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PICOT Literature search

exact instructions to follow attached

Submission Type: 6-to-8-page paper

Details: This Literature Search Review should be 6-8 pages (not including the title or references pages)

Part 1

Review the systematic search strategies and examples in Chapter 3 before completing this assignment.

Part 2

Choose one PICOT question from the Week 2 Assignment. Complete the tasks below to address this question with the following components:

Title Page: Use APA style

Introduction: Summarize the primary intent of your paper

· Key Words: Identify five to seven keywords from your PICOT Question.

Databases: Determine at least three appropriate databases you plan to search and explain why they are applicable.

Synonyms: Identify at least two synonyms for each PICOT component.

Screen Shots: Conduct your search using the identified keywords and synonyms from identified databases. Include screenshots of the process.

Subject Headings: Identify at least two subject headings for each PICOT component from the initial hits in databases. 

Total Yield per Database: The total yield for each combined keyword, synonym, and subject heading across all PICOT terms combined using the Boolean connector AND and OR.  

Limiters: Define and apply at least three appropriate limiters (e.g., age, language, human, etc.). I

Inclusion/Exclusion Criteria: Define and apply your inclusion/exclusion criteria to further narrow results. Final Yield: Identify the final yield for all the PICOT terms across all databases.

Final Yield: Identify the final yield for all the PICOT terms across all databases.

Document: Using APA format, organize and list ten or more studies (at least 10) related to this question.



In hospitalized adult patients (P), how does the use of electronic hand hygiene monitoring systems (I) compared to traditional observational audits (C) affect hand hygiene compliance rates (O) within a 6-month period (T)?


Are school-aged children (P) who have high screen time exposure (I) compared to those without excessive screen time (C) at increased risk for obesity (O) over a 12-month period (T)?


For adult patients with type 2 diabetes (P), how does participation in a structured lifestyle modification program (I) compared to standard care alone (C) influence long-term glycemic control (HbA1c levels) (O) over 12 months (T)?

In hospitalized adult patients (P), how does the use of electronic hand hygiene monitoring systems (I) compared to traditional observational audits (C) affect hand hygiene compliance rates (O) within 6 months (T)?

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