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PICOT appraisal

instructions attached

Submission Type: 6-to-8-page paper that includes three appraisal appendices at the end.


Last week, you identified a few quantitative research studies to help answer your PICOT question. In this two-week assignment, you will critically appraise three of the studies to evaluate the evidence they offer. At least one study must be a randomized clinical trial (RCT). Examples of rapid critical appraisal checklists that can be used for different types of quantitative studies are linked at the bottom of this assignment. Each critical appraisal will address the (1) validity, (2) reliability, and (3) applicability of the study.

After appraising the three studies, write a paper addressing each study’s validity, reliability, and applicability. Use APA formatting and include an introduction and conclusion. Be sure to include a reference page and appendix with copies of the completed critical appraisal checklists for each of the three studies.

This assignment should be no more than 6-8 pages (not including the title or references pages) and include the following components: 


1. Title Page

2. Introduction: include a summary of the primary intent of your paper 

3. For each of the three studies, use the appropriate appraisal tool, address all items, and include detailed write-ups for:

A. The validity of the study,

B. The reliability of the study,

C. The applicability of the study.

4. Conclusion

5. Reference Page

6. Appendix

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