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A very effective tool that consultants use to market their skills and capabilities is the case study. A case study outlines the work done for a client and how the consultant helped them reach their business goals.

Case studies communicate the value of your services to potential customers. In your case, this artifact could be used to demonstrated your business acumen to potential employers.



· Beginning: Start the story from the client situation when you were introduced to them

· Middle: What did your consulting company do?

· Discuss the process and activities undertaken

· Deliverables provided to the client

· Why were you successful? What did you do well?

· Results: Describe the impact that you had and future plans

· Use subjective as well as objective outcomes


· Use varying fonts

· Bullet points

· Visuals (multi-media components)

· Title should be attention-getting


· Written form

· Video

· Infographic

· Podcast





IMPORTANT CONSIDERATIONS: Do not include the company name or any specific information that could identify the company (this is important for maintenance of confidentiality)


1. What undergraduate competencies did you use to complete your industry project? Link each one to specific example of an activity that you performed and rank your performance from 1-10 where one represents beginner and ten represents ready for application in the business world. Highlight at least 5 competencies.

2. State five things you learned in this course and why you think they will be important in the business world or in your profession?

3. As you near graduation and face the business world, explain one Industry Project course experience, in more detail, that you will never forget, in terms of a positive and memorable learning outcome.

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