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Part1 gov

Review the Scope of Work, Standard Bidding Terms, and Standard Terms of Purchase and draft any questions that you would submit to the purchasing officer. If you do not believe that any questions need to be asked, explain why.


Draft a 3-5 page memorandum where you take on the role of a potential offeror in response to this solicitation describing:

· The steps you would take to make sure that you could submit a responsive proposal

· The purpose of submitting questions in response to a solicitation

· What questions you believe should be asked in this procurement

1. Drafting the question as you would submit it to the procurement officer and then adding a description of why the question should be asked and what you hope to gain by asking the question, OR

2. If you believe that no questions are needed, explain fully why you are choosing not to ask any questions.




Insurance Brokerage Service Scope of Work


Clemson University Standard Terms of Purchase – Revision F (Effective November 15, 2020)


Clemson University Standard Bidding Terms and Conditions – Revision D (Effective November 15, 2020)

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