  

After viewing the video read the assigned project material, you must write a report to Mr. Harried covering the information requested below. For the report, you are using only the Spotify video and course materials.

Use the following center 
Bolded and left-justified 
Bolded headings and instructions to complete the project.


· Write an Introduction paragraph. The introduction paragraph is the first paragraph of the paper and will describe the paper’s intent to the reader, explaining the main points covered in the paper. The introduction ensures the reader knows exactly what is being covered in the paper. The introduction is often written after the paper is completed. (Use in-text citations as required.)

                                                      Organizational Culture 

· Discuss the seven dimensions of organizational culture. (Use headings below and in-text citations as required.)

· Present examples for each of the seven dimensions of culture using Spotify’s organizational culture. Your description of Spotify’s organizational culture is accomplished by extracting facts from the video and matching those facts with the appropriate dimension descriptor. You must provide support, justification, and, where appropriate, in-text citation for the video facts matched with the dimension descriptors. (Use headings below and in-text citations as required.)

Seven Dimensions of Culture Discussion (Use headings below and in-text citations as required.)

Spotify’s Video Facts/Examples (Use in-text citations as required.)   

                                                        Competitive Advantage 

· Discuss how Spotify uses its corporate culture to create a competitive advantage.  Provide examples supported by your analysis, as drawn from the video information and the course materials.
 (Use in-text citations as required.)

                                                        Organizational Structure 

· Identify and discuss Spotify’s organizational structure, as depicted in the video. Based on your examples ascertained from the video, use the course material to elaborate on 
two specific examples to fully explain the various types and aspects of organizational structure that you have selected from the video to analyze. (Use in-text citations as required.)


· Create a concluding paragraph. The conclusion paragraph highlights the major findings covered in the paper. (Use in-text citations as required.)


Review the Paper 

Read the paper to ensure all required elements are present.

The following are specific requirements that you will follow. Use the checklist to mark that you have followed each specific requirement.  


Specific Project Requirements


Proofread your paper. Ensure your topic heading matches those above. 


Read and use the grading rubric while completing the report to ensure all requirements are met to lead to the highest possible grade. 


Third-person writing is required. Third-person means that there are no words such as “I, me, my, we, or us” (first-person writing), nor is there use of “you or your” (second-person writing).  If uncertain how to write in the third person, view this link: 


Contractions are not used in business writing.  


Paraphrase instead of quoting to show a greater understanding of the topics. Paraphrasing means you do not use more than four consecutive words from a source document. Put a passage from a source document into your own words and attribute the passage to the source document.  Using more than four consecutive words from a source document would require direct quotation marks.


You are expected to use the provided weekly course materials to develop the analysis and support the reasoning. There should be a robust use of the course material. The material used from a source document must be cited and referenced.  A reference within a reference list cannot exist without an associated in-text citation and vice versa. Changing words from a passage does not exclude the passage from having quotation marks.   


Use in-text citations and provide a reference list that contains the reference associated with each in-text citation.


You may not use books in completing this problem set unless they are part of the course material. Also, do not use a dictionary, Wikipedia or Investopedia, or similar sources.


Provide the page or paragraph number for in-text citation of quoted material. Since the eBook does not have page numbers, you must include the chapter title, section heading, and paragraph number. 

For citations using a video, you must provide the minutes and second of the cited material.

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