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Pharmacology projects

 All of these are separate assignments that take place to end up with a PowerPoint presentation and a paper at the end
. I would need you to make each one in a different document

Thank you so much for everything and the amazing work you do every time.

Assignment #2


Begin Research for Your Drug Projects 

After getting approval for your drug of choice, you are to begin a bibliography review on your drug of choice for a PowerPoint Presentation Assignment #5

and Scholarly Writing Project Assignment #6

Choose from the list provided and reach out to your instructor with your selection. Once your instructor has approved your selection, review a minimum of five academic articles and map out your research on your drug of choice by creating a table that includes the information you found on your drug of choice, including the author, the date, article name, Summary of the article, location of the published source, and page number.

· Famotidine (Pepcid, Pepcid AC, Zantac 360)

APA reference

Article name

Brief Summary


Published date


Page numbers

Article #1

Article #2

Article #3

Article #4

Article #5

 Assignment #3


Draft of Project

For this week, please present a draft/outline of your PowerPoint project (see 

Module 5 Assignment


Assignment #4


Draft of Script for PowerPoint Presentation

Next week you will be presenting your drug of choice. Draft a script of how you plan to narrate your PowerPoint presentation.

Assignment #5


Drug PowerPoint Presentation

For this week you will present a voiceover Powerpoint presentation (with the video on) on your drug of choice ( I will do this part with the information from the speaker notes). The purpose of the presentation is for you to educate your colleagues on the drug you have selected. The presentation must include information about the:

· Drug pharmacology, pharmacokinetics

· Brand name

· Generic name

· Dosing

· Indications for use

· Side effects

· Contraindications

· Pregnancy class

· You must also perform a cost analysis of the drug.

· Provide a patient case study on a patient in which you would utilize the drug you have selected and include at least two peer-reviewed evidence-based studies related to the drug.

· Describe the appropriate patient education. 

· What is your role as a Nurse Practitioner for prescribing this medication to this patient on your case study presentation?

· Describe the monitoring and follow-up.


Submission Instructions:

· Incorporate a minimum of 4 current (published within last five years) scholarly journal articles within your work. 

· PowerPoint presentation with 12-15 slides, excluding the title slide and the reference slide.

· The presentation is clear and concise, and students will lose points for improper grammar, punctuation, and misspelling.

 Assignment #6

Scholarly Writing

For this assignment, you will write a paper on the pharmacological management of the disease. The paper should include a review of the:

· Select a disease process that is of interest to you.

· Pathophysiology of the disease state.

· Review of the pharmacological agents used for treatment and important information related to advanced practice nurse.

· Each student will clearly write a title for this topic: For examples, “Pharmacological Effects of Anti-Hypertensive Medications in the Management of Hypertension”.


Submission Instructions:

· The paper is to be clear and concise and students will lose points for improper grammar, punctuation, and misspelling.

· The paper should be formatted per the current APA and 5-7 pages in length, excluding the title, abstract and references page.

· This assignment will be assessed through Turnitin.

· Incorporate a minimum of 5 current (published within the last five years) scholarly journal articles within your work.


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